The evolution of pediatric oral, maxillofacial, and craniofacial surgery, from
Hippocrates the Koan to Paul Tessier: a brief historical review
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: Assoc. Professor F. Ch. Tzerbos), “METROPOLITAN” Hospital,
Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine (Head: Assoc. Professor E. Poulakou-Rebelakou), School of Medicine, National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens, “P.D. Marinopoulos” Pharmacy (Head: E. Ch. Papadopoulou)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2015) 3, 103-118
SUMMARY: Pioneers of oral, maxillofacial, and craniofacial surgery moved into uncharted waters when they established oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery, usually without skilled anesthetists, monitoring devices, surgical intensive care units, antibiotics, surgical instruments or power tools, or any other sophisticated facilities that are available today. Instead of all the above that are considered mandatory today, they only had an immense amount of courage, intelligence, foresight, and imagination
to guide them. The same principles developed in treating adult patients with oral, maxillofacial and craniofacial surgical problems were applied to pediatric patients by the engaged surgeons throughout time. In this brief historical review, the concepts and treating methods of the masters are presented in chronological order starting from Hippocrates the Koan, the Father of Medicine, and extending to Paul Tessier, the master craniofacial surgeon who summarized his treating philosophy and attitude to the motto “Pourquoi pas?” (Why not?).
KEY WORDS: historical review, pediatric oral, maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery.
Adams WM: Internal wiring fixation of facial fractures. Surgery 12: 4, 1942
Angle EH: The Angle system of treating fractures of the maxillary
bones. Br J Dent Sci 33: 484-491, 1890
Angle EH: Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth and Fractures of
the Maxillae: Angle’s System. Philadelphia, SS White, 1898
Axhausen G: Zur Behandlung veralteter, disloziert verheilter
Oberkieferbrüche. Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferhlkd. 1: 334-342, 1934
Barton JR: Systemic bandage for fracture of the lower jaw. Am Med
Rec 2: 153, 1819
Bell WH: Revascularization and bone healing after anterior maxillary
osteotomy: A study using adult rhesus monkeys. J. Oral Surg. 27:
249–255, 1969
Bell WH: Biologic basis for maxillary osteotomies. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol.
38: 279, 1973
Blair VP: Operations of the jaw bone and face. Surg Gynecol Obstet
4: 67, 1907
Buck G Jr: Fracture of the lower jaw. Proc NY Med Surg Soc, March
Cheever DW: Displacement of the upper jaw. Med Surg Rep Boston
City Hosp 1: 156, 1870
Cohn-Stock G: Die chirurgische Immediatregulierung der Kiefer,
speziell die chirurgische Behandlung der Prognathie. Viertelj. schr.
Zahnheilk. 3: 320, 1921.
Converse JM: Reconstruction of the floor of the orbit by bone grafts.
Arch Ophthalmol 44: 1, 1950
Converse JM, Wood-Smith D: Horizontal osteotomy of the mandible.
Plast Reconstr Surg 34: 464, 1964
Dal Pont G: L’ osteotomia retromolare par la converzione della progenia.
Minerva Chir 14: 1138, 1959
Ernst F: Uber die chirurgische Beseitigung der Prognathie des Unterkiefer
(Progenie). Zentralbl Chir 65: 179, 1938
Gillies HD: Plastic Surgery of the Face. London, Hodder & Stoughton,
Gillies HD: Fracture of the malar zygomatic compound. Br J Surg 14:
651-656, 1927
Gillies HD, Rowe NL: L’osteotomie du maxillaire superieur envisage
essentielment dan le cas de bec de lievre total. Rev Stomatol Chir
Maxillofac 55: 545, 1954
Gillies HD, Millard DR Jr: The Principles and Art of Plastic Surgery.
Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1957
Gilmer TL: Fractures of the inferior maxilla. Ohio St J Dent Sci 2: 14,
57, 112, 1882
Gunning TB: The treatment of lower jaw by interdental splints. NY
Med J 3: 433, 1866
Hofer O: Die operative Behandlung der alveolären Retraktion des
Unterkiefers und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für Prognathie
und Mikrogenie. Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd 9: 121-
132, 1942
Hullihen SP: Case of elongation of the underjaw and distortion of the
face and neck, caused by a burn, successfully treated. Am J Dent
Sci 9(series 1): 157, 1849
Ilizarov GA: The principles of the Ilizarov method. Bull Hosp Joint Dis
Orthop Inst 48: 1, 1988
Karp NS, Thorne CH, McCarthy JG, Sissons HA: Bone lengthening in
the craniofacial skeleton. Ann Plast Surg 24: 231-7, 1990
Kazanjian VH: Jaw reconstruction. Am J Surg 3: 249, 1939
Keen WW: Surgery: Its Principles and Practice. Philadelphia, WB Saunders,
Lang W: Traumatic enophthalmos with retention of perfect acuity of
vision. Trans Ophthalmol Soc 9: 41-45, 1889
Le Fort R: Etude experimental sur les fractures de la machoire superieur.
Rev Chir Paris 23: 280, 1901
Lothrop HA: Fracture of the superior maxillary bone. Boston Med Surg
J 154: 8-11, 1906
McCarthy JG, Schreiber J, Karp N, Thorne CH, Grayson BH : Lengthening
the human mandible by gradual distraction. Plast Reconstr
Surg 89: 1-8, 1992
Matas R: Fracture of the zygomatic arch. New Orleans Med Surg J 49:
139-157, 1896
Molina F, Ortiz Monasterio F: Mandibular elongation and remodeling
by distraction: a farewell to major osteotomies. Plast Reconstr
Surg 96:825-40, 1995
Mylonas AI, Tzerbos FH: Cranio-maxillofacial surgery in Corpus Hippocraticum.
J Cranio-maxillofac Surg 34: 129-134, 2006
Mylonas AI: Oral and maxillofacial surgery in Byzantium: from the divine
darkness and overpassing of Faith to the Science and Art of Surgery.
Thesis submitted to the University of Athens School of Medicine,
for the PhD degree in the History and Philosophy of Medicine
(in Greek), Athens; 2011
Mylonas AI, Poulakou-Rebelakou EF, Androutsos GI, Seggas I, Skouteris
CA, Papadopoulou EC: Oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery in
Byzantium. J Cranio-maxillofac Surg 42: 159-168, 2014
Obwegeser H: Die einzeitige Vorbewegung des Oberkiefers und Rückbewegung
des Unterkiefers zur Korrektur der extremen “Progenie”.
Schweiz Monatschr Zahnheilkd 80: 547-555, 1970
Schuchardt K, Schwenzer N, Rottke B, Lentrodt J: Ursachen, Häufigkeit
und Lokalisation der Frakturen des Gesichtsschädels. Fortschr.
Kiefer Gesichtschir. 11: 1-6, 1966
Tessier P, Woillez M, Lekieffre M, Assenan R: Diplopies post-traumatiques
et greffes osseuses. Bull Soc Ophthalmol 73: 258-271, 1960
Tessier P, Guiot G, Rougerie J, Delbet JP, Pastoriza J: Osteotomies
cranio-naso-orbitales: hypertelorisme. Ann Chir Plast 12: 103,
Tessier P: Anatomical classification of facial, craniofacial and laterofacial
clefts. J Maxillofac Surg 4: 69, 1969
Tessier P: The conjuctival approach to the orbital floor and maxilla in
congenital malformation and trauma. J Maxillofac Surg 1: 3-8, 1973
Tessier P: Telorbitism: Orbital (ocular) hypertelorism. In Tessier P, et
al (eds): Plastic Surgery of the Orbits and Eyelids (Wolfe SA,
trans). New York, Masson, p. 224, 1981
Tessier P: Subperiosteal facelift. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 34: 193-197,
Trauner R, Obwegeser H: The surgical correction of mandibular prognathism
and retrognathia with consideration of genioplasty: Part
I. Oral Surg 10: 677, 1957
Wassmund M: Fracturen und Fixationen des Gesichtsschadels unter
Beriicksichtigung der Komplikationen des Hirnschadels. Klin Ther
Prakt Lehrbuch. 20: 284, 1927
Wassmund M: Lehrbuch der Praktischen Chirurgie des Mundes und
der Kiefer. Joh. Ambrosious Barth, 1935
William of Saliceto: Praexos Totos Mediciniae. Venice, 1975
Wiseman R: Several Chirurgical Treatises. London, 1868
Wolfe SA: Looking back, looking ahead: how we arrived at our current
thinking about craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery. In: Posnick JC
(ed.), Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery in children and young
adults, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 3-21, 2000 [Chapter
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: Assoc. Professor F. Ch. Tzerbos), “METROPOLITAN” Hospital,
Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine (Head: Assoc. Professor E. Poulakou-Rebelakou), School of Medicine, National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens, “P.D. Marinopoulos” Pharmacy (Head: E. Ch. Papadopoulou)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2015) 3, 103-118
SUMMARY: Pioneers of oral, maxillofacial, and craniofacial surgery moved into uncharted waters when they established oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery, usually without skilled anesthetists, monitoring devices, surgical intensive care units, antibiotics, surgical instruments or power tools, or any other sophisticated facilities that are available today. Instead of all the above that are considered mandatory today, they only had an immense amount of courage, intelligence, foresight, and imagination
to guide them. The same principles developed in treating adult patients with oral, maxillofacial and craniofacial surgical problems were applied to pediatric patients by the engaged surgeons throughout time. In this brief historical review, the concepts and treating methods of the masters are presented in chronological order starting from Hippocrates the Koan, the Father of Medicine, and extending to Paul Tessier, the master craniofacial surgeon who summarized his treating philosophy and attitude to the motto “Pourquoi pas?” (Why not?).
KEY WORDS: historical review, pediatric oral, maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery.
Adams WM: Internal wiring fixation of facial fractures. Surgery 12: 4, 1942
Angle EH: The Angle system of treating fractures of the maxillary
bones. Br J Dent Sci 33: 484-491, 1890
Angle EH: Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth and Fractures of
the Maxillae: Angle’s System. Philadelphia, SS White, 1898
Axhausen G: Zur Behandlung veralteter, disloziert verheilter
Oberkieferbrüche. Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferhlkd. 1: 334-342, 1934
Barton JR: Systemic bandage for fracture of the lower jaw. Am Med
Rec 2: 153, 1819
Bell WH: Revascularization and bone healing after anterior maxillary
osteotomy: A study using adult rhesus monkeys. J. Oral Surg. 27:
249–255, 1969
Bell WH: Biologic basis for maxillary osteotomies. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol.
38: 279, 1973
Blair VP: Operations of the jaw bone and face. Surg Gynecol Obstet
4: 67, 1907
Buck G Jr: Fracture of the lower jaw. Proc NY Med Surg Soc, March
Cheever DW: Displacement of the upper jaw. Med Surg Rep Boston
City Hosp 1: 156, 1870
Cohn-Stock G: Die chirurgische Immediatregulierung der Kiefer,
speziell die chirurgische Behandlung der Prognathie. Viertelj. schr.
Zahnheilk. 3: 320, 1921.
Converse JM: Reconstruction of the floor of the orbit by bone grafts.
Arch Ophthalmol 44: 1, 1950
Converse JM, Wood-Smith D: Horizontal osteotomy of the mandible.
Plast Reconstr Surg 34: 464, 1964
Dal Pont G: L’ osteotomia retromolare par la converzione della progenia.
Minerva Chir 14: 1138, 1959
Ernst F: Uber die chirurgische Beseitigung der Prognathie des Unterkiefer
(Progenie). Zentralbl Chir 65: 179, 1938
Gillies HD: Plastic Surgery of the Face. London, Hodder & Stoughton,
Gillies HD: Fracture of the malar zygomatic compound. Br J Surg 14:
651-656, 1927
Gillies HD, Rowe NL: L’osteotomie du maxillaire superieur envisage
essentielment dan le cas de bec de lievre total. Rev Stomatol Chir
Maxillofac 55: 545, 1954
Gillies HD, Millard DR Jr: The Principles and Art of Plastic Surgery.
Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1957
Gilmer TL: Fractures of the inferior maxilla. Ohio St J Dent Sci 2: 14,
57, 112, 1882
Gunning TB: The treatment of lower jaw by interdental splints. NY
Med J 3: 433, 1866
Hofer O: Die operative Behandlung der alveolären Retraktion des
Unterkiefers und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für Prognathie
und Mikrogenie. Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd 9: 121-
132, 1942
Hullihen SP: Case of elongation of the underjaw and distortion of the
face and neck, caused by a burn, successfully treated. Am J Dent
Sci 9(series 1): 157, 1849
Ilizarov GA: The principles of the Ilizarov method. Bull Hosp Joint Dis
Orthop Inst 48: 1, 1988
Karp NS, Thorne CH, McCarthy JG, Sissons HA: Bone lengthening in
the craniofacial skeleton. Ann Plast Surg 24: 231-7, 1990
Kazanjian VH: Jaw reconstruction. Am J Surg 3: 249, 1939
Keen WW: Surgery: Its Principles and Practice. Philadelphia, WB Saunders,
Lang W: Traumatic enophthalmos with retention of perfect acuity of
vision. Trans Ophthalmol Soc 9: 41-45, 1889
Le Fort R: Etude experimental sur les fractures de la machoire superieur.
Rev Chir Paris 23: 280, 1901
Lothrop HA: Fracture of the superior maxillary bone. Boston Med Surg
J 154: 8-11, 1906
McCarthy JG, Schreiber J, Karp N, Thorne CH, Grayson BH : Lengthening
the human mandible by gradual distraction. Plast Reconstr
Surg 89: 1-8, 1992
Matas R: Fracture of the zygomatic arch. New Orleans Med Surg J 49:
139-157, 1896
Molina F, Ortiz Monasterio F: Mandibular elongation and remodeling
by distraction: a farewell to major osteotomies. Plast Reconstr
Surg 96:825-40, 1995
Mylonas AI, Tzerbos FH: Cranio-maxillofacial surgery in Corpus Hippocraticum.
J Cranio-maxillofac Surg 34: 129-134, 2006
Mylonas AI: Oral and maxillofacial surgery in Byzantium: from the divine
darkness and overpassing of Faith to the Science and Art of Surgery.
Thesis submitted to the University of Athens School of Medicine,
for the PhD degree in the History and Philosophy of Medicine
(in Greek), Athens; 2011
Mylonas AI, Poulakou-Rebelakou EF, Androutsos GI, Seggas I, Skouteris
CA, Papadopoulou EC: Oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery in
Byzantium. J Cranio-maxillofac Surg 42: 159-168, 2014
Obwegeser H: Die einzeitige Vorbewegung des Oberkiefers und Rückbewegung
des Unterkiefers zur Korrektur der extremen “Progenie”.
Schweiz Monatschr Zahnheilkd 80: 547-555, 1970
Schuchardt K, Schwenzer N, Rottke B, Lentrodt J: Ursachen, Häufigkeit
und Lokalisation der Frakturen des Gesichtsschädels. Fortschr.
Kiefer Gesichtschir. 11: 1-6, 1966
Tessier P, Woillez M, Lekieffre M, Assenan R: Diplopies post-traumatiques
et greffes osseuses. Bull Soc Ophthalmol 73: 258-271, 1960
Tessier P, Guiot G, Rougerie J, Delbet JP, Pastoriza J: Osteotomies
cranio-naso-orbitales: hypertelorisme. Ann Chir Plast 12: 103,
Tessier P: Anatomical classification of facial, craniofacial and laterofacial
clefts. J Maxillofac Surg 4: 69, 1969
Tessier P: The conjuctival approach to the orbital floor and maxilla in
congenital malformation and trauma. J Maxillofac Surg 1: 3-8, 1973
Tessier P: Telorbitism: Orbital (ocular) hypertelorism. In Tessier P, et
al (eds): Plastic Surgery of the Orbits and Eyelids (Wolfe SA,
trans). New York, Masson, p. 224, 1981
Tessier P: Subperiosteal facelift. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 34: 193-197,
Trauner R, Obwegeser H: The surgical correction of mandibular prognathism
and retrognathia with consideration of genioplasty: Part
I. Oral Surg 10: 677, 1957
Wassmund M: Fracturen und Fixationen des Gesichtsschadels unter
Beriicksichtigung der Komplikationen des Hirnschadels. Klin Ther
Prakt Lehrbuch. 20: 284, 1927
Wassmund M: Lehrbuch der Praktischen Chirurgie des Mundes und
der Kiefer. Joh. Ambrosious Barth, 1935
William of Saliceto: Praexos Totos Mediciniae. Venice, 1975
Wiseman R: Several Chirurgical Treatises. London, 1868
Wolfe SA: Looking back, looking ahead: how we arrived at our current
thinking about craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery. In: Posnick JC
(ed.), Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery in children and young
adults, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 3-21, 2000 [Chapter
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