Α retrospective cohort study of the need for oral surgery οn disabled patients treated under general anaesthesia
George Theodoridis1, Ioannis Tilaveridis2, Grigorios Venetis2, Athanasios Kyrgidis3, Lampros Zouloumis4
Laboratory of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
DOI: 10.54936/haoms2527587
SUMMARY: General anaesthesia in special needs den- tistry is a reliable method, which facilitates the provi- sion of dental treatment, including oral surgery, to un- cooperative patients with mental or physical disability, when other behavioural control techniques become ineffective.
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the need to perform oral surgery on patients with disability, who were treated under general anaesthesia in hospitals of Macedonia, in relation to their particular demographic and clinical characteristics.
Patients and Methods: The records of 579 patients un- dergoing 672 sessions of dental treatment under general anaesthesia in three hospitals were reviewed. Anony- mized demographic data, medical and dental informa- tion and dental treatment data related to dental treat- ment under general anaesthesia from 2008 to 2022 were extracted and analysed both with descriptive sta- tistics and analytical statistical methods, appropriate for a retrospective cohort study.
Results: A total of 672 sessions of dental treatment were performed under general anaesthesia οn 393 males and 279 females. 22.5% involved patients in the primary or mixed dentition phase aged 3-12 years and 77.5% pa- tients in the permanent dentition phase aged 13-63. A total of 6223 treatments were carried out, with extrac- tions accounting for 39,44% of the total and the rest of oral surgery procedures accounting for 1.14%. 45.81% of a total of 5357 teeth in need of treatment due to caries or periodontal disease were extracted. No sta- tistically significant differences were observed in the means of extractions or other oral surgery procedures between the 3-12 and the 13-63 age groups. Statisti- cally significant differences were found in the means of scaling (p<0.0001) and preventive dental treatments (p=0.0028) between the two groups.Conclusions: The need to perform oral surgery proce- dures on disabled patients with limited cooperation un- der general anaesthesia is high, with extractions consti- tuting a large proportion of therapeutic treatments and without any significant reduction observed in their fre- quency over time. The rest of oral surgery procedures, although representing a relatively low percentage of the total, are characterised by a wide range, necessitating the ability of the dentist to perform them under general anaesthesia in the hospital environment.
KEY WORDS: oral surgery, dental extractions, dental general anaesthesia (DGA), patients with disability.
Laboratory of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
DOI: 10.54936/haoms2527587
SUMMARY: General anaesthesia in special needs den- tistry is a reliable method, which facilitates the provi- sion of dental treatment, including oral surgery, to un- cooperative patients with mental or physical disability, when other behavioural control techniques become ineffective.
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the need to perform oral surgery on patients with disability, who were treated under general anaesthesia in hospitals of Macedonia, in relation to their particular demographic and clinical characteristics.
Patients and Methods: The records of 579 patients un- dergoing 672 sessions of dental treatment under general anaesthesia in three hospitals were reviewed. Anony- mized demographic data, medical and dental informa- tion and dental treatment data related to dental treat- ment under general anaesthesia from 2008 to 2022 were extracted and analysed both with descriptive sta- tistics and analytical statistical methods, appropriate for a retrospective cohort study.
Results: A total of 672 sessions of dental treatment were performed under general anaesthesia οn 393 males and 279 females. 22.5% involved patients in the primary or mixed dentition phase aged 3-12 years and 77.5% pa- tients in the permanent dentition phase aged 13-63. A total of 6223 treatments were carried out, with extrac- tions accounting for 39,44% of the total and the rest of oral surgery procedures accounting for 1.14%. 45.81% of a total of 5357 teeth in need of treatment due to caries or periodontal disease were extracted. No sta- tistically significant differences were observed in the means of extractions or other oral surgery procedures between the 3-12 and the 13-63 age groups. Statisti- cally significant differences were found in the means of scaling (p<0.0001) and preventive dental treatments (p=0.0028) between the two groups.Conclusions: The need to perform oral surgery proce- dures on disabled patients with limited cooperation un- der general anaesthesia is high, with extractions consti- tuting a large proportion of therapeutic treatments and without any significant reduction observed in their fre- quency over time. The rest of oral surgery procedures, although representing a relatively low percentage of the total, are characterised by a wide range, necessitating the ability of the dentist to perform them under general anaesthesia in the hospital environment.
KEY WORDS: oral surgery, dental extractions, dental general anaesthesia (DGA), patients with disability.
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