Dental implant surface treatments for osseointegration improvement:
Presentation and comparison of methods
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece (Head: Professor C. Alexandridis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2014) 1, 37-43
SUMMARY: The growing use of dental implants and the increase in requirements directed scientists to search for the implant surface which will ensure the greater bone to implant contact (BIC). Nowadays, implants are acidetched (HCl, H2 SΟ4 ) promoting the osteoconductive activity or are grit-blasted with alumina particles, titanium oxide or calcium phosphates or finally they undergo dual treatment (combination of the two previous methods), which seems to have the better results as a method until now. Anodization is another method of treating the titanium implant surface and increased osseointegration is reported for implants coated with hydroxyapatite or titanium plasma. The use of fluoride or wettability of implant surface in saline solution are also methods which have been used for treating the implant surface with low rates of osseointegration. Finally, new techniques made their appearance such as the use of laser, the use of drugs and specifically those of bisphosphonates and the use of BMPs. The last methods are very promising and their results are still under research.
KEY WORDS: BIC, treatment techniques, osseointegration, acids, grit-blasting, bisphosphonates, hydroxyapatites
Αγγελόπουλος ΑΠ , Αλεξανδρίδης Κ , Κατσικέρης Ν: Σύγχρονη Στοµατική και Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική. 2η έκδοση. Ιατρικές εκδόσεις Λίτσας, Αθήνα 2010
Ανδριτσάκης Δ: Ακίνητη Επανορθωτική Οδοντιατρική, κεφ.21, σελ.340-345, εκδ. Ζαχαρόπουλος, 2002
Ντήτριχ Ε: Εµφύτευµα- Ασθενής. Παράγοντες που επηρρεάζουν την οστεοενσωµάτωση. Στοµατολογία 65:89-99, 2008
Φανδρίδης Σ. Ιωάννης: Χαρακτηρισµός της επιφάνειας οστεοενσωµατούµενων οδοντικών εµφυτευµάτων τιτανίου επεξεργασµένων µε διάφορους τρόπους. Διδακτορική Διατριβή, Οδοντιατρική Σχολή Αθηνών-Τοµέας βασικών επιστηµών και βιολογίας στόµατος. Εργαστήριο Βιοϋλικών, 2006
Abrahamsson I, Berglundh T, Albouy J: Healing at fluoride implants placed in wide marginal defects: an experimental study in dogs. Clin. Oral Impl Res 19:153-159, 2008
Albrektsson T, Wennerberg A: Oralimplant surfaces : Part 1- review focusing on topographic and chemical properties of different surfaces and in vivo responses to them. Int J Prosthodont 17(5):536- 43, 2004
Aparicio C, Gil FJ, Fonseca C, Barbarosa M, Planell JA: Corrosion behavior of commercially pure titanium shot blasted with different materials and size of shot particles for dental impant applications. Biomaterials 24:263-76, 2003
Berglundh T, Abrahamsson I, Albouy JP, Lindhe J : Bone healing at implants with a fluoride-modified surface: an experimental study in dogs. Clin. Oral Impl Res 18:147-152, 2007
Braga FJC, Marques RFC., Almeida- Filho E, Guastaldi AC.: Surface modification of Ti dental implants by Nd :YVO4 laser irradiation. Appl Surf Sci 53:9.203-8, 2007
Branemark P.I.: Introduction to osseointegration in tissue-integrated prosthesis. Osseointegration in clinical Dentistry. Quintessence Publ.Co., Inc. Chicago,1985
Branemark P.I., Hanson B.O., Adell R., Breine V., Lindstrom J., Hallen O., Ohman A.: Osseointegrated implants in the treatment of the edentulus jaw. Experience from a 10-year period. J Plastic Reconstr. Surg. 11 (suppl.16), 1977
Bressan E, Sbricoli L, Guazzo R, Tocco I, Romann M, Vindigni V, Stellini E, Gardin C, Ferroni L, Sivolella S, Zavan B : Nanostructured surfaces of dental implants. Int J. Mol Sci 14:1918-1931, 2013
Cho SA, Park KT: The removal torque of titanium screw inserted in rabbit tibia treated by dual acid etching. Biomaterials 24(20):3611- 7, 2003
Coelho PG, Lemons JE.: Physio/chemical characterization and in vivo evaluation of nanothickness bioceramic depositions on aluminablasted/ acid-etched Ti-6A1-4V implant surfaces. J Biomed mater Res A. 90:351-61, 2009
Cohran DL, Buser D, Bruggenkate CM, Weingart D, Taylor TM, Bernad JP, et al.: The use of reduced healing times on ITI implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface: early results from clinical trials on ITI SLA implants. Clin Oral Implants Res 13:144-53, 2002
Davies JE : Understanding peri-implant endosseous healing. J Dent Educ 67:932-49, 2003
Ducheyne P, Van Raemdonck W, Heughebaert JC, Heughebaert M: Structural analysis of hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium. Biomaterials 7(2):97-103, 1986
Duske K, Koban I, Kindel E, et al.: Atmospheric plasma enhances wettability and cell spreading on dental implant metals. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 39:400-7, 2012
Ellingsen JE, Johansson CB, Wennerberg A, Holmén A: Improved retention and bone -to- implant contact with fluoride – modified titanium implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 19(5): 659-6, 2004
Faeda R.S, Tavares H.S, Sartori R., Guastaldi A.C, Marcantonio E. Jr : Evaluation of titanium implants with surface midification by laser beam. Biomechanical study in rabbit tibias. Braz Oral Res 23(2):137-43, 2009
Farley JR, Wergedal JE, Baylink DJ: Fluoride directly stimulates proliferation an alkaline phosphatase activity in bone-forming cells. Science 222: 330-2, 1983 Ferguson SJ, Broggini N, Wieland M, Wild de M, Rupp F, Gerstorfer J, Cohran DL, Buser D: Biomechanical evaluation of the interfacial strength of a chemically modified sandblasted and acid-etched titanium surface. J Biomed Mater Res 78(2): 291-7, 2006
Guastaldi F, Yoo D, Marin C, Tovar N and al. : Plasma treatment maintains surface energy of the implant surface and enhances osseointegration. Int J Biomater, Vol 2013, Article ID 354125, 2013
Isa ZM, Shneider GB, Zaharias R, Seabold D, Standord CM: Effects of fluoride-modified titanium surfaces on osteoblast proliferation and gene expression. Int J Oral Maxillofac Imlants 21(2): 203-11, 2006
Ivanoff CJ, Hallgren C, Widmark G, Sennerby L, Wennerberg A.: Histologic evaluation of the bone integration of TiO(2) blasted and turned titanium microimplants in humans. Clin Oral Implants Res 12: 128-34, 2001
Jeong R, Marin C, Granato R, Suzuki M, Gil NJ, Granjeiro M, Coelho C: Early bone healing around implant surfaces treated with variations in the resorbable blasting media method. A study in rabbits.Med Oral patol Oral Cir Bucal 15(1):19-25, 2010
Josse S, Faucheux C, Soueidan A, Grimandi G, Massiot D, Alonso B, et al: Chemically modified calcium phosphates as novel materials for biophosphonate delivery. Adv Mater 16:1423-7, 2004
Lee J, Rouhfar L, Beirne O: Survival of hydroxyapatite-coated implants: a meta-analytic review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 58:1372-9, 2000
Leeuwenburgh S, Layrolle P, Barrere F, de Bruijin J, Schoonman J, van Blitterswijk CA, et al : Osteoblastic resorption of biomimetic calcium phosphate coatings in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res 56: 208- 15, 2001
Le Guehennec L, Soueidan A, Layrolle P, Amouriq Y: Surface treatments of titanium dental implants for rapid osseointegration. Dental Materials 23:844-854, 2007
Novaes AB, Papalexiou V, Grisi MF, Souza S, Taba Jr M, Kajiwara JΚ : Influence of implant microstructure on the osseointegration of immediate implants placed in periodontally infected sites. A histomorphometric study in dogs. Clin Oral Implants Res 15:34-43, 2004
Ong JL, Chan DC: Hydroxyapatite and their use as coatings in dental implants: a review. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 28(5-6):667-707, 2000
Park JY, Davies JE: Red blood cell and platelet interactions with titanium implant surfaces. Clin Oral Implants Res 11:530-9, 2000
Park K, Heo SJ, Koak J, Kim S, Lee J, Kim S: Osseointegration of anodized titanium implants under different current voltages: a rabbit study. J Oral Rehabilitation 34:517-527, 2007
Rasmusson L, Roos J, Bystedt H.: A 10-year-follow-up study of titanium dioxide-blasted implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 7:36-42, 2005
Schliephake H, Schrnweber D, Dard M, Sewing A, Aref A, Roessler S.: Functionalization of dental implant surfaces using adhesion molecules. J Biomed Mater Res 3(1):88-96, 2005
Souza AF, Queiroz PT, Guastaldi CA, Garcia-Junior RI. Magro-Filho O et al.: Comperative in vivo study of commercially pure Ti implants with surfaces modified by laser with and without silicate deposition: Biomechanical and scanning electron microscopy analysis. J Biomed mater Res Part B 101B: 76-84, 2013
Stadlinger B, Pilling E, Huhle M, Mai R, Bierbaum S, Scharnweber D, Kuhlisch E, Loukota R, Eckelt U: Evaluation of osseointegration of dental implants coated with collagen, chondroitin sulphate and BMP-4: an animal study. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 37:54–59, 2008
Sul YT, Johansson C, Rose K, Albrektsson T.: Qualitative and quantitative observations of bone tissue reactions to anodized implants. Biomaterials 23:1809-1817, 2002
Urban RM, Jacobs JJ, Tomlinson MJ, Gavrilovic J, Black J, Peoch M : Dissemination of wear particles to the liver, spleen and abdominal lymph nodes of patients with hip or knee replacement. J Bone Jt Surg Am 82:457-77, 2000
Von Wilmowsky C, Schwarz S, Kerl JM, Srour S, Lell M, Felszeghy E et al.: Reconstruction of a mandibular defect with autogenous, autoclaved bone grafts and tisuue engineering: an in vivo pilot study. J Biomed Mater Res A 94(4):1510-1518, 2011
von Wilmowsky C, Moest T, Nkenke E, Stelzle F, Karl A, Schlegel K.A : Implants in bone:Part I.A current overview about tissue response, surface modifications and future perspectives. Oral Maxillofac Surg 18(3): 243-57, 2013
Wennerberg A, Ide-Ektessabi A, Hatkamata S, Sawase T, Johansson C, Albrektsson T, Martinelli A, Södervall U, Odelius H : Titanium release from implants prepared with different surface roughness. Clin Oral Implants Res. 15(5):505-1, 2004
Wennerberg A, Albrektsson T: Effects of titanium surface topography on bone integration: a systematic review. Clin Oral Impl. Res 20:172-184, 2009
Wheeler S : Eight-year clinical retrospective study of titanium plasmasprayed and hydroxyapatite-coated cylinder implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 11:340-50, 1996
Yoshinari M, Oda Y, Ueki H, Yokose S: Immobilization of biophosphonate on surface modified titanium. Biomaterials 22:709-15, 2001
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece (Head: Professor C. Alexandridis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2014) 1, 37-43
SUMMARY: The growing use of dental implants and the increase in requirements directed scientists to search for the implant surface which will ensure the greater bone to implant contact (BIC). Nowadays, implants are acidetched (HCl, H2 SΟ4 ) promoting the osteoconductive activity or are grit-blasted with alumina particles, titanium oxide or calcium phosphates or finally they undergo dual treatment (combination of the two previous methods), which seems to have the better results as a method until now. Anodization is another method of treating the titanium implant surface and increased osseointegration is reported for implants coated with hydroxyapatite or titanium plasma. The use of fluoride or wettability of implant surface in saline solution are also methods which have been used for treating the implant surface with low rates of osseointegration. Finally, new techniques made their appearance such as the use of laser, the use of drugs and specifically those of bisphosphonates and the use of BMPs. The last methods are very promising and their results are still under research.
KEY WORDS: BIC, treatment techniques, osseointegration, acids, grit-blasting, bisphosphonates, hydroxyapatites
Αγγελόπουλος ΑΠ , Αλεξανδρίδης Κ , Κατσικέρης Ν: Σύγχρονη Στοµατική και Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική. 2η έκδοση. Ιατρικές εκδόσεις Λίτσας, Αθήνα 2010
Ανδριτσάκης Δ: Ακίνητη Επανορθωτική Οδοντιατρική, κεφ.21, σελ.340-345, εκδ. Ζαχαρόπουλος, 2002
Ντήτριχ Ε: Εµφύτευµα- Ασθενής. Παράγοντες που επηρρεάζουν την οστεοενσωµάτωση. Στοµατολογία 65:89-99, 2008
Φανδρίδης Σ. Ιωάννης: Χαρακτηρισµός της επιφάνειας οστεοενσωµατούµενων οδοντικών εµφυτευµάτων τιτανίου επεξεργασµένων µε διάφορους τρόπους. Διδακτορική Διατριβή, Οδοντιατρική Σχολή Αθηνών-Τοµέας βασικών επιστηµών και βιολογίας στόµατος. Εργαστήριο Βιοϋλικών, 2006
Abrahamsson I, Berglundh T, Albouy J: Healing at fluoride implants placed in wide marginal defects: an experimental study in dogs. Clin. Oral Impl Res 19:153-159, 2008
Albrektsson T, Wennerberg A: Oralimplant surfaces : Part 1- review focusing on topographic and chemical properties of different surfaces and in vivo responses to them. Int J Prosthodont 17(5):536- 43, 2004
Aparicio C, Gil FJ, Fonseca C, Barbarosa M, Planell JA: Corrosion behavior of commercially pure titanium shot blasted with different materials and size of shot particles for dental impant applications. Biomaterials 24:263-76, 2003
Berglundh T, Abrahamsson I, Albouy JP, Lindhe J : Bone healing at implants with a fluoride-modified surface: an experimental study in dogs. Clin. Oral Impl Res 18:147-152, 2007
Braga FJC, Marques RFC., Almeida- Filho E, Guastaldi AC.: Surface modification of Ti dental implants by Nd :YVO4 laser irradiation. Appl Surf Sci 53:9.203-8, 2007
Branemark P.I.: Introduction to osseointegration in tissue-integrated prosthesis. Osseointegration in clinical Dentistry. Quintessence Publ.Co., Inc. Chicago,1985
Branemark P.I., Hanson B.O., Adell R., Breine V., Lindstrom J., Hallen O., Ohman A.: Osseointegrated implants in the treatment of the edentulus jaw. Experience from a 10-year period. J Plastic Reconstr. Surg. 11 (suppl.16), 1977
Bressan E, Sbricoli L, Guazzo R, Tocco I, Romann M, Vindigni V, Stellini E, Gardin C, Ferroni L, Sivolella S, Zavan B : Nanostructured surfaces of dental implants. Int J. Mol Sci 14:1918-1931, 2013
Cho SA, Park KT: The removal torque of titanium screw inserted in rabbit tibia treated by dual acid etching. Biomaterials 24(20):3611- 7, 2003
Coelho PG, Lemons JE.: Physio/chemical characterization and in vivo evaluation of nanothickness bioceramic depositions on aluminablasted/ acid-etched Ti-6A1-4V implant surfaces. J Biomed mater Res A. 90:351-61, 2009
Cohran DL, Buser D, Bruggenkate CM, Weingart D, Taylor TM, Bernad JP, et al.: The use of reduced healing times on ITI implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface: early results from clinical trials on ITI SLA implants. Clin Oral Implants Res 13:144-53, 2002
Davies JE : Understanding peri-implant endosseous healing. J Dent Educ 67:932-49, 2003
Ducheyne P, Van Raemdonck W, Heughebaert JC, Heughebaert M: Structural analysis of hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium. Biomaterials 7(2):97-103, 1986
Duske K, Koban I, Kindel E, et al.: Atmospheric plasma enhances wettability and cell spreading on dental implant metals. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 39:400-7, 2012
Ellingsen JE, Johansson CB, Wennerberg A, Holmén A: Improved retention and bone -to- implant contact with fluoride – modified titanium implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 19(5): 659-6, 2004
Faeda R.S, Tavares H.S, Sartori R., Guastaldi A.C, Marcantonio E. Jr : Evaluation of titanium implants with surface midification by laser beam. Biomechanical study in rabbit tibias. Braz Oral Res 23(2):137-43, 2009
Farley JR, Wergedal JE, Baylink DJ: Fluoride directly stimulates proliferation an alkaline phosphatase activity in bone-forming cells. Science 222: 330-2, 1983 Ferguson SJ, Broggini N, Wieland M, Wild de M, Rupp F, Gerstorfer J, Cohran DL, Buser D: Biomechanical evaluation of the interfacial strength of a chemically modified sandblasted and acid-etched titanium surface. J Biomed Mater Res 78(2): 291-7, 2006
Guastaldi F, Yoo D, Marin C, Tovar N and al. : Plasma treatment maintains surface energy of the implant surface and enhances osseointegration. Int J Biomater, Vol 2013, Article ID 354125, 2013
Isa ZM, Shneider GB, Zaharias R, Seabold D, Standord CM: Effects of fluoride-modified titanium surfaces on osteoblast proliferation and gene expression. Int J Oral Maxillofac Imlants 21(2): 203-11, 2006
Ivanoff CJ, Hallgren C, Widmark G, Sennerby L, Wennerberg A.: Histologic evaluation of the bone integration of TiO(2) blasted and turned titanium microimplants in humans. Clin Oral Implants Res 12: 128-34, 2001
Jeong R, Marin C, Granato R, Suzuki M, Gil NJ, Granjeiro M, Coelho C: Early bone healing around implant surfaces treated with variations in the resorbable blasting media method. A study in rabbits.Med Oral patol Oral Cir Bucal 15(1):19-25, 2010
Josse S, Faucheux C, Soueidan A, Grimandi G, Massiot D, Alonso B, et al: Chemically modified calcium phosphates as novel materials for biophosphonate delivery. Adv Mater 16:1423-7, 2004
Lee J, Rouhfar L, Beirne O: Survival of hydroxyapatite-coated implants: a meta-analytic review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 58:1372-9, 2000
Leeuwenburgh S, Layrolle P, Barrere F, de Bruijin J, Schoonman J, van Blitterswijk CA, et al : Osteoblastic resorption of biomimetic calcium phosphate coatings in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res 56: 208- 15, 2001
Le Guehennec L, Soueidan A, Layrolle P, Amouriq Y: Surface treatments of titanium dental implants for rapid osseointegration. Dental Materials 23:844-854, 2007
Novaes AB, Papalexiou V, Grisi MF, Souza S, Taba Jr M, Kajiwara JΚ : Influence of implant microstructure on the osseointegration of immediate implants placed in periodontally infected sites. A histomorphometric study in dogs. Clin Oral Implants Res 15:34-43, 2004
Ong JL, Chan DC: Hydroxyapatite and their use as coatings in dental implants: a review. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 28(5-6):667-707, 2000
Park JY, Davies JE: Red blood cell and platelet interactions with titanium implant surfaces. Clin Oral Implants Res 11:530-9, 2000
Park K, Heo SJ, Koak J, Kim S, Lee J, Kim S: Osseointegration of anodized titanium implants under different current voltages: a rabbit study. J Oral Rehabilitation 34:517-527, 2007
Rasmusson L, Roos J, Bystedt H.: A 10-year-follow-up study of titanium dioxide-blasted implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 7:36-42, 2005
Schliephake H, Schrnweber D, Dard M, Sewing A, Aref A, Roessler S.: Functionalization of dental implant surfaces using adhesion molecules. J Biomed Mater Res 3(1):88-96, 2005
Souza AF, Queiroz PT, Guastaldi CA, Garcia-Junior RI. Magro-Filho O et al.: Comperative in vivo study of commercially pure Ti implants with surfaces modified by laser with and without silicate deposition: Biomechanical and scanning electron microscopy analysis. J Biomed mater Res Part B 101B: 76-84, 2013
Stadlinger B, Pilling E, Huhle M, Mai R, Bierbaum S, Scharnweber D, Kuhlisch E, Loukota R, Eckelt U: Evaluation of osseointegration of dental implants coated with collagen, chondroitin sulphate and BMP-4: an animal study. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 37:54–59, 2008
Sul YT, Johansson C, Rose K, Albrektsson T.: Qualitative and quantitative observations of bone tissue reactions to anodized implants. Biomaterials 23:1809-1817, 2002
Urban RM, Jacobs JJ, Tomlinson MJ, Gavrilovic J, Black J, Peoch M : Dissemination of wear particles to the liver, spleen and abdominal lymph nodes of patients with hip or knee replacement. J Bone Jt Surg Am 82:457-77, 2000
Von Wilmowsky C, Schwarz S, Kerl JM, Srour S, Lell M, Felszeghy E et al.: Reconstruction of a mandibular defect with autogenous, autoclaved bone grafts and tisuue engineering: an in vivo pilot study. J Biomed Mater Res A 94(4):1510-1518, 2011
von Wilmowsky C, Moest T, Nkenke E, Stelzle F, Karl A, Schlegel K.A : Implants in bone:Part I.A current overview about tissue response, surface modifications and future perspectives. Oral Maxillofac Surg 18(3): 243-57, 2013
Wennerberg A, Ide-Ektessabi A, Hatkamata S, Sawase T, Johansson C, Albrektsson T, Martinelli A, Södervall U, Odelius H : Titanium release from implants prepared with different surface roughness. Clin Oral Implants Res. 15(5):505-1, 2004
Wennerberg A, Albrektsson T: Effects of titanium surface topography on bone integration: a systematic review. Clin Oral Impl. Res 20:172-184, 2009
Wheeler S : Eight-year clinical retrospective study of titanium plasmasprayed and hydroxyapatite-coated cylinder implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 11:340-50, 1996
Yoshinari M, Oda Y, Ueki H, Yokose S: Immobilization of biophosphonate on surface modified titanium. Biomaterials 22:709-15, 2001
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