Surgical procedures in patients on aspirin. Literature Review
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, (Head: Professor Christos Perisanidis), Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 2, 57-72
SUMMARY: Aspirin is referred to as the original of the common non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and is used as a comparison measure to new ones. Aspirin, whose active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid, combines strong antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant action. For the latter, aspirin is administered on an ongoing basis to patients for the prevention of cardiovascular events or recurrence of cerebral throm- bosis and therapeutically to patients with a history of heart attack or ischemic stroke. Taking aspirin as an anticoagulant chronic medication concerns dentists es- pecially when it comes to surgical procedures as it is likely to cause increased bleeding perioperatively. The management of the patient on aspirin varies depending on the reason aspirin is administered and its dosage, the co-administration of other antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs and the severity of the surgical procedure itself. An interruption of antiplatelet medication is decided after assessing the above-mentioned criteria and con- sulting the patient’s physician. Additionally, in cases of increased bleeding risk like complex extractions, pre- prosthetic surgery, periodontal surgery, the procedure needs to be performed as atraumatically as possible and be accompanied by local haemostatic measures.
KEY WORDS: aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, ASA, anti-platelet drugs, surgical procedures, bleeding risk.
Aframian DJ, Lalla RV, Peterson DE: Management of dental patients taking common hemostasis - altering medications. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007, 103(1): S45.e1-S45. e11
Agus DB, Gaudette E, Goldman DP, Messali A: The long-term ben- efits of increased aspirin use by at-risk Americans aged 50 and older. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(11): e0166103
Alexander R, Ferretti AC, Sorensen JR: Stop the nonsense not the anticoagulants: a matter of life and death. N Y State Dent J No- vember 2002, 68 (9): 24-6
Antiplatelet Trialists’ Collaboration: Collaborative overview of ran- domised trials of antiplatelet therapy-III: reduction in venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism by antiplatelet prophylaxis among surgical and medical patients. BMJ 1994, 308: 235-46.
Arnett DK, Blumenthal RS, Albert MA, Michos ED, Buroker AB, Mie- dema MD et al: Guideline on the primary prevention of cardio- vascular disease: A report of the American College of Cardiol- ogy/American Heart Association Task Force on clinical practice guidelines. Journal of the American College of Cardiology Sep- tember 2019, 74 (10): 177-232
Bianconi V, Violi F, Fallarino F, Pignatelli P, Sahebkar A, Pirro M: Is acetylsalicylic acid a safe and potentially useful choice for adult patients with COVID-19?. Drugs 2020, 80: 1383–1396
Cao Y, Nishihara R, Wu K, Wang M, Ogino S, Willett WC, Spiegelman D, Fuchs CS, Giovannucci EL, Chan AT: The population impact of long-term use of aspirin and risk of cancer. JAMA Oncol. June 2016, 2(6): 762–769
Chaudhry S, Jaiswal R, Sachdeva S: Dental considerations in cardiovas- cular patients: a practical perspective. Indian Heart Journal 2016, 68: 572–575
Chow JH, Khanna AK, Kethireddy S, Yamane D, Levine A, Jackson AM, et al.: Aspirin use is associated with decreased mechanical ventilation, ICU admission, and in-hospital mortality in hospital- ized patients with COVID-19. Anesth Anal 2020, doi: 10.1213/ ANE.0000000000005292 (online ahead of print)
Clinical Excellence Commission: Guidelines on Perioperative Manage- ment of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Agents. Sydney 2018
Collins H: Low-dose aspirin for the prevention of preeclampsia. Nurs- ing for Women’s Health 2018, 22(1): 87-92
Cuzick J, Thorat MA, Bosetti C, Brown PH, Burn J, Cook NR, Ford LG, Jacobs EJ, Jankowski JA, La Vecchia C, Law M, Meyskens F, Rothwell PM, Senn HJ, Umar A: Estimates of benefits and harms of prophylactic use of aspirin in the general population. Annals of Oncology August 2015, 26: 47–57
Darawade DA, Kumar S, Desai K, Hasan B, Mansata AV: Influence of aspirin on post-extraction bleeding – A clinical study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2014 Nov, 4(Suppl 1): 63–67
Doganay O, Atalay Β, Karadag E, Aga U, Tugrul M: Bleeding frequency of patients taking ticagrelor, aspirin, clopidogrel, and dual anti- platelet therapy after tooth extraction and minor oral surgery. JADA 2018, 149(2): 132-138
Douketis JD, Spyropoulos AC, Spencer FA, Mayr M, Jaffer AK, Eck- man MH, Dunn AS, Kunz R: Perioperative management of anti- thrombotic therapy. Antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians evi- dence-based clinical practice guidelines. CHEST 2012, 141(Suppl 2): e326S-e350S
Elad S, Marshall J, Meyerowitz C, Connolly G: Novel anticoagulants: general overview and practical considerations for dental practi- tioners. Oral Diseases 2016, 22: 23–32
Elwood PC, Morgan G, Galande J, Chia JWK, Dolwani S, Graziano JM, Kelson M, Lanas A, Longley M, Phillips CJ, Pickering J, Roberts SE, Soon SS, Steward W, Morris D, Weightman AL: Systematic review of randomized and meta-analysis of randomized trials to ascertain fatal gastrointestinal bleeding events attributable to
preventive low-dose aspirin: no evidence of increased risk. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(11): e0166166
European Society of Cardiology: Expert Consensus document on the use of antiplatelet agents: the task force on the use of antiplate- let agents in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease of the European Society of Cardiology. European Heart Journal 2004, 25: 166-181
European Society of Cardiology: ESC focused update on dual anti- platelet therapy in coronary artery disease developed in collabo- ration with EACTS: the task force for dual antiplatelet therapy in coronary artery disease of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Sur- gery (EACTS). European Heart Journal 2018, 39: 213-254
European Society of Cardiology: Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy: the task force for the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). European Heart Journal 2018, 39: 3165-3241
Fowler PD: Aspirin, Paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: a comparative review of side effects. Med Toxicol Adverse Drug Exp Sep-Oct 1987, 2(5):338-366
Furie, Β, Furie, BC: Mechanisms of Thrombus Formation. N Engl J Med 2008, 359: 938-949
Gavillet Μ, Rolnik DL, Hoffman MK, Panchaud A, Baud D, Should we stop aspirin prophylaxis in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19?, Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020, 55: 838–844
Gerotziafas GT, Catalano M, Colgan MP, Pecsvarady Z, Wautrecht JC, Fazeli B, Olinic DM, Farkas K, Elalamy I, Falanga A, Fareed J, Papageorgiou C et al.: Guidance for the management of patients with vascular disease or cardiovascular risk factors and COVID- 19: position paper from VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular. MedicineThromb Haemost 2020 Sep, doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1715798 (online ahead of print)
Gerotziafas G, Sergentanis T, Voiriot G, Lassel L, Papageorgiou, C et al.: Derivation and validation of a predictive score for disease worsening in patients with COVID-19. Thromb Haemost 2020 Sep, doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1716544 (οnline ahead of print)
Grines CL, Bonow RO, Casey DE, Gardner TJ, Lockhart PB, Moliterno DJ, O’Gara P, Whitlow P: Prevention of premature discontinua- tion of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery stents: a science advisory from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, American College of Surgeons, and American Dental Association, with representation from the American College of Physicians. J Am Coll Cardiol Feb 2007, 49(6):734-739
Gu Q, Dillon CF, Eberhardt MS, Wright JD, Burt VL: Preventive aspirin and other antiplatelet medication use among U.S. adults aged
≥40 years: data from the National Health and Nutrition Ex- amination Survey, 2011–2012. Public Health Reports Nov–Dec 2015, 130: 643-654
Guirguis-Blake JM, Evans CV, Senger CA, O’Connor EΑ, Whitlock EP: Aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events: an update of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 2016, 164: 804-813
Hagan JB, Laidlaw TM, Divekar R, O’Brien EK, Kita H, Volcheck GW, Hagan CR, Lal D, Teaford III HG, Erwin PJ, Zhang N, Rank A: Uri- nary leukotriene E4 to determine aspirin intolerance in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract Jul-Aug 2017, 5(4): 990-997
Howland RD, Mycek MJ, επιμέλεια ελληνικής έκδοσης Παπαδόπου- λος ΙΣΤ: Φαρμακολογία, 3η έκδοση. Επιστημονικές εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου, Αθήνα 2007, σελ.: 249-250, 547-552
Hwang IC, Jeon JY, Kim Y, Kim HM, Yoon YE, Lee SP, Kim HK, Sohn DW, Sung J, Kim YJ: Association between aspirin therapy and clinical outcomes in patients with non-obstructive coronary ar- tery disease: a cohort study. PLOS ONE 2015, 10(6): e0129584
eda Y, Shimada K, Teramoto T, Uchiyama S, Yamazaki T, Oikawa S, Sugawara M, Ando K, Murata M, Yokoyama K, Ishizuka N: Low- dose aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in Japanese patients 60 Years or older with atherosclerotic risk factors: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2014, 312(23): 2510-
Kumar S, Danik SB, Altman RK, Barrett CD, Lip GYH, Chatterjee S, Roubin GS, Natale A, Danik JS: Non-VKA oral anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapy for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Cardi- ology in Review Sep-Oct 2016, 24(5):218-223
Kwiatkowski S, Borowski D, Kajdy A, Poon LC, Rokita W, Wielgos M: Why we should not stop giving aspirin to pregnant women dur- ing the COVID-19 pandemic, Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020, 55: 838–844
Kyriazi V: Clinical and laboratory approach of resistance to antiplatelet treatment. e-JST 2013, 8(3): 33-54
Labò N, Ohnuki H, Tosato G: Vasculopathy and coagulopathy as- sociated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cells 2020, 9: 1583 (doi:10.3390/cells9071583)
Lee J, Kim JK, Kim JH, Dunuu T, Park SH, Park SJ, Kang JY, Choi RK, Hyon MS: Recovery time of platelet function after aspirin with- drawal. Current Therapeutic Research 2014, 76: 26–31
Li XX, Zhang YG, Wang D, Chen YF, Shan YH: Preventive effects of aspirin on cardiovascular complications in prostate cancer cases after endocrinotherapy. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2015, 16(12): 4909-4913
Lu SY, Lin LH, Hsue SS: Management of dental extractions in patients on warfarin and antiplatelet therapy. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2018, 117: 979-968
Mackman N, Antoniak S, Wolberg AS., Kasthuri R, Key NS: Coagu- lation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and other pandemic viruses. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2020, 40: 2033–2044
Marik PE, Cavallazzi R: Extended anticoagulant and aspirin treatment for the secondary prevention of thromboembolic disease: a sys- tematic review and meta – analysis. PLOS ONE 2015, 10(11): e0143252
McNellis RJ, Beswick-Escanlar V: Aspirin use for the primary preven- tion of cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. American Family Physician 2016, 94(8): 661-662
Michaud TL, Abraham J, Jalal H, Luepker RV, Duval S, Hirsch AT: Cost-effectiveness of a statewide campaign to promote aspirin use for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. J Am Heart Assoc 2015, 4: e002321
Mohamed-Hussein AAR, Aly KME, Ibrahim ME: Should aspirin be used for prophylaxis of COVID-19-induced coagulopathy?. Medi- cal Hypotheses 2020, 144: 109975
Morley J: Mechanism of action of aspirin in inflammation. Proc R Soc Med 1977: 70(Suppl 7): 32–34
Nagao Y, Masuda R, Ando Α, Nonaka Μ, Nishimura Α, Goto Κ, Mar- uoka Y, Iijima T: Whole blood platelet aggregation test and pre- diction of hemostatic difficulty after tooth extraction in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 2018, 24(1): 151-156
Nooh N: The effect of aspirin on bleeding after extraction of teeth.
The Saudi Dental Journal 2009, 21: 57–61
Ockerman A, Bornstein MM, Leung YY, Li SKY, Politis C, Jacobs R: Incidence of bleeding after minor oral surgery in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2020, 49: 90-98
Peres LC, Camacho F, Abbott SE: Analgesic medication use and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in African American women. British Journal of Cancer 2016, 114: 819–825
Puhan MA, Yu T, Stegeman I, Varadhan R, Singh S, Boyd CM: Ben- efit-harm analysis and charts for individualized and preference- sensitive prevention: example of low dose aspirin for primary
prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. BMC Medicine 2015, 13: 250
Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) Trial Collaborative Group: Prevention of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis with low dose aspirin: Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) trial. Lancet Apr 2000, 355(9212): 1295-302
Roberge S, Demers S, Nicolaides KH, Bureau M, Cotes S, Bulold E: Prevention of pre-eclampsia by low–molecular-weight heparin in addition to aspirin: a meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016, 47: 548–553
Rojanaworarit C, Limsawan S: Risk of hemorrhage attributed to un- derlying chronic diseases and uninterrupted aspirin therapy of pa- tients undergoing minor oral surgical procedures: a retrospective cohort study. J Prev Med Public Health 2017, 50: 165-176
Rubboli A, Oldgren J, Marìn F, Lip G: Combination of a new oral anticoagulant, aspirin and clopidogrel after acute coronary syn- drome: new therapeutic standard?. Intern Emerg Med 2013, 8:673–680
Sadhasivam G, Bhushan S, Chiang KC, Agarwal N, Vasundhar PL: Clinical trial evaluating the risk of thromboembolic events during dental extractions. J Maxillofac Oral Surg Oct–Dec 2016, 15(4): 506–511
Schulze H, Shivdasani RA: Mechanisms of thrombopoiesis. J Thromb Haemost 2005, 3: 1717-1724
Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Program: Management of dental patients taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs. Dental Clinical Guidance August 2015,
Stegeman I, Bossuyt PM, Yu T, Boyd C, Puhan MA: Aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer: a benefit and harm analysis. PLOS ONE 2015, 10(7): e0127194
Thorat MA: Individualised benefit-harm balance of aspirin as primary prevention measure – a good proof-of-concept, but could have been better…. BMC Medicine 2016, 14: 101
Uchiyama S, Ishizuka N, Shimada K, Teramoto T, Yamazaki T, Oikawa S, Sugawara M, Ando K, Murata M, Yokoyama K, Minematsu K, Matsumoto M, Ikeda Y on behalf of the JPPP Study Group: As- pirin for stroke prevention in elderly patients with vascular risk factors: Japanese Primary Prevention Project. Stroke 2016, 47(6): 1605–1611
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Aspirin for the prevention of car- diovascular disease: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recom- mendation statement. Ann Intern Med 2009, 150: 396-404
van Diermen DE, van der Waal I, Hoogstraten J: Management recom- mendations for invasive dental treatment in patients using oral an- tithrombotic medication, including novel oral anticoagulants. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2013, 116: 709-716
Verma G: Dental extraction can be performed safely in patients on aspirin therapy: a timely reminder. ISRN Dentistry 2014, Article ID 463684
Yamashita M: Aspirin intolerance: experimental models for bed-to- bench. Current Drug Targets 2016, 17: 1963-1970
Yusuf S, Joseph P, Dans A, Gao P et al.: Polypill with or without as- pirin in persons without cardiovascular disease. NEJM 2020, doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2028220
Zhai Z, Li C, Chen Y, Gerotziafas G, Zhang Z, Wan J, Liu P, Elalamy I, Wang C: Prevention and treatment of venous thromboem- bolism associated with coronavirus disease 2019 infection: a consensus statement before guidelines. Thromb Haemost 2020, 120: 937–948
Αγγελόπουλος ΑΠ, Αλεξανδρίδης ΚΑ, Κατσικέρης ΝΦ: Σύγχρονη Στοματική και Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική, Έκδοση 2η. Ιατρικές εκδόσεις Λίτσας, Αθήνα 2009, Α’ τόμος, σελ.: 59-61, 349-350
Βρότσος ΙΑ, Καρούσης ΙΚ: Περιοδοντολογία Εμφυτευματολογία.
Εκδόσεις Βήτα, Αθήνα 2016, 1ος τόμος, σελ.: 262-264
Γαληνός: Δραστική ουσία Ακετυλοσαλικυλικό οξύ. https://www.gali- substances/acetylsalicylic#
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, (Head: Professor Christos Perisanidis), Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 2, 57-72
SUMMARY: Aspirin is referred to as the original of the common non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and is used as a comparison measure to new ones. Aspirin, whose active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid, combines strong antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant action. For the latter, aspirin is administered on an ongoing basis to patients for the prevention of cardiovascular events or recurrence of cerebral throm- bosis and therapeutically to patients with a history of heart attack or ischemic stroke. Taking aspirin as an anticoagulant chronic medication concerns dentists es- pecially when it comes to surgical procedures as it is likely to cause increased bleeding perioperatively. The management of the patient on aspirin varies depending on the reason aspirin is administered and its dosage, the co-administration of other antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs and the severity of the surgical procedure itself. An interruption of antiplatelet medication is decided after assessing the above-mentioned criteria and con- sulting the patient’s physician. Additionally, in cases of increased bleeding risk like complex extractions, pre- prosthetic surgery, periodontal surgery, the procedure needs to be performed as atraumatically as possible and be accompanied by local haemostatic measures.
KEY WORDS: aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, ASA, anti-platelet drugs, surgical procedures, bleeding risk.
Aframian DJ, Lalla RV, Peterson DE: Management of dental patients taking common hemostasis - altering medications. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007, 103(1): S45.e1-S45. e11
Agus DB, Gaudette E, Goldman DP, Messali A: The long-term ben- efits of increased aspirin use by at-risk Americans aged 50 and older. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(11): e0166103
Alexander R, Ferretti AC, Sorensen JR: Stop the nonsense not the anticoagulants: a matter of life and death. N Y State Dent J No- vember 2002, 68 (9): 24-6
Antiplatelet Trialists’ Collaboration: Collaborative overview of ran- domised trials of antiplatelet therapy-III: reduction in venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism by antiplatelet prophylaxis among surgical and medical patients. BMJ 1994, 308: 235-46.
Arnett DK, Blumenthal RS, Albert MA, Michos ED, Buroker AB, Mie- dema MD et al: Guideline on the primary prevention of cardio- vascular disease: A report of the American College of Cardiol- ogy/American Heart Association Task Force on clinical practice guidelines. Journal of the American College of Cardiology Sep- tember 2019, 74 (10): 177-232
Bianconi V, Violi F, Fallarino F, Pignatelli P, Sahebkar A, Pirro M: Is acetylsalicylic acid a safe and potentially useful choice for adult patients with COVID-19?. Drugs 2020, 80: 1383–1396
Cao Y, Nishihara R, Wu K, Wang M, Ogino S, Willett WC, Spiegelman D, Fuchs CS, Giovannucci EL, Chan AT: The population impact of long-term use of aspirin and risk of cancer. JAMA Oncol. June 2016, 2(6): 762–769
Chaudhry S, Jaiswal R, Sachdeva S: Dental considerations in cardiovas- cular patients: a practical perspective. Indian Heart Journal 2016, 68: 572–575
Chow JH, Khanna AK, Kethireddy S, Yamane D, Levine A, Jackson AM, et al.: Aspirin use is associated with decreased mechanical ventilation, ICU admission, and in-hospital mortality in hospital- ized patients with COVID-19. Anesth Anal 2020, doi: 10.1213/ ANE.0000000000005292 (online ahead of print)
Clinical Excellence Commission: Guidelines on Perioperative Manage- ment of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Agents. Sydney 2018
Collins H: Low-dose aspirin for the prevention of preeclampsia. Nurs- ing for Women’s Health 2018, 22(1): 87-92
Cuzick J, Thorat MA, Bosetti C, Brown PH, Burn J, Cook NR, Ford LG, Jacobs EJ, Jankowski JA, La Vecchia C, Law M, Meyskens F, Rothwell PM, Senn HJ, Umar A: Estimates of benefits and harms of prophylactic use of aspirin in the general population. Annals of Oncology August 2015, 26: 47–57
Darawade DA, Kumar S, Desai K, Hasan B, Mansata AV: Influence of aspirin on post-extraction bleeding – A clinical study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2014 Nov, 4(Suppl 1): 63–67
Doganay O, Atalay Β, Karadag E, Aga U, Tugrul M: Bleeding frequency of patients taking ticagrelor, aspirin, clopidogrel, and dual anti- platelet therapy after tooth extraction and minor oral surgery. JADA 2018, 149(2): 132-138
Douketis JD, Spyropoulos AC, Spencer FA, Mayr M, Jaffer AK, Eck- man MH, Dunn AS, Kunz R: Perioperative management of anti- thrombotic therapy. Antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians evi- dence-based clinical practice guidelines. CHEST 2012, 141(Suppl 2): e326S-e350S
Elad S, Marshall J, Meyerowitz C, Connolly G: Novel anticoagulants: general overview and practical considerations for dental practi- tioners. Oral Diseases 2016, 22: 23–32
Elwood PC, Morgan G, Galande J, Chia JWK, Dolwani S, Graziano JM, Kelson M, Lanas A, Longley M, Phillips CJ, Pickering J, Roberts SE, Soon SS, Steward W, Morris D, Weightman AL: Systematic review of randomized and meta-analysis of randomized trials to ascertain fatal gastrointestinal bleeding events attributable to
preventive low-dose aspirin: no evidence of increased risk. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(11): e0166166
European Society of Cardiology: Expert Consensus document on the use of antiplatelet agents: the task force on the use of antiplate- let agents in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease of the European Society of Cardiology. European Heart Journal 2004, 25: 166-181
European Society of Cardiology: ESC focused update on dual anti- platelet therapy in coronary artery disease developed in collabo- ration with EACTS: the task force for dual antiplatelet therapy in coronary artery disease of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Sur- gery (EACTS). European Heart Journal 2018, 39: 213-254
European Society of Cardiology: Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy: the task force for the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). European Heart Journal 2018, 39: 3165-3241
Fowler PD: Aspirin, Paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: a comparative review of side effects. Med Toxicol Adverse Drug Exp Sep-Oct 1987, 2(5):338-366
Furie, Β, Furie, BC: Mechanisms of Thrombus Formation. N Engl J Med 2008, 359: 938-949
Gavillet Μ, Rolnik DL, Hoffman MK, Panchaud A, Baud D, Should we stop aspirin prophylaxis in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19?, Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020, 55: 838–844
Gerotziafas GT, Catalano M, Colgan MP, Pecsvarady Z, Wautrecht JC, Fazeli B, Olinic DM, Farkas K, Elalamy I, Falanga A, Fareed J, Papageorgiou C et al.: Guidance for the management of patients with vascular disease or cardiovascular risk factors and COVID- 19: position paper from VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular. MedicineThromb Haemost 2020 Sep, doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1715798 (online ahead of print)
Gerotziafas G, Sergentanis T, Voiriot G, Lassel L, Papageorgiou, C et al.: Derivation and validation of a predictive score for disease worsening in patients with COVID-19. Thromb Haemost 2020 Sep, doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1716544 (οnline ahead of print)
Grines CL, Bonow RO, Casey DE, Gardner TJ, Lockhart PB, Moliterno DJ, O’Gara P, Whitlow P: Prevention of premature discontinua- tion of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery stents: a science advisory from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, American College of Surgeons, and American Dental Association, with representation from the American College of Physicians. J Am Coll Cardiol Feb 2007, 49(6):734-739
Gu Q, Dillon CF, Eberhardt MS, Wright JD, Burt VL: Preventive aspirin and other antiplatelet medication use among U.S. adults aged
≥40 years: data from the National Health and Nutrition Ex- amination Survey, 2011–2012. Public Health Reports Nov–Dec 2015, 130: 643-654
Guirguis-Blake JM, Evans CV, Senger CA, O’Connor EΑ, Whitlock EP: Aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events: an update of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 2016, 164: 804-813
Hagan JB, Laidlaw TM, Divekar R, O’Brien EK, Kita H, Volcheck GW, Hagan CR, Lal D, Teaford III HG, Erwin PJ, Zhang N, Rank A: Uri- nary leukotriene E4 to determine aspirin intolerance in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract Jul-Aug 2017, 5(4): 990-997
Howland RD, Mycek MJ, επιμέλεια ελληνικής έκδοσης Παπαδόπου- λος ΙΣΤ: Φαρμακολογία, 3η έκδοση. Επιστημονικές εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου, Αθήνα 2007, σελ.: 249-250, 547-552
Hwang IC, Jeon JY, Kim Y, Kim HM, Yoon YE, Lee SP, Kim HK, Sohn DW, Sung J, Kim YJ: Association between aspirin therapy and clinical outcomes in patients with non-obstructive coronary ar- tery disease: a cohort study. PLOS ONE 2015, 10(6): e0129584
eda Y, Shimada K, Teramoto T, Uchiyama S, Yamazaki T, Oikawa S, Sugawara M, Ando K, Murata M, Yokoyama K, Ishizuka N: Low- dose aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in Japanese patients 60 Years or older with atherosclerotic risk factors: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2014, 312(23): 2510-
Kumar S, Danik SB, Altman RK, Barrett CD, Lip GYH, Chatterjee S, Roubin GS, Natale A, Danik JS: Non-VKA oral anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapy for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Cardi- ology in Review Sep-Oct 2016, 24(5):218-223
Kwiatkowski S, Borowski D, Kajdy A, Poon LC, Rokita W, Wielgos M: Why we should not stop giving aspirin to pregnant women dur- ing the COVID-19 pandemic, Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020, 55: 838–844
Kyriazi V: Clinical and laboratory approach of resistance to antiplatelet treatment. e-JST 2013, 8(3): 33-54
Labò N, Ohnuki H, Tosato G: Vasculopathy and coagulopathy as- sociated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cells 2020, 9: 1583 (doi:10.3390/cells9071583)
Lee J, Kim JK, Kim JH, Dunuu T, Park SH, Park SJ, Kang JY, Choi RK, Hyon MS: Recovery time of platelet function after aspirin with- drawal. Current Therapeutic Research 2014, 76: 26–31
Li XX, Zhang YG, Wang D, Chen YF, Shan YH: Preventive effects of aspirin on cardiovascular complications in prostate cancer cases after endocrinotherapy. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2015, 16(12): 4909-4913
Lu SY, Lin LH, Hsue SS: Management of dental extractions in patients on warfarin and antiplatelet therapy. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2018, 117: 979-968
Mackman N, Antoniak S, Wolberg AS., Kasthuri R, Key NS: Coagu- lation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and other pandemic viruses. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2020, 40: 2033–2044
Marik PE, Cavallazzi R: Extended anticoagulant and aspirin treatment for the secondary prevention of thromboembolic disease: a sys- tematic review and meta – analysis. PLOS ONE 2015, 10(11): e0143252
McNellis RJ, Beswick-Escanlar V: Aspirin use for the primary preven- tion of cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. American Family Physician 2016, 94(8): 661-662
Michaud TL, Abraham J, Jalal H, Luepker RV, Duval S, Hirsch AT: Cost-effectiveness of a statewide campaign to promote aspirin use for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. J Am Heart Assoc 2015, 4: e002321
Mohamed-Hussein AAR, Aly KME, Ibrahim ME: Should aspirin be used for prophylaxis of COVID-19-induced coagulopathy?. Medi- cal Hypotheses 2020, 144: 109975
Morley J: Mechanism of action of aspirin in inflammation. Proc R Soc Med 1977: 70(Suppl 7): 32–34
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Γαληνός: Δραστική ουσία Ακετυλοσαλικυλικό οξύ. https://www.gali- substances/acetylsalicylic#
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