Management of head and neck tumors in patients with Haemophilia A. A Case report
Bourazani M., Kouroumalis A., Kolomvos N., Kalfarentzos E.
University Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: Prof. C. Perisanidis), at the Hospital of Athens “Evangelismos” (Director: Prof C. Perisanidis), Dental School, University of Athens, Greece.
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2022) 2, 127-131
In this article, we report a case of a 61‐year‐old male with hemophilia A, who was presented in our clinic with two simultaneous sizable tumors.A Warthin tumor in the left parotid gland and a sebaceous cyst in the submental area region. The patient had these tumors for over than 20 years because he was afraid the potential bleeding intraoperatively due to his underlying hemophilia A. After clinical examination, blood test and CT scan the patient underwent partial superficial parotidectomy for Warthin tumor and extracapsular dissection of the submental sebaceous cyst. The mainstay of the patient’s management was the defintion of Haemophilia A status and substitutionwith VIII factor. Also anesthetic techniques associated with bleeding were avoided and hemostasis was carried out very carefully. Thus, any severe bleeding was not presented in surgery field and the patient did not develop postoperative bleeding or facial nerve weakness symptoms. In conclusion, under specific prerequisites surgical procedures can be performed safely in patients with hemophilia A.
University Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: Prof. C. Perisanidis), at the Hospital of Athens “Evangelismos” (Director: Prof C. Perisanidis), Dental School, University of Athens, Greece.
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2022) 2, 127-131
In this article, we report a case of a 61‐year‐old male with hemophilia A, who was presented in our clinic with two simultaneous sizable tumors.A Warthin tumor in the left parotid gland and a sebaceous cyst in the submental area region. The patient had these tumors for over than 20 years because he was afraid the potential bleeding intraoperatively due to his underlying hemophilia A. After clinical examination, blood test and CT scan the patient underwent partial superficial parotidectomy for Warthin tumor and extracapsular dissection of the submental sebaceous cyst. The mainstay of the patient’s management was the defintion of Haemophilia A status and substitutionwith VIII factor. Also anesthetic techniques associated with bleeding were avoided and hemostasis was carried out very carefully. Thus, any severe bleeding was not presented in surgery field and the patient did not develop postoperative bleeding or facial nerve weakness symptoms. In conclusion, under specific prerequisites surgical procedures can be performed safely in patients with hemophilia A.
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