Double eruption cyst in a newborn boy Case report and review of the literature
Marissa ZARAKAS, Kyriaki TSINIDOU, Corina TRIANTAFYLLOU, Eleftheria MEGALOGIANNI, Konstantinos I. TOSIOS
Private practice and Department of Oral Pathology. Dental School, University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2012) 1, 41-48
SUMMARY: Eruption cyst is a dentigerous cyst of the soft tissue of the jaws that forms around the crown of an erupting primary or permanent tooth, due to separation of the dental follicle from the crown. Eruption cysts usually present as solitary swellings on the alveolar ridge mucosa, whereas multiple eruption cysts presenting simultaneously or in short intervals are uncommon. The case of a 2 month-old Caucasian boy with two adjacent eruption cysts, manifesting as a congenital bilo bular tumor of smooth surface and blue color, on the mandibular central incisors area is presented. The le sion was diagnosed as a “hemangioma”, but it progressively grew in size and changed in color. The patient’s and family medical history were noncontributory. Ra diographic examination revealed the superficial location of the primary mandibular central incisors within the soft tissues, and showed no abnormal bone resorption. With the diagnosis of double eruption cyst, a monthly follow-up of the patient was suggested and a month after the clinical examination the cyst disappeared spontaneously without noticeable hemorrhage. A year later the primary mandibular central incisors had erupted normally and there was no residual lesion.
KEY WORDS: mouth diseases, neonate, mandibular cyst, eruption cyst.
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