Mentoring in oral and maxillofacial surgery as a pathway to residents’ professional growth and leadership. The Greek reality
Kyriaki C. MARTI
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry, University of Michigan School of Dentistry (Chair: Assoc. Prof. Brent Ward, DDS, MD, FACS)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2017) 1, 27-36
SUMMARY: Mentoring in Health Professions Education is an important pillar of student learning and plays an essen- tial role in faculty development. All major universities in the USA have developed mentoring programs in health professions, as well as in residency programs.
In this paper we present current existing opportunities for oral and maxillofacial surgeons to participate in structured mentoring programs in the USΑ supported by professional associations. We also examined potential existing mentoring opportunities in Greece.
Based on the literature review, no structured mentoring opportunities were found for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residents and junior faculty members in Greece.
Therefore there is an existing need for development of structured mentoring programs for residents in Greece, as a pathway to professional growth and leadership.
KEY WORDS: mentorship, oral and maxillofacial surgery, leadership, residents’ education
Anderson RM, Funnell MM: Theory is the cart, vision is the horse: reflec- tions on research in diabetes patient education. Diabetes Educ 25(6 Suppl): 43-51, 1999
Anderson L, Silet K, Fleming M: Evaluating and giving feedback to mentors: New evidence-based approaches. Clin Transl Sci 5(1): 71-77, 2012
Andrews M, Chilton F: Student and mentor perceptions of mentoring ef- fectiveness. Nurse Education Today 20(7): 555-562, 2000
Andrews M, Roberts D: Supporting student nurses learning in and through clinical practice: the role of the clinical guide. Nurse Education Today 23 (7): 474-481, 2003
Berk R.A., Berg J., Mortimer R., Walton-Moss B., Yeo T.P: Measuring the effectiveness of faculty mentoring relationships. Acad Med 80: 66–71, 2005
Bligh J: Mentoring: an invisible support network. Med Educ 33: 2–3, 1999 Campbell IE, Larrivee L, Field PA, Day RA, Reutter L: Learning to nurse in the clinical setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing 20 (6): 1125-1131,
Cho CS, Ramanan RA, Feldman MD: Defining the ideal qualities of men- torship: A qualitative analysis of the characteristics of outstanding men- tors. Am J Med 124(5): 453-458, 2011
Economopoulos KP, Sun R, Garvey E, Hogan J, Bazzarelli A: Coaching and mentoring modern surgeons. The American College of Surgeons is dedicated to improving the care of the surgical patient and to safe- guarding standards of care in an optimal and ethical practice environ- ment. Article in Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons 99(8): 30-5 · August 2014
Edmond C: A new paradigm for practice education. Nurse Education Today 24: 251–259, 2001
Elton C, Gostick A. All In: How The Best Managers Create a Culture of Belief and Drive Big Results". Simon and Schuster 2012, ISBN 978- 1491511619
Gruppen LD, Burkhardt JC, Fitzgerald JT, Funnell M, Haftel HM, Lypson ML, Mullan PB, Santen SA, Sheets KJ, Stalburg CM, Vasquez JA: Com- petency-based education: programme design and challenges to im- plementation. Medical education 50(5): 532-9, 2016
Hutchings A, Williamson G, Humphreys A: Supporting learners in clinical practice: capacity issues. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14: 945–955. 2005 Hunt DK, Badgett RG, Woodling AE, Pugh JA: Medical student career choice: do physical diagnosis preceptors influence decisions? Am J
Med Sci. 310(1): 19-23, 1995
Kashiwagi DT, Varkey P, Cook DA: Mentoring programs for physicians in academic medicine: a systematic review. Acad Med. 88(7): 1029-37, 2013
Koutsogiannou P, Dimoliatis ID, Mavridis D, Bellos S, Karathanos V, Je- lastopulu E: Validation of the Postgraduate Hospital Educational En- vironment Measure (PHEEM) in a sample of 731 Greek residents. BMC research notes. 8(1): 1, 2015
Kumar M: Is there a need for mentoring for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery trainees? Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 40:177–178, 2002
Kusurkar R, TenCate O: AM last page: education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire: seld-derermination theory and motivation in medical students. Academic Medicine 88(6): 904, 2013
Marti KC, Lanzon J, Edwards SP, Inglehart MR: Career and Professional Satisfaction of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residents, Academic Surgeons, and Private Practitioners: Does Gender Matter? J Dent Educ 81(1): 75-86, 2017
Mitchell G: Nursing shortage or nursing famine: looking beyond the num- bers. Nursing Science Quarterly 16:219–224, 2003
Morton-Cooper A, Palmer A: Mentoring in practice. In: Morton-Cooper A, Palmer A, Eds. Mentoring, preceptorship, and clinical supervision. Oxford: Blackwell Science: pp. 59-62, 2000
Msaouel P, Keramaris NC, Tasoulis A, Kolokythas D, Syrmos N, Pararas N, Thireos E, Lionis C: Burnout and training satisfaction of medical residents in Greece: will the European Work Time Directive make a difference?. Human Resources for Health. 8(1): 1, 2010
Myall M, Levett-Jones T, Lathlean J: Mentorship in contemporary prac- tice: the experiences of nursing students and practice mentors. J Clin Nurs. 17(14): 1834-42, 2008
Nkenke E, Seemann R, Vairaktaris E, Schaller HG, Rohde M, Stelzle F, Knipfer C: Gender trends in authorship in oral and maxillofacial surgery literature: A 30-year analysis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Jul;43(6):913-7
Ogunyemi D, Solnik MJ, Alexander C, Fong A, Azziz R: Promoting res- idents' professional development and academic productivity using a structured faculty mentoring program. Teaching and learning in medicine 22(2): 93-6, 2010
Orandi BJ, Blackburn s, Henke PK: Surgical mentors and mentees pro- ductivity from 1993-2006. Am J Surg 201(2): 260-5, 2011
Palatta A: From Pipeline to Mainstream: Increasing the Number of Den- tal Students and Residents Pursuing Academic Careers. J Dent Educ 80(5): 499-501, 2016
Pellatt GC: The role of mentors in supporting pre-registration nursing students. British Journal of Nursing 15 (6): 336-340, 2006
Precious DS: Academic oral and maxillofacial surgery. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 118(4): 385-6, 2014
/academic-success/mentoring-advising. Accessed March 31, 2016.
Ramani S, Gruppen L, Kachur EK: Twelve tips for developing effective mentors. Medical teacher. 28(5): 404-8, 2006
Rath T: StrengthsFinder 2.0. Gallup Press, New York, 2007
Rombeau JL, Goldberg A, Loveland-Jones C: Surgical Mentoring: Build- ing Tomorrow’s Leaders. New York: Springer, 2010.
Rosengart TK, Kent KC, Bland KI, Britt LD, Eberlein TJ, Gewertz, BL, Hunter JG, Lillemoe KD, Pellegrini CA, Schulick RD, Stain, SC: Key Tenets of Effective Surgery Leadership: Perspectives From the So- ciety of Surgical Chairs Mentorship Sessions. JAMA surgery, 2016
Ryan RM, Deci EL: Self-determination theory and the facilitation of in- trinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American psychologist 55(1): 68, 2000
Sambunjak D, Straus SE, Marušic A: Mentoring in academic medicine: a systematic review. JAMA 296(9): 1103-15, 2006
Schrubbe KF: Mentorship: a critical component for professional growth and academic success. J Dent Educ 68(3): 324-8, 2004
Singletary SE: Mentoring surgeons for the 21st century. Annals of Sur- gical Oncology 12(11): 848-860, 2005
Stenfors-Hayes T, Lindgren LE, Tranæus S: Perspectives on being a men- tor for undergraduate dental students. Eur J Dent Educ 15(3): 153- 8, 2011a
Stenfors-Hayes T, Hult H, Dahlgren LO: What does it mean to be a mentor in medical education? Medical Teacher 33(8): e423-8, 2011b
Taherian K, Shekarchian M: Mentoring for doctors. Do its benefits outweigh its disadvantages? Medical Teacher. 2008 Jan 1; 30(4): e95-9.
TenCate OT, Kusurkar RA, Williams GC: How self-determination the- ory can assist our understanding of the teaching and learning processes in medical education. AMEE guide No. 59. Medical Teacher 33(12): 961-73, 2011
White CB: Smoothing out transitions: How pedagogy influences medical students’ achievement of self-regulated learning goals. Adv Health Sci Educ 12: 279–297, 2007
White CB, Gruppen LD: Self – regulated Learning in Medical education. In: Understanding Medical Education. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons: pp. 271-82, 2010.
Wright CM: An innovation in a diploma program: the future potential of mentorship in nursing. Nurse Education Today 10(5): 355-359, 1990
Willcocks S: Leadership theory: implications for developing dental sur- geons in primary care? British Dental Journal 210(3): 105-7, 2011
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry, University of Michigan School of Dentistry (Chair: Assoc. Prof. Brent Ward, DDS, MD, FACS)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2017) 1, 27-36
SUMMARY: Mentoring in Health Professions Education is an important pillar of student learning and plays an essen- tial role in faculty development. All major universities in the USA have developed mentoring programs in health professions, as well as in residency programs.
In this paper we present current existing opportunities for oral and maxillofacial surgeons to participate in structured mentoring programs in the USΑ supported by professional associations. We also examined potential existing mentoring opportunities in Greece.
Based on the literature review, no structured mentoring opportunities were found for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residents and junior faculty members in Greece.
Therefore there is an existing need for development of structured mentoring programs for residents in Greece, as a pathway to professional growth and leadership.
KEY WORDS: mentorship, oral and maxillofacial surgery, leadership, residents’ education
Anderson RM, Funnell MM: Theory is the cart, vision is the horse: reflec- tions on research in diabetes patient education. Diabetes Educ 25(6 Suppl): 43-51, 1999
Anderson L, Silet K, Fleming M: Evaluating and giving feedback to mentors: New evidence-based approaches. Clin Transl Sci 5(1): 71-77, 2012
Andrews M, Chilton F: Student and mentor perceptions of mentoring ef- fectiveness. Nurse Education Today 20(7): 555-562, 2000
Andrews M, Roberts D: Supporting student nurses learning in and through clinical practice: the role of the clinical guide. Nurse Education Today 23 (7): 474-481, 2003
Berk R.A., Berg J., Mortimer R., Walton-Moss B., Yeo T.P: Measuring the effectiveness of faculty mentoring relationships. Acad Med 80: 66–71, 2005
Bligh J: Mentoring: an invisible support network. Med Educ 33: 2–3, 1999 Campbell IE, Larrivee L, Field PA, Day RA, Reutter L: Learning to nurse in the clinical setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing 20 (6): 1125-1131,
Cho CS, Ramanan RA, Feldman MD: Defining the ideal qualities of men- torship: A qualitative analysis of the characteristics of outstanding men- tors. Am J Med 124(5): 453-458, 2011
Economopoulos KP, Sun R, Garvey E, Hogan J, Bazzarelli A: Coaching and mentoring modern surgeons. The American College of Surgeons is dedicated to improving the care of the surgical patient and to safe- guarding standards of care in an optimal and ethical practice environ- ment. Article in Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons 99(8): 30-5 · August 2014
Edmond C: A new paradigm for practice education. Nurse Education Today 24: 251–259, 2001
Elton C, Gostick A. All In: How The Best Managers Create a Culture of Belief and Drive Big Results". Simon and Schuster 2012, ISBN 978- 1491511619
Gruppen LD, Burkhardt JC, Fitzgerald JT, Funnell M, Haftel HM, Lypson ML, Mullan PB, Santen SA, Sheets KJ, Stalburg CM, Vasquez JA: Com- petency-based education: programme design and challenges to im- plementation. Medical education 50(5): 532-9, 2016
Hutchings A, Williamson G, Humphreys A: Supporting learners in clinical practice: capacity issues. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14: 945–955. 2005 Hunt DK, Badgett RG, Woodling AE, Pugh JA: Medical student career choice: do physical diagnosis preceptors influence decisions? Am J
Med Sci. 310(1): 19-23, 1995
Kashiwagi DT, Varkey P, Cook DA: Mentoring programs for physicians in academic medicine: a systematic review. Acad Med. 88(7): 1029-37, 2013
Koutsogiannou P, Dimoliatis ID, Mavridis D, Bellos S, Karathanos V, Je- lastopulu E: Validation of the Postgraduate Hospital Educational En- vironment Measure (PHEEM) in a sample of 731 Greek residents. BMC research notes. 8(1): 1, 2015
Kumar M: Is there a need for mentoring for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery trainees? Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 40:177–178, 2002
Kusurkar R, TenCate O: AM last page: education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire: seld-derermination theory and motivation in medical students. Academic Medicine 88(6): 904, 2013
Marti KC, Lanzon J, Edwards SP, Inglehart MR: Career and Professional Satisfaction of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residents, Academic Surgeons, and Private Practitioners: Does Gender Matter? J Dent Educ 81(1): 75-86, 2017
Mitchell G: Nursing shortage or nursing famine: looking beyond the num- bers. Nursing Science Quarterly 16:219–224, 2003
Morton-Cooper A, Palmer A: Mentoring in practice. In: Morton-Cooper A, Palmer A, Eds. Mentoring, preceptorship, and clinical supervision. Oxford: Blackwell Science: pp. 59-62, 2000
Msaouel P, Keramaris NC, Tasoulis A, Kolokythas D, Syrmos N, Pararas N, Thireos E, Lionis C: Burnout and training satisfaction of medical residents in Greece: will the European Work Time Directive make a difference?. Human Resources for Health. 8(1): 1, 2010
Myall M, Levett-Jones T, Lathlean J: Mentorship in contemporary prac- tice: the experiences of nursing students and practice mentors. J Clin Nurs. 17(14): 1834-42, 2008
Nkenke E, Seemann R, Vairaktaris E, Schaller HG, Rohde M, Stelzle F, Knipfer C: Gender trends in authorship in oral and maxillofacial surgery literature: A 30-year analysis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Jul;43(6):913-7
Ogunyemi D, Solnik MJ, Alexander C, Fong A, Azziz R: Promoting res- idents' professional development and academic productivity using a structured faculty mentoring program. Teaching and learning in medicine 22(2): 93-6, 2010
Orandi BJ, Blackburn s, Henke PK: Surgical mentors and mentees pro- ductivity from 1993-2006. Am J Surg 201(2): 260-5, 2011
Palatta A: From Pipeline to Mainstream: Increasing the Number of Den- tal Students and Residents Pursuing Academic Careers. J Dent Educ 80(5): 499-501, 2016
Pellatt GC: The role of mentors in supporting pre-registration nursing students. British Journal of Nursing 15 (6): 336-340, 2006
Precious DS: Academic oral and maxillofacial surgery. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 118(4): 385-6, 2014
/academic-success/mentoring-advising. Accessed March 31, 2016.
Ramani S, Gruppen L, Kachur EK: Twelve tips for developing effective mentors. Medical teacher. 28(5): 404-8, 2006
Rath T: StrengthsFinder 2.0. Gallup Press, New York, 2007
Rombeau JL, Goldberg A, Loveland-Jones C: Surgical Mentoring: Build- ing Tomorrow’s Leaders. New York: Springer, 2010.
Rosengart TK, Kent KC, Bland KI, Britt LD, Eberlein TJ, Gewertz, BL, Hunter JG, Lillemoe KD, Pellegrini CA, Schulick RD, Stain, SC: Key Tenets of Effective Surgery Leadership: Perspectives From the So- ciety of Surgical Chairs Mentorship Sessions. JAMA surgery, 2016
Ryan RM, Deci EL: Self-determination theory and the facilitation of in- trinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American psychologist 55(1): 68, 2000
Sambunjak D, Straus SE, Marušic A: Mentoring in academic medicine: a systematic review. JAMA 296(9): 1103-15, 2006
Schrubbe KF: Mentorship: a critical component for professional growth and academic success. J Dent Educ 68(3): 324-8, 2004
Singletary SE: Mentoring surgeons for the 21st century. Annals of Sur- gical Oncology 12(11): 848-860, 2005
Stenfors-Hayes T, Lindgren LE, Tranæus S: Perspectives on being a men- tor for undergraduate dental students. Eur J Dent Educ 15(3): 153- 8, 2011a
Stenfors-Hayes T, Hult H, Dahlgren LO: What does it mean to be a mentor in medical education? Medical Teacher 33(8): e423-8, 2011b
Taherian K, Shekarchian M: Mentoring for doctors. Do its benefits outweigh its disadvantages? Medical Teacher. 2008 Jan 1; 30(4): e95-9.
TenCate OT, Kusurkar RA, Williams GC: How self-determination the- ory can assist our understanding of the teaching and learning processes in medical education. AMEE guide No. 59. Medical Teacher 33(12): 961-73, 2011
White CB: Smoothing out transitions: How pedagogy influences medical students’ achievement of self-regulated learning goals. Adv Health Sci Educ 12: 279–297, 2007
White CB, Gruppen LD: Self – regulated Learning in Medical education. In: Understanding Medical Education. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons: pp. 271-82, 2010.
Wright CM: An innovation in a diploma program: the future potential of mentorship in nursing. Nurse Education Today 10(5): 355-359, 1990
Willcocks S: Leadership theory: implications for developing dental sur- geons in primary care? British Dental Journal 210(3): 105-7, 2011
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