Osseodensification technique for dental implant placement. Presentation of clinical cases
Private Dental Clinic “Odontiatriki Merimna Thessalonikis” (Director: Chr. Tsamis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2020) 3, 117-126
SUMMARY: Osseodensification technique was recently introduced in clinical practice by Salah Huwais for dental implant placement. In contrast to conventional drilling protocols, Osseodensification permits a non-subtractive implant site preparation. Special burs (Densah™ burs, Versah, Jackson, MI, USA) designed to rotate in a non- cutting counter-clockwise direction are used to preserve and condense bone along the walls of the osteotomy that increases bone density and primary implant stability. The purpose of the present study is to describe the use of Osseodensification for implant placement in narrow alveolar ridge, crestal sinus lift and immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets in three clinical cases. Great importance is also given to the advantages and indications of the technique as presented in the re- lated literature.
KEY WORDS: Osseodensification, dental implants, primary stability.
da Rosa JCM, Pértile de Oliveira Rosa AC, Huwais S: Use of the Im- mediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique Combined with Osseodensification in Periodontally Compromised Extraction Sites. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 39:527-534, 2019
Dos Santos MV, Elias CN, Cavalcanti Lima JH: The effects of superficial roughness and design on the primary stability of dental implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 13:215-23, 2011
Elsayyad AA, Osman RB: Osseodensification in Implant Dentistry: A Critical Review of the Literature. Implant Dent 28:306-312, 2019 Howe MS, Keys W, Richards D: Long-term (10-year) dental implant survival: A systematic review and sensitivity meta-analysis. J Dent 84:9–21, 2019
Huwais S, Meyer EG: A Novel Osseous Densification Approach in Im- plant Osteotomy Preparation to Increase Biomechanical Primary Stability, Bone Mineral Density, and Bone-to-Implant Contact. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 32:27-36, 2017
Huwais S, Mazor Z, Ioannou AL, Gluckman H, Neiva R: A Multicenter Retrospective Clinical Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-up Utilizing a Method that Enhances Bone Density and Allows for Transcrestal Sinus Augmentation Through Compaction Grafting. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 33:1305-1311, 2018
Huwais S: Inventor: Fluted osteotome and surgical method for use. US Patent Application US2013/0004918; 3 January, 2013
Huwais S: Enhancing implant stability with osseodensification: A two year follow-up, Implant Pract 8:28-34, 2015
Kanathila H, Pangi A: An insight into the concept of osseodensifica- tion-enhancing the implant stability and success. J Clin Diagn Res 12:7-12, 2018
Koutouzis T, Huwais S, Hasan F, Trahan W, Waldrop T, Neiva R: Alve- olar Ridge Expansion by Osseodensification-Mediated Plastic De- formation and Compaction Autografting: A Multicenter Retro- spective Study. Implant Dent 28:349-355, 2019
Lahens B, Neiva R, Tovar N, Alifarag AM, Jimbo R, Bonfante EA, Bow- ers MM, Cuppini M, Freitas H, Witek L, Coelho PG: Biomechanical and histologic basis of osseodensification drilling for endosteal im- plant placement in low density bone. An experimental study in sheep. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 63:56-65, 2016
Lopez CD, Alifarag AM, Torroni A, Tovar N, Diaz-Siso JR, Witek L, Rodriguez ED, Coelho PG: Osseodensification for enhancement of spinal surgical hardware fixation. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 69:275-281, 2017
Marquezan M, Osório A, Sant'Anna E, Souza MM, Maia L: Does bone mineral density influence the primary stability of dental implants? A systematic review. Clin Oral Implants Res 23:767- 74, 2012
Mello CC, Lemos CAA, Verri FR, Dos Santos DM, Goiato MC, Pellizzer EP: Immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets ver- sus delayed implants into healed sockets: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46:1162–1177, 2017
Mello Machado RC, da Gama CS, Batista SH, Rizzo D, Valiense H, Moreira RF: Tomographic and clinical findings, pre-, trans-, and post-operative, of osseodensification in immediate loading. Int J Growth Factors Stem Cells Dent 1:101-5, 2018
Ottoni JM, Oliveira ZF, Mansini R, Cabral AM: Correlation between placement torque and survival of single-tooth implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 20:769-76, 2005
Padhye NM, Padhye AM, Bhatavadekar NB: Osseodensification – A systematic review and qualitative analysis of published literature. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 10:375-380, 2020
Pai UY, Rodrigues SJ, Talreja KS, Mundathaje M: Osseodensification - A novel approach in implant dentistry. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 18:196-200, 2018
Slete FB, Olin P, Prasad H: Histomorphometric Comparison of 3 Osteotomy Techniques. Implant Dent 27:424-428, 2018
Summers RB: A new concept in maxillary implant surgery: the osteotome technique. Compendium 15:152-158, 1994
Tian JH, Neiva R, Coelho PG, Witek L, Tovar NM, Lo IC, Gil LF, Tor- roni A: Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Comparison of Osseodensification and Conventional Osteotome Techniques. J Craniofac Surg 30:607-610, 2019
Trisi P, Berardini M, Falco A, Podaliri Vulpiani M: New Osseodensification Implant Site Preparation Method to Increase Bone Density in Low-Density Bone: In Vivo Evaluation in Sheep. Implant Dent 25:24-31, 2016
Trisi P, De Benedittis S, Perfetti G, Berardi D: Primary stability, insertion torque and bone density of cylindric implant ad modum Brane- mark: is there a relationship? An in vitro study. Clin Oral Implants Res 22:567-70, 2011
Trisi P, Berardi D, Paolantonio M, Spoto G, D'Addona A, Perfetti G: Primary stability, insertion torque, and bone density of conical im- plants with internal hexagon: is there a relationship? J Craniofac Surg 24:841-4, 2013
Turkyilmaz I, Aksoy U, McGlumphy EA: Two alternative surgical tech- niques for enhancing primary implant stability in the posterior maxilla: a clinical study including bone density, insertion torque, and resonance frequency analysis data. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 10:231-7, 2008
Waechter J, Leite FR, Nascimento GG, Carmo Filho LC, Faot F: The split crest technique and dental implants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46:116-128, 2017
Wallace SS, Mazor Z, Froum SJ, Cho SC, Tarnow DP: Schneiderian membrane perforation rate during sinus elevation using piezo- surgery: clinical results of 100 consecutive cases. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 27:413–419, 2007
Zitzmann NU, Schärer P: Sinus elevation procedures in the resorbed posterior maxilla. Comparison of the crestal and lateral approaches. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 85:8–17, 1998
Private Dental Clinic “Odontiatriki Merimna Thessalonikis” (Director: Chr. Tsamis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2020) 3, 117-126
SUMMARY: Osseodensification technique was recently introduced in clinical practice by Salah Huwais for dental implant placement. In contrast to conventional drilling protocols, Osseodensification permits a non-subtractive implant site preparation. Special burs (Densah™ burs, Versah, Jackson, MI, USA) designed to rotate in a non- cutting counter-clockwise direction are used to preserve and condense bone along the walls of the osteotomy that increases bone density and primary implant stability. The purpose of the present study is to describe the use of Osseodensification for implant placement in narrow alveolar ridge, crestal sinus lift and immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets in three clinical cases. Great importance is also given to the advantages and indications of the technique as presented in the re- lated literature.
KEY WORDS: Osseodensification, dental implants, primary stability.
da Rosa JCM, Pértile de Oliveira Rosa AC, Huwais S: Use of the Im- mediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique Combined with Osseodensification in Periodontally Compromised Extraction Sites. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 39:527-534, 2019
Dos Santos MV, Elias CN, Cavalcanti Lima JH: The effects of superficial roughness and design on the primary stability of dental implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 13:215-23, 2011
Elsayyad AA, Osman RB: Osseodensification in Implant Dentistry: A Critical Review of the Literature. Implant Dent 28:306-312, 2019 Howe MS, Keys W, Richards D: Long-term (10-year) dental implant survival: A systematic review and sensitivity meta-analysis. J Dent 84:9–21, 2019
Huwais S, Meyer EG: A Novel Osseous Densification Approach in Im- plant Osteotomy Preparation to Increase Biomechanical Primary Stability, Bone Mineral Density, and Bone-to-Implant Contact. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 32:27-36, 2017
Huwais S, Mazor Z, Ioannou AL, Gluckman H, Neiva R: A Multicenter Retrospective Clinical Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-up Utilizing a Method that Enhances Bone Density and Allows for Transcrestal Sinus Augmentation Through Compaction Grafting. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 33:1305-1311, 2018
Huwais S: Inventor: Fluted osteotome and surgical method for use. US Patent Application US2013/0004918; 3 January, 2013
Huwais S: Enhancing implant stability with osseodensification: A two year follow-up, Implant Pract 8:28-34, 2015
Kanathila H, Pangi A: An insight into the concept of osseodensifica- tion-enhancing the implant stability and success. J Clin Diagn Res 12:7-12, 2018
Koutouzis T, Huwais S, Hasan F, Trahan W, Waldrop T, Neiva R: Alve- olar Ridge Expansion by Osseodensification-Mediated Plastic De- formation and Compaction Autografting: A Multicenter Retro- spective Study. Implant Dent 28:349-355, 2019
Lahens B, Neiva R, Tovar N, Alifarag AM, Jimbo R, Bonfante EA, Bow- ers MM, Cuppini M, Freitas H, Witek L, Coelho PG: Biomechanical and histologic basis of osseodensification drilling for endosteal im- plant placement in low density bone. An experimental study in sheep. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 63:56-65, 2016
Lopez CD, Alifarag AM, Torroni A, Tovar N, Diaz-Siso JR, Witek L, Rodriguez ED, Coelho PG: Osseodensification for enhancement of spinal surgical hardware fixation. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 69:275-281, 2017
Marquezan M, Osório A, Sant'Anna E, Souza MM, Maia L: Does bone mineral density influence the primary stability of dental implants? A systematic review. Clin Oral Implants Res 23:767- 74, 2012
Mello CC, Lemos CAA, Verri FR, Dos Santos DM, Goiato MC, Pellizzer EP: Immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets ver- sus delayed implants into healed sockets: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46:1162–1177, 2017
Mello Machado RC, da Gama CS, Batista SH, Rizzo D, Valiense H, Moreira RF: Tomographic and clinical findings, pre-, trans-, and post-operative, of osseodensification in immediate loading. Int J Growth Factors Stem Cells Dent 1:101-5, 2018
Ottoni JM, Oliveira ZF, Mansini R, Cabral AM: Correlation between placement torque and survival of single-tooth implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 20:769-76, 2005
Padhye NM, Padhye AM, Bhatavadekar NB: Osseodensification – A systematic review and qualitative analysis of published literature. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 10:375-380, 2020
Pai UY, Rodrigues SJ, Talreja KS, Mundathaje M: Osseodensification - A novel approach in implant dentistry. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 18:196-200, 2018
Slete FB, Olin P, Prasad H: Histomorphometric Comparison of 3 Osteotomy Techniques. Implant Dent 27:424-428, 2018
Summers RB: A new concept in maxillary implant surgery: the osteotome technique. Compendium 15:152-158, 1994
Tian JH, Neiva R, Coelho PG, Witek L, Tovar NM, Lo IC, Gil LF, Tor- roni A: Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Comparison of Osseodensification and Conventional Osteotome Techniques. J Craniofac Surg 30:607-610, 2019
Trisi P, Berardini M, Falco A, Podaliri Vulpiani M: New Osseodensification Implant Site Preparation Method to Increase Bone Density in Low-Density Bone: In Vivo Evaluation in Sheep. Implant Dent 25:24-31, 2016
Trisi P, De Benedittis S, Perfetti G, Berardi D: Primary stability, insertion torque and bone density of cylindric implant ad modum Brane- mark: is there a relationship? An in vitro study. Clin Oral Implants Res 22:567-70, 2011
Trisi P, Berardi D, Paolantonio M, Spoto G, D'Addona A, Perfetti G: Primary stability, insertion torque, and bone density of conical im- plants with internal hexagon: is there a relationship? J Craniofac Surg 24:841-4, 2013
Turkyilmaz I, Aksoy U, McGlumphy EA: Two alternative surgical tech- niques for enhancing primary implant stability in the posterior maxilla: a clinical study including bone density, insertion torque, and resonance frequency analysis data. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 10:231-7, 2008
Waechter J, Leite FR, Nascimento GG, Carmo Filho LC, Faot F: The split crest technique and dental implants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46:116-128, 2017
Wallace SS, Mazor Z, Froum SJ, Cho SC, Tarnow DP: Schneiderian membrane perforation rate during sinus elevation using piezo- surgery: clinical results of 100 consecutive cases. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 27:413–419, 2007
Zitzmann NU, Schärer P: Sinus elevation procedures in the resorbed posterior maxilla. Comparison of the crestal and lateral approaches. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 85:8–17, 1998
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