Radiographic success scales for the evaluation of alveolar cleft repair: Literature review
University Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, “P. & A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Head: Professor C. Perisanidis), Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Head: Professor K. Tsiklakis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2018) 3, 167-182
SUMMARY: Alveolar cleft repair restores the continuity of the maxilla through a bony bridge. The dimensions of this bridge, which are evaluated radiographically via special scales, are considered a primary success parameter. The aim of the present literature review is the presentation of the radiographic success scales proposed for the evaluation of alveolar cleft repair, and the analysis of the characteristics that they should possess. The scales, which are used today, are mainly based on plain radiographs. The Bergland scale is the most widely known. The Enemark, Long, Kindelan, Chelsea and SWAG scales are also proposed in the literature. All of them evaluate the height of the bony bridge or the degree of bone fill in the cleft area, via periapical or occlusal x-rays. The success scales should be simple and reproducible. They should evaluate the whole height of the cleft site, and they should propose a clear success threshold. Furthermore, they should be applied in both mixed and permanent dentition. Unfortunately, scales based on plain radiographs have certain weaknesses and are thought to overestimate to some degree the success of the surgical intervention. On the other hand, computed tomography has significant advantages in the postsurgical follow-up of alveolar cleft patients, due to the capability of accurate measuring the height and thickness of the bony bridge, without distortion or structure overlap.
KEY WORDS: cleft, alveolar cleft, scale, radiograph, computed tomography
Abyholm FE, Bergland O, Semb G: Secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts. A surgical/orthodontic treatment enabling a non-prosthodontic rehabilitation in cleft lip and palate patients. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 15:127-140, 1981
Aurouze C, Moller KT, Bevis RR, Rehm K, Rudney J: The presurgical status of the alveolar cleft and success of secondary bone grafting. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:179-184, 2000
Bayerlein T, Proff P, Heinrich A, Kaduk W, Hosten N, Gedrange T: Evaluation of bone availability in the cleft area following secondary osteoplasty. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 34 Suppl 2:57-61, 2006
Bergland O, Semb G, Abyholm F: Elimination of the residual alveolar cleft by secondary bone grafting and subsequent orthodontic treatment. Cleft Palate J 23:175-205, 1986a
Bergland O, Semb G, Abyholm F, Borchgrevink H, Eskeland G: Sec- ondary bone grafting and orthodontic treatment in patients with bilateral complete clefts of the lip and palate. Ann Plast Surg 17:460-474, 1986b
Boyne PJ, Sands NR: Secondary bone grafting of residual alveolar and palatal clefts. J Oral Surg 30:87-92, 1972
Craven C, Cole P, Hollier L, Jr., Stal S: Ensuring success in alveolar bone grafting: a three-dimensional approach. J Craniofac Surg 18:855- 859, 2007
Dempf R, Teltzrow T, Kramer FJ, Hausamen JE: Alveolar bone grafting in patients with complete clefts: a comparative study between secondary and tertiary bone grafting. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 39:18-25, 2002
Eichhorn W, Blessmann M, Pohlenz P, Blake FA, Gehrke G, Schmelzle R, Heiland M: Primary osteoplasty using calvarian bone in patients with cleft lip, alveolus and palate. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 37:429- 433, 2009
Enemark H, Sindet-Pedersen S, Bundgaard M: Long-term results after secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 45:913-919, 1987
Feichtinger M, Mossbock R, Karcher H: Assessment of bone resorption after secondary alveolar bone grafting using three-dimensional computed tomography: a three-year study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 44:142-148, 2007
Garib D, Massaro C, Yatabe M, Janson G, Lauris JRP: Mesial and distal alveolar bone morphology in maxillary canines moved into the grafted alveolar cleft: Computed tomography evaluation. Clin Oral Investig 151:869-877, 2017
Hamada Y, Kondoh T, Noguchi K, Iino M, Isono H, Ishii H, Mishima A, Kobayashi K, Seto K: Application of limited cone beam computed tomography to clinical assessment of alveolar bone grafting: a pre- liminary report. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 42:128-137, 2005
Han K, Jeong W, Yeo H, Choi J, Kim J, Son D, Oh S, Kim C: Long-term results of secondary alveolar bone grafting using a technique to harvest pure calvarial cancellous bone: Evaluation based on plain radiography and computed tomography. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 70:352-359, 2017
Helms JA, Speidel TM, Denis KL: Effect of timing on long-term clinical success of alveolar cleft bone grafts. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Or- thop 92:232-240, 1987
Honma K, Kobayashi T, Nakajima T, Hayasi T: Computed tomographic evaluation of bone formation after secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 57:1209-1213, 1999
Horswell BB, Henderson JM: Secondary osteoplasty of the alveolar cleft defect. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:1082-1090, 2003
Hynes PJ, Earley MJ: Assessment of secondary alveolar bone grafting using a modification of the Bergland grading system. Br J Plast Surg 56:630-636, 2003
Iino M, Ishii H, Matsushima R, Fukuda M, Hamada Y, Kondoh T, Seto K: Comparison of intraoral radiography and computed tomogra- phy in evaluation of formation of bone after grafting for repair of residual alveolar defects in patients with cleft lip and palate. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 39:15-21, 2005
Kasten EF, Schmidt SP, Zickler CF, Berner E, Damian LA, Christian GM, Workman H, Freeman M, Farley MD, Hicks TL: Team care of the patient with cleft lip and palate. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 38:138-158, 2008
Kim KR, Kim S, Baek SH: Change in grafted secondary alveolar bone in patients with UCLP and UCLA. A three-dimensional computed tomography study. Angle Orthod 78:631-640, 2008
Kindelan JD, Nashed RR, Bromige MR: Radiographic assessment of sec- ondary autogenous alveolar bone grafting in cleft lip and palate patients. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 34:195-198, 1997
Kumar R, Heggie A, Shand J, Dominguez-Gonzalez S, Kilpatrick N, Shah J: Secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts: a review of outcome at two centres in Australia and the UK. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 55:496-499, 2017
Lee C, Crepeau RJ, Williams HB, Schwartz S: Alveolar cleft bone grafts: results and imprecisions of the dental radiograph. Plast Reconstr Surg 96:1534-1538, 1995
Lilja J, Kalaaji A, Friede H, Elander A: Combined bone grafting and de- layed closure of the hard palate in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate: facilitation of lateral incisor eruption and evaluation of indicators for timing of the procedure. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:98-105, 2000
Liu L, Ma L, Lin J, Jia Q: [A new three-dimensional scale in the evalua- tion of the secondary alveolar bone grafting]. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 50:598-602, 2015
Liu L, Ma L, Lin J, Zhang C, Jia Y: Assessing the Interdental Septal Thick- ness in Alveolar Bone Grafting Using Cone Beam Computed To- mography. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:683-689, 2016
Long RE, Jr., Spangler BE, Yow M: Cleft width and secondary alveolar bone graft success. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 32:420-427, 1995
Maeda A, Uehara S, Suga M, Nishihara K, Nakamura N, Miyawaki S: Changes in grafted autogenous bone during edgewise treatment in patients with unilateral cleft lip/palate or alveolus. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 51:525-532, 2014
Marukawa E, Oshina H, Iino G, Morita K, Omura K: Reduction of bone resorption by the application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in bone grafting of the alveolar cleft. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 39:278-283, 2011
Meazzini MC, Corno M, Novelli G, Autelitano L, Tortora C, Elsido D, Garattini G, Brusati R: Long-Term Computed Tomographic Eval- uation of Alveolar Bone Formation in Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate after Early Secondary Gingivoalveoloplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 137:365e-374e, 2016
Mossey PA, Little J, Munger RG, Dixon MJ, Shaw WC: Cleft lip and palate. Lancet 374:1773-1785, 2009
Nightingale C, Witherow H, Reid FD, Edler R: Comparative repro- ducibility of three methods of radiographic assessment of alveolar bone grafting. Eur J Orthod 25:35-41, 2003
Oberoi S, Chigurupati R, Gill P, Hoffman WY, Vargervik K: Volumetric assessment of secondary alveolar bone grafting using cone beam computed tomography. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 46:503-511, 2009 Opitz C, Meier B, Stoll C, Subklew D: Radiographic evaluation of the transplant bone height in patients with clefts of the lip/alveolus/ palate after secondary bone grafting. J Orofac Orthop 60:383-
391, 1999
Paterson M, Rae J, Paterson P, Gilgrass T, Devlin M, McIntyre G: Sec- ondary Alveolar Bone Grafting (CLEFTSiS) 2007-2010. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:141-146, 2016
Peamkaroonrath C, Godfrey K, Chatrchaiwiwatana S: New clinical method for alveolar bone graft evaluation in cleft patients: a pilot study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 48:286-292, 2011
Revington PJ, McNamara C, Mukarram S, Perera E, Shah HV, Deacon SA: Alveolar bone grafting: results of a national outcome study. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 92:643-646, 2010
Rosenstein SW, Long RE, Jr., Dado DV, Vinson B, Alder ME: Compar- ison of 2-D calculations from periapical and occlusal radiographs versus 3-D calculations from CAT scans in determining bone sup- port for cleft-adjacent teeth following early alveolar bone grafts. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 34:199-205, 1997
Ruppel JK, Long RE, Jr., Oliver DR, Semb G, Russell KA, Mercado AM, Daskalogiannakis J, Hathaway RR: The Americleft Project: A Com- parison of Short- and Longer-Term Secondary Alveolar Bone Graft Outcomes in Two Centers Using the Standardized Way to Assess Grafts Scale. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:508-515, 2016
Russell K, Long RE, Jr., Daskalogiannakis J, Mercado A, Hathaway R, Semb G, Shaw W: A Multicenter Study Using the SWAG Scale to Compare Secondary Alveolar Bone Graft Outcomes for Pa- tients With Cleft Lip and Palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:180- 186, 2016
Russell K, Long RE, Jr., Daskalogiannakis J, Mercado A, Hathaway R, Semb G, Shaw W: Reliability of the SWAG-The Standardized Way to Assess Grafts Method for Alveolar Bone Grafting in Pa- tients With Cleft Lip and Palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 54:680- 686, 2017
Schultze-Mosgau S, Nkenke E, Schlegel AK, Hirschfelder U, Wiltfang J: Analysis of bone resorption after secondary alveolar cleft bone grafts before and after canine eruption in connection with ortho- dontic gap closure or prosthodontic treatment. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:1245-1248, 2003
Semb G, Rønning E, Åbyholm F: Twenty-Year Follow-Up of 50 Con- secutive Patients Born with Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate Treated by the Oslo Cleft Team, Norway. Semin Orthod 17:207-224, 2011
Shirota T, Ogura H, Suzuki M, Akizuki A, Kamatani T, Kondo S, Yam- aguchi T: Clinical Evaluation of Bioabsorbable Mesh for Secondary Bone Grafts in the Alveolar Cleft. Dentistry 6:353, 2016
Suomalainen A, Aberg T, Rautio J, Hurmerinta K: Cone beam com- puted tomography in the assessment of alveolar bone grafting in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Eur J Orthod 36:603- 611, 2014
Tai CC, Sutherland IS, McFadden L: Prospective analysis of secondary alveolar bone grafting using computed tomography. J Oral Max- illofac Surg 58:1241-1249; discussion 1250, 2000
Theologie-Lygidakis N, Chatzidimitriou K, Tzerbos F, Kolomvos N, Ia- trou I: Development of surgical techniques of secondary osteo- plasty in cleft patients following 12 years experience. J Craniomax- illofac Surg 42:839-845, 2014
Trindade IK, Mazzottini R, Silva Filho OG, Trindade IE, Deboni MC: Long-term radiographic assessment of secondary alveolar bone grafting outcomes in patients with alveolar clefts. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 100:271-277, 2005
van der Meij AJ, Baart JA, Prahl-Andersen B, Valk J, Kostense PJ, Tuinz- ing DB: Computed tomography in evaluation of early secondary bone grafting. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 23:132-136, 1994
Vanderas AP: Incidence of cleft lip, cleft palate, and cleft lip and palate among races: a review. Cleft Palate J 24:216-225, 1987
Waitzman AA, Posnick JC, Armstrong DC, Pron GE: Craniofacial skele- tal measurements based on computed tomography: Part I. Accu- racy and reproducibility. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 29:112-117, 1992
Wang YC, Liao YF, Chen PK: Comparative Outcomes of Primary Gin- givoperiosteoplasty and Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting in Pa- tients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. Plast Reconstr Surg 137:218-227, 2016
Wangsrimongkol T, Manosudprasit M, Pisek P, Sutthiprapaporn P, Somsuk T: Alveolar bone graft evaluation agreement using cone beam computed tomography in cleft lip and palate patients: a pilot study. J Med Assoc Thai 96 Suppl 4:S36-43, 2013
Wantia N, Rettinger G: The current understanding of cleft lip malfor- mations. Facial Plast Surg 18:147-153, 2002
Witherow H, Cox S, Jones E, Carr R, Waterhouse N: A new scale to assess radiographic success of secondary alveolar bone grafts. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 39:255-260, 2002
University Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, “P. & A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Head: Professor C. Perisanidis), Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Head: Professor K. Tsiklakis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2018) 3, 167-182
SUMMARY: Alveolar cleft repair restores the continuity of the maxilla through a bony bridge. The dimensions of this bridge, which are evaluated radiographically via special scales, are considered a primary success parameter. The aim of the present literature review is the presentation of the radiographic success scales proposed for the evaluation of alveolar cleft repair, and the analysis of the characteristics that they should possess. The scales, which are used today, are mainly based on plain radiographs. The Bergland scale is the most widely known. The Enemark, Long, Kindelan, Chelsea and SWAG scales are also proposed in the literature. All of them evaluate the height of the bony bridge or the degree of bone fill in the cleft area, via periapical or occlusal x-rays. The success scales should be simple and reproducible. They should evaluate the whole height of the cleft site, and they should propose a clear success threshold. Furthermore, they should be applied in both mixed and permanent dentition. Unfortunately, scales based on plain radiographs have certain weaknesses and are thought to overestimate to some degree the success of the surgical intervention. On the other hand, computed tomography has significant advantages in the postsurgical follow-up of alveolar cleft patients, due to the capability of accurate measuring the height and thickness of the bony bridge, without distortion or structure overlap.
KEY WORDS: cleft, alveolar cleft, scale, radiograph, computed tomography
Abyholm FE, Bergland O, Semb G: Secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts. A surgical/orthodontic treatment enabling a non-prosthodontic rehabilitation in cleft lip and palate patients. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 15:127-140, 1981
Aurouze C, Moller KT, Bevis RR, Rehm K, Rudney J: The presurgical status of the alveolar cleft and success of secondary bone grafting. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:179-184, 2000
Bayerlein T, Proff P, Heinrich A, Kaduk W, Hosten N, Gedrange T: Evaluation of bone availability in the cleft area following secondary osteoplasty. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 34 Suppl 2:57-61, 2006
Bergland O, Semb G, Abyholm F: Elimination of the residual alveolar cleft by secondary bone grafting and subsequent orthodontic treatment. Cleft Palate J 23:175-205, 1986a
Bergland O, Semb G, Abyholm F, Borchgrevink H, Eskeland G: Sec- ondary bone grafting and orthodontic treatment in patients with bilateral complete clefts of the lip and palate. Ann Plast Surg 17:460-474, 1986b
Boyne PJ, Sands NR: Secondary bone grafting of residual alveolar and palatal clefts. J Oral Surg 30:87-92, 1972
Craven C, Cole P, Hollier L, Jr., Stal S: Ensuring success in alveolar bone grafting: a three-dimensional approach. J Craniofac Surg 18:855- 859, 2007
Dempf R, Teltzrow T, Kramer FJ, Hausamen JE: Alveolar bone grafting in patients with complete clefts: a comparative study between secondary and tertiary bone grafting. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 39:18-25, 2002
Eichhorn W, Blessmann M, Pohlenz P, Blake FA, Gehrke G, Schmelzle R, Heiland M: Primary osteoplasty using calvarian bone in patients with cleft lip, alveolus and palate. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 37:429- 433, 2009
Enemark H, Sindet-Pedersen S, Bundgaard M: Long-term results after secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 45:913-919, 1987
Feichtinger M, Mossbock R, Karcher H: Assessment of bone resorption after secondary alveolar bone grafting using three-dimensional computed tomography: a three-year study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 44:142-148, 2007
Garib D, Massaro C, Yatabe M, Janson G, Lauris JRP: Mesial and distal alveolar bone morphology in maxillary canines moved into the grafted alveolar cleft: Computed tomography evaluation. Clin Oral Investig 151:869-877, 2017
Hamada Y, Kondoh T, Noguchi K, Iino M, Isono H, Ishii H, Mishima A, Kobayashi K, Seto K: Application of limited cone beam computed tomography to clinical assessment of alveolar bone grafting: a pre- liminary report. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 42:128-137, 2005
Han K, Jeong W, Yeo H, Choi J, Kim J, Son D, Oh S, Kim C: Long-term results of secondary alveolar bone grafting using a technique to harvest pure calvarial cancellous bone: Evaluation based on plain radiography and computed tomography. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 70:352-359, 2017
Helms JA, Speidel TM, Denis KL: Effect of timing on long-term clinical success of alveolar cleft bone grafts. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Or- thop 92:232-240, 1987
Honma K, Kobayashi T, Nakajima T, Hayasi T: Computed tomographic evaluation of bone formation after secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 57:1209-1213, 1999
Horswell BB, Henderson JM: Secondary osteoplasty of the alveolar cleft defect. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:1082-1090, 2003
Hynes PJ, Earley MJ: Assessment of secondary alveolar bone grafting using a modification of the Bergland grading system. Br J Plast Surg 56:630-636, 2003
Iino M, Ishii H, Matsushima R, Fukuda M, Hamada Y, Kondoh T, Seto K: Comparison of intraoral radiography and computed tomogra- phy in evaluation of formation of bone after grafting for repair of residual alveolar defects in patients with cleft lip and palate. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 39:15-21, 2005
Kasten EF, Schmidt SP, Zickler CF, Berner E, Damian LA, Christian GM, Workman H, Freeman M, Farley MD, Hicks TL: Team care of the patient with cleft lip and palate. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 38:138-158, 2008
Kim KR, Kim S, Baek SH: Change in grafted secondary alveolar bone in patients with UCLP and UCLA. A three-dimensional computed tomography study. Angle Orthod 78:631-640, 2008
Kindelan JD, Nashed RR, Bromige MR: Radiographic assessment of sec- ondary autogenous alveolar bone grafting in cleft lip and palate patients. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 34:195-198, 1997
Kumar R, Heggie A, Shand J, Dominguez-Gonzalez S, Kilpatrick N, Shah J: Secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts: a review of outcome at two centres in Australia and the UK. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 55:496-499, 2017
Lee C, Crepeau RJ, Williams HB, Schwartz S: Alveolar cleft bone grafts: results and imprecisions of the dental radiograph. Plast Reconstr Surg 96:1534-1538, 1995
Lilja J, Kalaaji A, Friede H, Elander A: Combined bone grafting and de- layed closure of the hard palate in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate: facilitation of lateral incisor eruption and evaluation of indicators for timing of the procedure. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:98-105, 2000
Liu L, Ma L, Lin J, Jia Q: [A new three-dimensional scale in the evalua- tion of the secondary alveolar bone grafting]. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 50:598-602, 2015
Liu L, Ma L, Lin J, Zhang C, Jia Y: Assessing the Interdental Septal Thick- ness in Alveolar Bone Grafting Using Cone Beam Computed To- mography. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:683-689, 2016
Long RE, Jr., Spangler BE, Yow M: Cleft width and secondary alveolar bone graft success. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 32:420-427, 1995
Maeda A, Uehara S, Suga M, Nishihara K, Nakamura N, Miyawaki S: Changes in grafted autogenous bone during edgewise treatment in patients with unilateral cleft lip/palate or alveolus. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 51:525-532, 2014
Marukawa E, Oshina H, Iino G, Morita K, Omura K: Reduction of bone resorption by the application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in bone grafting of the alveolar cleft. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 39:278-283, 2011
Meazzini MC, Corno M, Novelli G, Autelitano L, Tortora C, Elsido D, Garattini G, Brusati R: Long-Term Computed Tomographic Eval- uation of Alveolar Bone Formation in Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate after Early Secondary Gingivoalveoloplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 137:365e-374e, 2016
Mossey PA, Little J, Munger RG, Dixon MJ, Shaw WC: Cleft lip and palate. Lancet 374:1773-1785, 2009
Nightingale C, Witherow H, Reid FD, Edler R: Comparative repro- ducibility of three methods of radiographic assessment of alveolar bone grafting. Eur J Orthod 25:35-41, 2003
Oberoi S, Chigurupati R, Gill P, Hoffman WY, Vargervik K: Volumetric assessment of secondary alveolar bone grafting using cone beam computed tomography. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 46:503-511, 2009 Opitz C, Meier B, Stoll C, Subklew D: Radiographic evaluation of the transplant bone height in patients with clefts of the lip/alveolus/ palate after secondary bone grafting. J Orofac Orthop 60:383-
391, 1999
Paterson M, Rae J, Paterson P, Gilgrass T, Devlin M, McIntyre G: Sec- ondary Alveolar Bone Grafting (CLEFTSiS) 2007-2010. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:141-146, 2016
Peamkaroonrath C, Godfrey K, Chatrchaiwiwatana S: New clinical method for alveolar bone graft evaluation in cleft patients: a pilot study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 48:286-292, 2011
Revington PJ, McNamara C, Mukarram S, Perera E, Shah HV, Deacon SA: Alveolar bone grafting: results of a national outcome study. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 92:643-646, 2010
Rosenstein SW, Long RE, Jr., Dado DV, Vinson B, Alder ME: Compar- ison of 2-D calculations from periapical and occlusal radiographs versus 3-D calculations from CAT scans in determining bone sup- port for cleft-adjacent teeth following early alveolar bone grafts. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 34:199-205, 1997
Ruppel JK, Long RE, Jr., Oliver DR, Semb G, Russell KA, Mercado AM, Daskalogiannakis J, Hathaway RR: The Americleft Project: A Com- parison of Short- and Longer-Term Secondary Alveolar Bone Graft Outcomes in Two Centers Using the Standardized Way to Assess Grafts Scale. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:508-515, 2016
Russell K, Long RE, Jr., Daskalogiannakis J, Mercado A, Hathaway R, Semb G, Shaw W: A Multicenter Study Using the SWAG Scale to Compare Secondary Alveolar Bone Graft Outcomes for Pa- tients With Cleft Lip and Palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 53:180- 186, 2016
Russell K, Long RE, Jr., Daskalogiannakis J, Mercado A, Hathaway R, Semb G, Shaw W: Reliability of the SWAG-The Standardized Way to Assess Grafts Method for Alveolar Bone Grafting in Pa- tients With Cleft Lip and Palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 54:680- 686, 2017
Schultze-Mosgau S, Nkenke E, Schlegel AK, Hirschfelder U, Wiltfang J: Analysis of bone resorption after secondary alveolar cleft bone grafts before and after canine eruption in connection with ortho- dontic gap closure or prosthodontic treatment. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:1245-1248, 2003
Semb G, Rønning E, Åbyholm F: Twenty-Year Follow-Up of 50 Con- secutive Patients Born with Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate Treated by the Oslo Cleft Team, Norway. Semin Orthod 17:207-224, 2011
Shirota T, Ogura H, Suzuki M, Akizuki A, Kamatani T, Kondo S, Yam- aguchi T: Clinical Evaluation of Bioabsorbable Mesh for Secondary Bone Grafts in the Alveolar Cleft. Dentistry 6:353, 2016
Suomalainen A, Aberg T, Rautio J, Hurmerinta K: Cone beam com- puted tomography in the assessment of alveolar bone grafting in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Eur J Orthod 36:603- 611, 2014
Tai CC, Sutherland IS, McFadden L: Prospective analysis of secondary alveolar bone grafting using computed tomography. J Oral Max- illofac Surg 58:1241-1249; discussion 1250, 2000
Theologie-Lygidakis N, Chatzidimitriou K, Tzerbos F, Kolomvos N, Ia- trou I: Development of surgical techniques of secondary osteo- plasty in cleft patients following 12 years experience. J Craniomax- illofac Surg 42:839-845, 2014
Trindade IK, Mazzottini R, Silva Filho OG, Trindade IE, Deboni MC: Long-term radiographic assessment of secondary alveolar bone grafting outcomes in patients with alveolar clefts. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 100:271-277, 2005
van der Meij AJ, Baart JA, Prahl-Andersen B, Valk J, Kostense PJ, Tuinz- ing DB: Computed tomography in evaluation of early secondary bone grafting. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 23:132-136, 1994
Vanderas AP: Incidence of cleft lip, cleft palate, and cleft lip and palate among races: a review. Cleft Palate J 24:216-225, 1987
Waitzman AA, Posnick JC, Armstrong DC, Pron GE: Craniofacial skele- tal measurements based on computed tomography: Part I. Accu- racy and reproducibility. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 29:112-117, 1992
Wang YC, Liao YF, Chen PK: Comparative Outcomes of Primary Gin- givoperiosteoplasty and Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting in Pa- tients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. Plast Reconstr Surg 137:218-227, 2016
Wangsrimongkol T, Manosudprasit M, Pisek P, Sutthiprapaporn P, Somsuk T: Alveolar bone graft evaluation agreement using cone beam computed tomography in cleft lip and palate patients: a pilot study. J Med Assoc Thai 96 Suppl 4:S36-43, 2013
Wantia N, Rettinger G: The current understanding of cleft lip malfor- mations. Facial Plast Surg 18:147-153, 2002
Witherow H, Cox S, Jones E, Carr R, Waterhouse N: A new scale to assess radiographic success of secondary alveolar bone grafts. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 39:255-260, 2002
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