Complete treatment of a recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the lip and the
commissure. A case report
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic. Dental School, University of Athens, Greece (Head: Professor C. Αlexandridis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2011) 2, 121-127
SUMMARY: Carcinomas of the lip and the commisure show a milder biological behavior as well as higher differentiation and better prognosis in comparison with these of the oral cavity. Therapeutic management, as for malignant tumors, includes radical resection together with functional and aesthetic rehabilitation. Aim of the paper is to present the multidisciplinary treatment of a case of a lip commissure carcinoma. Case presentation: Α 68 years old patient with a recurrent squamous carcinoma of the lower lip and the commissure was referred for treatment. The treatment plan included an extensive surgical excision of the lesion, suprahomohyoid neck dissection, reconstruction of the defect with local flaps, additional radiotherapy and dental rehabilitation with implants in a later stage. Seven years post- operation the patient is free of disease. The functional and aesthetic results are satisfying, considering the large soft tissue defect.
KEY WORDS: Squamous cell carcinoma, radiotherapy, osseointegrated implants, hybrid denture.
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