Pre-implant surgery: comparative evaluation of inlay and onlay bone grafts
Gerasimos SKONDRAS, Foteini SKONDRA, Anastassios MYLONAS, Fotios TZERBOS
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Head: Prof. N. Papadogeorgakis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2016) 3, 143-156
SUMMARY: Surgical ridge augmentation is often a pre- requisite for rendering the implant restoration of severely absorbed maxillae and mandible possible. Bone grafting, either with autogenous, allografts, xenografts or synthetic grafts, remains one of the most widely-applied surgical approach. Onlay and inlay bone grafting techniques have been developed along with other more or less invasive procedures, while both intraoral and extraoral donor sites for autogenous bone grafts are used. Comparison among the various ridge augmentation procedures and bone grafts is based on the following criteria: the surface postsurgical resorption of the bone graft, the average bone gain both in the horizontal and vertical dimension, the complication rate and the implants’ survival and suc- cess. Clinical studies were conducted either in a prospec- tive or a retrospective manner, so as to compare the de- veloped surgical procedures for ridge augmentation and the various bone grafts. The objective of the present re- view is the collection and the critical evaluation of the findings of the above-mentioned studies. The final aim is to compare and contrast the autogenous inlay and onlay bone grafts with the other surgical procedures and the non-autogenous bone grafts in the field of pre-implant surgery.
KEY WORDS: Absorbed ridge, bone grafts, implants, inlay grafts, onlay grafts, pre-implant surgery
Chacon G, Ellis J, Kalmar J, Mc Glumphy E: Using resorbable screws for fixation of cortical onlay bone grafts: an in vivo study in rabbits. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 62(11):1396-402, 2004
Chiapasco M, Zabinoni M, Boisco M: «Augmentation procedures for the rehabilitation of deficient edentulous ridges with oral im- plants.» Clin Oral Implants Res 17 Suppl 2:136-59, 2006
Choi BH, Lee SHR, Huh JH, Han SG: Use of the sandwich osteotomy plus an interpositional allograft for vertical augmentation of the alveolar ridge. J Cranio-maxillofac Surg 32: 51-54, 2004
Cordaro L, Torsello F, Accorsi Ribeiro C, Liberatore M, Mirisola di Tor- resanto V: Inlay–onlay grafting for three-dimensional reconstruc- tion of the posterior atrophic maxilla with mandibular bone. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 39(4):350-7, 2010
Elo JA, Herford AS, Boyne PJ: Implant success in distracted bone versus autogenous bone-grafted sites. Oral Implantol 35: 181-184, 2009 Ersanli S, Arısan V, Bedeloğlu E: Evaluation of the autogenous bone block transfer for dental implant placement: Symphysal or ramus
harvesting? BMC Oral Health 16: 1-8, 2016
Esposito M, Grusovin MG, Felice P, Karatzopoulos G, Worthington HV, Coulthard P :The Efficacy of Horizontal and Vertical Bone Augmentation Procedures for Dental Implants: A Cochrane Sys- tematic Review. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009
Felice P, Marchetti C, Iezzi G, Piattelli A, Worthington H, Pellegrino G, Esposito M: Vertical ridge augmentation of the atrophic posterior mandible with interpositional bloc grafts: bone from the iliac crest vs. bovine anorganic bone. Clinical and histological results up to one year after loading from a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Implants Res. 20(12):1386-93, 2009
Fukuda M, Takahashi T, Yamaguchi T: Bone grafting technique to in- crease interdental alveolar bone height for placement of an im- plant. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 38, 16–18, 2000
Greenberg JA, Wiltz MJ , Kraut RA: Augmentation of the Anterior Maxilla With Intraoral Onlay Grafts for Implant Placement. Implant Dent 21:21–24, 2012
Kim JW, Cho MH, Kim SJ, Kim MR : Alveolar distraction osteogenesis ver- sus autogenous onlay bone graft for vertical augmentation of se- verely atrophied alveolar ridges after 12 years of long-term follow- up . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 116:540-549, 2013
Kim Y, Park JY, Park SY, Oh SH, Jung Y, Kim JM, Yoo SY, Kim SK: Eco- nomic evaluation of single-tooth replacement: Dental Implant Versus fixed partial denture. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 29:600-607, 2014 Levin L, Nitzan D, Schwartz-Arad D: Success of Dental Implants Placed
in Intraoral Block Bone Grafts. J Periodontol 78:18-21, 2007 Lozano R, Dominguez-Mompell JL, Infante-Cossio P, Lara-Chao J,
Espin-Galvez F, Lopez-Pizarro V: Reconstruction of mandibular vertical defects for dental implants with autogenous bone block grafts using a tunnel approach: clinical study of 50 cases. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 44: 1416–1422 , 2015
Martuscelli R, Toti P, Sbordone L, Guidetti F, Ramaglia L, Sbordone C: Five-year outcome of bone remodelling around implants in the maxillary sinus: assessment of differences between implants placed in autogenous inlay bone blocks and in ungrafted maxilla. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 43: 1117–1126, 2014
Monje A, Monje F , Hernandez-Alfaro F, Gonzalez-Garcia R, Suarez F, Galindo-Moreno P, Montanero-Fernandez J, Wang HL: Horizontal Bone Augmentation using Autogenous Block Grafts and Particu- late Xenograft in the Severe Atrophic Maxillary Anterior Ridges. AAID-JOI-D-13-00219R1, 2014
Monje A, Monje F, Suárez F, González-García R, Villanueva-Alcojol L, García-Nogales A, Galindo-Moreno P, Wang HL: Comparison of implant primary stability between maxillary edentulous ridges re- ceiving intramembranous origin block grafts. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal, 18(3):e449-54, 2013
Motamedian SR, Khojaste M, Khojaste A: Success rate of implants placed in autogenous bone blocks versus allogenic bone blocks: A systematic literature review. Ann Maxillofac Surg 6: 78-90, 2016
Nkenke E, Neukam FW: Autogenous bone harvesting and grafting in advanced jaw resorption: morbidity, resorption and implant sur- vival. Eur J Oral Implantol 7: 203–217, 2014
Nystrom E, Ahlqvist J, Gunne J, Kahnberg KE: 10-year follow-up of onlay bone and implants in severely resorbed maxillae. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 33: 258–262, 2004
Pieri F, Aldini NN, Marchetti C, Corinaldesi G: Esthetic outcome and tissue stability of maxillary anterior single-tooth implants following reconstruction with mandibular block grafts: A 5-year prospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 28: 270-280, 2013
Prósper AA ,Peñarrocha-Oltra D , Peñarrocha-Diago M, Peñarrocha- Diago M: The outcome of intraoral onlay block bone grafts on alveolar ridge augmentations: A systematic review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal, 20(2):e251-8, 2015
Roden RD: Principles of bone grafting. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 22: 295-300, 2010
Sbordone L, Toti P, Menchini-Fabris GB, Sbordone C, Piombino P, Guidetti F: Volume changes of autogenous bone grafts after alve- olar ridge augmentation of atrophic maxillae and mandibles. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 38: 1059–1065, 2009
Schaudy C, Vinzenz K: Osteoplastic reconstruction of severely re- sorbed maxilla by stack plasty: combining sinus augmentation with lateral and vertical onlay bone grafting. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 52(7):647-51, 2014
Scheerlinck LM, Muradin MS, van der Bilt A, Meijer GJ, Koole R, Van Cann EM: Donor site complications in bone grafting: comparison of iliac crest, calvarial, and mandibular ramus bone. Int J Oral Max- illofac Implants 28 :222–227, 2013
Schettler D: Sandwich technique with cartilage transplant for raising the alveolar process in the lower jaw. Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir 20:61-63, 1979
Soehardi A, Meijer GJ, Strooband VFMH, De Koning M, Stoelinga PJW: The potential of the horizontal ramus of the mandible as a donor site for block and particular grafts in pre-implant surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac. Surg 38:1173–1178, 2009
Stoelinga PJW, Tidemann JS, Berger H, de Koonen A: Interpositional bone graft augmentation of the atrophic mandible. J Oral Surg 36:30-32, 1978
Van Steenberghe D, Naert I, Bossuyt M , De Mars G , Calberson L, Ghy- selen J, Brånemark PI: The rehabilitation of the severely resorbed maxilla by simultaneous placement of autogenous bone grafts and implants: a 10-year evaluation. Clin Oral Invest 1: 102–108, 1997
Vanassche BJE, Stoelinga PJW, de Koomen PA, Blijdorp, Schoenaers JHA: Reconstruction of the severely resorbed mandible with in- terposed bone grafts and hydroxylapatite. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 17:157-160, 1988
Yun KI, Choi H, Wright RF, Ahn HS, Chang BM, Kim HJ: Efficacy of Alveolar Vertical Distraction Osteogenesis and Autogenous Bone Grafting for Dental Implants: Systematic Review and Meta-Analy- sis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 31(1):26-36, 2016
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Head: Prof. N. Papadogeorgakis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2016) 3, 143-156
SUMMARY: Surgical ridge augmentation is often a pre- requisite for rendering the implant restoration of severely absorbed maxillae and mandible possible. Bone grafting, either with autogenous, allografts, xenografts or synthetic grafts, remains one of the most widely-applied surgical approach. Onlay and inlay bone grafting techniques have been developed along with other more or less invasive procedures, while both intraoral and extraoral donor sites for autogenous bone grafts are used. Comparison among the various ridge augmentation procedures and bone grafts is based on the following criteria: the surface postsurgical resorption of the bone graft, the average bone gain both in the horizontal and vertical dimension, the complication rate and the implants’ survival and suc- cess. Clinical studies were conducted either in a prospec- tive or a retrospective manner, so as to compare the de- veloped surgical procedures for ridge augmentation and the various bone grafts. The objective of the present re- view is the collection and the critical evaluation of the findings of the above-mentioned studies. The final aim is to compare and contrast the autogenous inlay and onlay bone grafts with the other surgical procedures and the non-autogenous bone grafts in the field of pre-implant surgery.
KEY WORDS: Absorbed ridge, bone grafts, implants, inlay grafts, onlay grafts, pre-implant surgery
Chacon G, Ellis J, Kalmar J, Mc Glumphy E: Using resorbable screws for fixation of cortical onlay bone grafts: an in vivo study in rabbits. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 62(11):1396-402, 2004
Chiapasco M, Zabinoni M, Boisco M: «Augmentation procedures for the rehabilitation of deficient edentulous ridges with oral im- plants.» Clin Oral Implants Res 17 Suppl 2:136-59, 2006
Choi BH, Lee SHR, Huh JH, Han SG: Use of the sandwich osteotomy plus an interpositional allograft for vertical augmentation of the alveolar ridge. J Cranio-maxillofac Surg 32: 51-54, 2004
Cordaro L, Torsello F, Accorsi Ribeiro C, Liberatore M, Mirisola di Tor- resanto V: Inlay–onlay grafting for three-dimensional reconstruc- tion of the posterior atrophic maxilla with mandibular bone. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 39(4):350-7, 2010
Elo JA, Herford AS, Boyne PJ: Implant success in distracted bone versus autogenous bone-grafted sites. Oral Implantol 35: 181-184, 2009 Ersanli S, Arısan V, Bedeloğlu E: Evaluation of the autogenous bone block transfer for dental implant placement: Symphysal or ramus
harvesting? BMC Oral Health 16: 1-8, 2016
Esposito M, Grusovin MG, Felice P, Karatzopoulos G, Worthington HV, Coulthard P :The Efficacy of Horizontal and Vertical Bone Augmentation Procedures for Dental Implants: A Cochrane Sys- tematic Review. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009
Felice P, Marchetti C, Iezzi G, Piattelli A, Worthington H, Pellegrino G, Esposito M: Vertical ridge augmentation of the atrophic posterior mandible with interpositional bloc grafts: bone from the iliac crest vs. bovine anorganic bone. Clinical and histological results up to one year after loading from a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Implants Res. 20(12):1386-93, 2009
Fukuda M, Takahashi T, Yamaguchi T: Bone grafting technique to in- crease interdental alveolar bone height for placement of an im- plant. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 38, 16–18, 2000
Greenberg JA, Wiltz MJ , Kraut RA: Augmentation of the Anterior Maxilla With Intraoral Onlay Grafts for Implant Placement. Implant Dent 21:21–24, 2012
Kim JW, Cho MH, Kim SJ, Kim MR : Alveolar distraction osteogenesis ver- sus autogenous onlay bone graft for vertical augmentation of se- verely atrophied alveolar ridges after 12 years of long-term follow- up . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 116:540-549, 2013
Kim Y, Park JY, Park SY, Oh SH, Jung Y, Kim JM, Yoo SY, Kim SK: Eco- nomic evaluation of single-tooth replacement: Dental Implant Versus fixed partial denture. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 29:600-607, 2014 Levin L, Nitzan D, Schwartz-Arad D: Success of Dental Implants Placed
in Intraoral Block Bone Grafts. J Periodontol 78:18-21, 2007 Lozano R, Dominguez-Mompell JL, Infante-Cossio P, Lara-Chao J,
Espin-Galvez F, Lopez-Pizarro V: Reconstruction of mandibular vertical defects for dental implants with autogenous bone block grafts using a tunnel approach: clinical study of 50 cases. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 44: 1416–1422 , 2015
Martuscelli R, Toti P, Sbordone L, Guidetti F, Ramaglia L, Sbordone C: Five-year outcome of bone remodelling around implants in the maxillary sinus: assessment of differences between implants placed in autogenous inlay bone blocks and in ungrafted maxilla. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 43: 1117–1126, 2014
Monje A, Monje F , Hernandez-Alfaro F, Gonzalez-Garcia R, Suarez F, Galindo-Moreno P, Montanero-Fernandez J, Wang HL: Horizontal Bone Augmentation using Autogenous Block Grafts and Particu- late Xenograft in the Severe Atrophic Maxillary Anterior Ridges. AAID-JOI-D-13-00219R1, 2014
Monje A, Monje F, Suárez F, González-García R, Villanueva-Alcojol L, García-Nogales A, Galindo-Moreno P, Wang HL: Comparison of implant primary stability between maxillary edentulous ridges re- ceiving intramembranous origin block grafts. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal, 18(3):e449-54, 2013
Motamedian SR, Khojaste M, Khojaste A: Success rate of implants placed in autogenous bone blocks versus allogenic bone blocks: A systematic literature review. Ann Maxillofac Surg 6: 78-90, 2016
Nkenke E, Neukam FW: Autogenous bone harvesting and grafting in advanced jaw resorption: morbidity, resorption and implant sur- vival. Eur J Oral Implantol 7: 203–217, 2014
Nystrom E, Ahlqvist J, Gunne J, Kahnberg KE: 10-year follow-up of onlay bone and implants in severely resorbed maxillae. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 33: 258–262, 2004
Pieri F, Aldini NN, Marchetti C, Corinaldesi G: Esthetic outcome and tissue stability of maxillary anterior single-tooth implants following reconstruction with mandibular block grafts: A 5-year prospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 28: 270-280, 2013
Prósper AA ,Peñarrocha-Oltra D , Peñarrocha-Diago M, Peñarrocha- Diago M: The outcome of intraoral onlay block bone grafts on alveolar ridge augmentations: A systematic review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal, 20(2):e251-8, 2015
Roden RD: Principles of bone grafting. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 22: 295-300, 2010
Sbordone L, Toti P, Menchini-Fabris GB, Sbordone C, Piombino P, Guidetti F: Volume changes of autogenous bone grafts after alve- olar ridge augmentation of atrophic maxillae and mandibles. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 38: 1059–1065, 2009
Schaudy C, Vinzenz K: Osteoplastic reconstruction of severely re- sorbed maxilla by stack plasty: combining sinus augmentation with lateral and vertical onlay bone grafting. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 52(7):647-51, 2014
Scheerlinck LM, Muradin MS, van der Bilt A, Meijer GJ, Koole R, Van Cann EM: Donor site complications in bone grafting: comparison of iliac crest, calvarial, and mandibular ramus bone. Int J Oral Max- illofac Implants 28 :222–227, 2013
Schettler D: Sandwich technique with cartilage transplant for raising the alveolar process in the lower jaw. Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir 20:61-63, 1979
Soehardi A, Meijer GJ, Strooband VFMH, De Koning M, Stoelinga PJW: The potential of the horizontal ramus of the mandible as a donor site for block and particular grafts in pre-implant surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac. Surg 38:1173–1178, 2009
Stoelinga PJW, Tidemann JS, Berger H, de Koonen A: Interpositional bone graft augmentation of the atrophic mandible. J Oral Surg 36:30-32, 1978
Van Steenberghe D, Naert I, Bossuyt M , De Mars G , Calberson L, Ghy- selen J, Brånemark PI: The rehabilitation of the severely resorbed maxilla by simultaneous placement of autogenous bone grafts and implants: a 10-year evaluation. Clin Oral Invest 1: 102–108, 1997
Vanassche BJE, Stoelinga PJW, de Koomen PA, Blijdorp, Schoenaers JHA: Reconstruction of the severely resorbed mandible with in- terposed bone grafts and hydroxylapatite. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 17:157-160, 1988
Yun KI, Choi H, Wright RF, Ahn HS, Chang BM, Kim HJ: Efficacy of Alveolar Vertical Distraction Osteogenesis and Autogenous Bone Grafting for Dental Implants: Systematic Review and Meta-Analy- sis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 31(1):26-36, 2016
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