Ankyloglossia [Tongue-tie]- A case report
Sakthivel.V. S, Sumithra.K, Manishaa.V, Dhanush Muthu. N, Gopi Krishnan.S
Rajas Dental Clinic, Ganapathy Colony, Royapettah, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, NM Dentistry/Oral and Maxillofacial Pa- thology , Orofacial care and Oral cancer center, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital, Thalambur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 3, 203-206
SUMMARY: The tongue is a specialized organ whose presence is pivotal in speech, swallowing, nutrition, nursing, oral hygiene and position of teeth. Ankyloglos- sia or tongue tie is a condition that affects the range of movement of the tongue due to an abnormally short, thick lingual frenulum. The congenital anomaly can also hinder growth of the orofacial structures of the child. Due to its complications, Ankyloglossia demands proper and early surgical correction. This article describes a case of ankyloglossia that was surgically corrected by frenec- tomy, post which the patient was restored with normal functions.
KEY WORDS: Ankyloglossia, Tongue tie, frenectomy, frenuloplasty, children
Rajas Dental Clinic, Ganapathy Colony, Royapettah, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, NM Dentistry/Oral and Maxillofacial Pa- thology , Orofacial care and Oral cancer center, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital, Thalambur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 3, 203-206
SUMMARY: The tongue is a specialized organ whose presence is pivotal in speech, swallowing, nutrition, nursing, oral hygiene and position of teeth. Ankyloglos- sia or tongue tie is a condition that affects the range of movement of the tongue due to an abnormally short, thick lingual frenulum. The congenital anomaly can also hinder growth of the orofacial structures of the child. Due to its complications, Ankyloglossia demands proper and early surgical correction. This article describes a case of ankyloglossia that was surgically corrected by frenec- tomy, post which the patient was restored with normal functions.
KEY WORDS: Ankyloglossia, Tongue tie, frenectomy, frenuloplasty, children
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