Editorial 2, 2021
Athanassios Kyrgidis
In my first Editorial, and despite the efforts of all the contributors of the journal, the “printer’s devil” has made its appearance. There was therefore a significant omission of a member of the edito- rial board. I therefore welcome the new Associ- ate Editor-in-Chief, Assistant Professor Dr. Dr. L. Goutzanis (Google Scholar: 43 publications, 484 citations, Hirsch index = 12), former Secretary General and Treasurer of the HAOMS and now Vice President and UEMS delegate. Given the op- portunity, I note that Dr. Dr. L. Goutzanis is the chairman of the organizing committee of HAOMS 2022, the annual National Conference with Inter- national Participation of our Scientific Association. I wish him good luck and I declare my endorse- ment in every possible manner for the success of HAOMS 2022 in the adverse environment cre- ated by the pandemic.
The issue you are holding in your hands is a more representative sample of the work of the new edi- torial board. The number of published papers has increased to 7 (from 5 in the previous issue and from 4 in the issues of the previous years), a fact that increases the chances of receiving citations for the journal. In order to make the journal more popular, an effort was made to attract foreign writ- ers without this meaning that Greek writers will not have a permanent podium. Efforts have also been made to improve the impact of published work, with the aim of the journal being to publish, beyond case reports and series, more systematic reviews and original studies.
The first article concerns a review from the Univer- sity OMFS Clinic of National Kapodistrian Universi- ty of Athens. It deals with the surgical management of patients receiving chronic aspirin. The question of bridging / discontinuation concerns a very large number of patients who present to the dental clin- ics. The review summarizes current knowledge in a comprehensible and comprehensive manner(1). The second article is original and concerns a clinical study conducted at the Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Radiology at the University of Lon- don, Queen Mary Hospital. It studies changes in the temporomandibular joint in 107 patients with ante- rior disc displacement (with or without dislocation) as recorded using magnetic resonance imaging(2).
The third article is also original and concerns a clini- cal cohort study by the Dental Department of the General Hospital. “Agios Dimitrios” of Thessalo- niki. Dental procedures under general anesthesia in people with disabilities, management and epidemi- ology of dental problems in this particular group of patients are recorded(3). The fourth article in the issue is also an original study, conducted at the Saveetha University OMFS Department, at Chennai, India, on the perception and use of antimicrobials by graduate students of Saveetha University School of Dentistry(4). In keeping with tradition, this issue in- cludes three case reports. The 5th article therefore concerns for the first time in Greece the restora- tion of cancer of the oral cavity with a free vascular fibula flap, which was done after computed tomog- raphy assisted digital design and under the guidance of special digitally prefabricated surgical guides. The patient was treated at the 424 General Military Hospital of Thessaloniki, while the planning, resec- tion of the tumor and restoration with a free flap (harvesting, tailoring and anastomosing) using the computed tomography assistance fabricated guide was done exclusively by Maxillofacial Surgeons(5). Article 6 refers to a case of orthokeratinized odon- togenic cyst which is a rarer entity than Keratocys- tic Odontogenic Tumor with different therapeutic requirements(6). Finally, the 7th published work of the issue is also a case report that describes a case of Bullous pemphigoid in the oral cavity as the first and simultaneous clinical manifestation(7).
Some of the papers of this issue are published in Greek and English regarding the Title, the Authors and the Abstract while in full text only in English which was the language in which they were origi- nally submitted. This possibility is provided by the new operating regulations of the “Archives” which is valid from 16/4/21. The above option was im- perative in order to be able to publish the increased number of manuscripts without increasing the size of the issue excessively.
In this issue, the Scientific Committee is now uni- fied, ie there is no separation of members accord- ing to their academic-research department loca- tion, but the country of origin of all members of the committee is mentioned. New additions are Prof. Anastasios Kanatas (United Kingdom), Prof. Spyros Papacharalamous (Cyprus), Dr. Eleftherios Kalim- eras (Cyprus), Prof. Karthik Shunmugavelu (India) and Prof. of Neurosurgery Parmenion Tsitsopoulos (Greece).
Closing the 2nd Editorial I would like to thank the Publisher of the “Archives” “Odontiatriko Vima” and in particular Mr. Othonas Gotsis and Mr. Notis Rigas who despite the increased demands of time and volume of work, coped exemplary. The Edito- rial Board will need their help in the future as more developments in the field of electronic archiving and cataloging of the journal are imminent.
In my first Editorial, and despite the efforts of all the contributors of the journal, the “printer’s devil” has made its appearance. There was therefore a significant omission of a member of the edito- rial board. I therefore welcome the new Associ- ate Editor-in-Chief, Assistant Professor Dr. Dr. L. Goutzanis (Google Scholar: 43 publications, 484 citations, Hirsch index = 12), former Secretary General and Treasurer of the HAOMS and now Vice President and UEMS delegate. Given the op- portunity, I note that Dr. Dr. L. Goutzanis is the chairman of the organizing committee of HAOMS 2022, the annual National Conference with Inter- national Participation of our Scientific Association. I wish him good luck and I declare my endorse- ment in every possible manner for the success of HAOMS 2022 in the adverse environment cre- ated by the pandemic.
The issue you are holding in your hands is a more representative sample of the work of the new edi- torial board. The number of published papers has increased to 7 (from 5 in the previous issue and from 4 in the issues of the previous years), a fact that increases the chances of receiving citations for the journal. In order to make the journal more popular, an effort was made to attract foreign writ- ers without this meaning that Greek writers will not have a permanent podium. Efforts have also been made to improve the impact of published work, with the aim of the journal being to publish, beyond case reports and series, more systematic reviews and original studies.
The first article concerns a review from the Univer- sity OMFS Clinic of National Kapodistrian Universi- ty of Athens. It deals with the surgical management of patients receiving chronic aspirin. The question of bridging / discontinuation concerns a very large number of patients who present to the dental clin- ics. The review summarizes current knowledge in a comprehensible and comprehensive manner(1). The second article is original and concerns a clinical study conducted at the Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Radiology at the University of Lon- don, Queen Mary Hospital. It studies changes in the temporomandibular joint in 107 patients with ante- rior disc displacement (with or without dislocation) as recorded using magnetic resonance imaging(2).
The third article is also original and concerns a clini- cal cohort study by the Dental Department of the General Hospital. “Agios Dimitrios” of Thessalo- niki. Dental procedures under general anesthesia in people with disabilities, management and epidemi- ology of dental problems in this particular group of patients are recorded(3). The fourth article in the issue is also an original study, conducted at the Saveetha University OMFS Department, at Chennai, India, on the perception and use of antimicrobials by graduate students of Saveetha University School of Dentistry(4). In keeping with tradition, this issue in- cludes three case reports. The 5th article therefore concerns for the first time in Greece the restora- tion of cancer of the oral cavity with a free vascular fibula flap, which was done after computed tomog- raphy assisted digital design and under the guidance of special digitally prefabricated surgical guides. The patient was treated at the 424 General Military Hospital of Thessaloniki, while the planning, resec- tion of the tumor and restoration with a free flap (harvesting, tailoring and anastomosing) using the computed tomography assistance fabricated guide was done exclusively by Maxillofacial Surgeons(5). Article 6 refers to a case of orthokeratinized odon- togenic cyst which is a rarer entity than Keratocys- tic Odontogenic Tumor with different therapeutic requirements(6). Finally, the 7th published work of the issue is also a case report that describes a case of Bullous pemphigoid in the oral cavity as the first and simultaneous clinical manifestation(7).
Some of the papers of this issue are published in Greek and English regarding the Title, the Authors and the Abstract while in full text only in English which was the language in which they were origi- nally submitted. This possibility is provided by the new operating regulations of the “Archives” which is valid from 16/4/21. The above option was im- perative in order to be able to publish the increased number of manuscripts without increasing the size of the issue excessively.
In this issue, the Scientific Committee is now uni- fied, ie there is no separation of members accord- ing to their academic-research department loca- tion, but the country of origin of all members of the committee is mentioned. New additions are Prof. Anastasios Kanatas (United Kingdom), Prof. Spyros Papacharalamous (Cyprus), Dr. Eleftherios Kalim- eras (Cyprus), Prof. Karthik Shunmugavelu (India) and Prof. of Neurosurgery Parmenion Tsitsopoulos (Greece).
Closing the 2nd Editorial I would like to thank the Publisher of the “Archives” “Odontiatriko Vima” and in particular Mr. Othonas Gotsis and Mr. Notis Rigas who despite the increased demands of time and volume of work, coped exemplary. The Edito- rial Board will need their help in the future as more developments in the field of electronic archiving and cataloging of the journal are imminent.
- Papamikidou S, Kolomvos Ν, Theologie-Lygidakis Ν: Surgical proce- dures in patients on aspirin. Literature Review. Hellenic Archives οf Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2021;22:57
- Karthik S, Vaswani DM, Arasu M et al.: A comparative study of the ef- fects of the anterior disc displacement with reduction and without reduction on the components of the temporomandibular joint by using magnetic resonance imaging – A Retrospective study. Hel- lenic Archives οf Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2021;22:73
- Perperidou V, Tilaberidis I, Venetis G et al.: A clinical-statistical study of patients with disabilities’ oral health problems, treated under general anesthesia, at the dental department of «Agios Dimitri- os» General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece, from 01/01/2008 to 31/12/2009 Hellenic Archives οf Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2021;22:87
- Shivangi G, Madhulaxmi M: Antibiotic Resistance - Knowledge, At- titude And Practice Based Survey Amongst Dental Health Care Providers In An Institution. Hellenic Archives οf Oral & Maxillofa- cial Surgery 2021;22:101
- Chatzistefanou I, Tilaveridis I, Banikas V et al.: Computer-assisted resection of mandibular cancer and repair with fibula free flap. Hel- lenic Archives οf Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2021;22:109
- Sheik Sameerudeen MM, Mugundan RN, Shwetha S, Fahmidha A: Expect the unexpected – A rare case of Orthokeratinized Od- ontogenic Cyst and its surgical management. Hellenic Archives οf Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2021;22:119
- Karthik S, Arasu M, Sriram S et al.: Bullous pemphigoid: Case report and review of literature. Hellenic Archives οf Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2021;22:125
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