Palatal perforation from intranasal abuse of heroin. Case report and literature review
Anastasia PANAGIOTAREA, Panagiota KARTERI, Georgios LAGIOS, Barbara ARVANITIDI, Vassilios PETSINIS
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 1, 27-36
SUMMARY: Palatal perforation is a lesion of various etiologies, including chronic intranasal abuse of cocaine. Only a few data, however, correlate this damage with heroin. The growing intranasal abuse of heroin and the fact that it is one of the five most popular drugs in most European countries, especially in the lower social classes, increase the need for further investigation of its effects on the oral cavity and nasopharynx. This report presents a case of chronic snorting of heroin, which caused perforation of the hard palate, the diagnostic approach, the selected surgical technique, the final outcome, as well as a review of literature.
KEY WORDS: Heroin, palatal perforation, nasal use of drugs.
Bakhshaee M, Khadivi E, Sadr MN, Esmatinia F: Nasal septum perfora- tion due to methamphetamine abuse. Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology 25:53-56, 2013
Birchenough SA, Borowitz K, Lin KY: Complete soft palate necrosis and velopharyngeal insufficiency resulting from intranasal inhalation of prescription narcotics and cocaine. J Craniofac Surg 18:1482- 1485, 2007
Chhabra L, Abraham GM: An unusual oro-naso-sinus communication resulting from heroin and cocaine snorting, BMJ Case Rep doi:10.1136, 2013
Colletti G, Autelitano L, Chiapasco M, Biglioli F, Giovanditto F, Mandalà M, Allevi F: Comprehensive surgical management of CIMDL. Jour- nal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 72:e1-10, 2014
Di Cosola M, Turco M, Acero J, Navarro-Vila C, Cotelazzi R: Cocaine- related syndrome and palatal reconstruction: report of a series of cases. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 36:721-727, 2007
El Charkawi H, Nasar H: Prosthetic management of palatal perforation in heroin abuse patient. Dent Oral Craniofac Res doi:10.15761, 2015
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, EU Drug Markets: Impact of Covid-19, May 2020
Goodger NM, Wang J, Pogrel MA: Palatal and nasal necrosis resulting from cocaine misuse. Br Dent J 198:333-334, 2005
Hines LA, Lynskey M, Morley KI, Griffiths P, Gossop M, Powis B, Strang J: The relationship between initial route of heroin administration and speed of transition to daily heroin us. Drug Alcohol Rev 36:633-638, 2017
Iqbal I, Alam Khan MA, Ullah W: Can inhaled heroin be a cause of bilateral globus pallidus ischemic injury? Turk J Emerg Med 19:39- 41, 2018
Myon L, Delforge A, Raoul G, Ferri JQ: Palatal necrosis due to cocaine abuse. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 111:32-35, 2010
Padilla Rosas M., Jiménez Santos CI, García González CL: Palatine per- foration induced by cocaine. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 11:e239-342, 2006
Peyrière H, Léglise Y, Rousseau A, Cartier C, Gibaja V, Galland P: Necrosis of the Intranasal Structures and Soft Palate as a Result of Heroin Snorting: A Case Series. Substance Abuse 34:409-414, 2013
Pushappreet K, Jaspinder K: Oronasal Fistula and Complete Edentulism: What to Do? Dent J 2:142-154, 2014
Scheutz F: Dental Habits, Knowledge, and Attitudes of Young Drug Addicts. Scand J Soc Med 13:35-40, 1985
Shekarchizadeh H, Khami MR, Mohebbi SZ, Ekhtiari H, Virtanen JI: Oral Health of Drug Abusers: A Review of Health Effects and Care. Iran J Public Health 42:929-940, 2013
Silvestre FJ, Perez-Herbera A, Puente-Sandoval A, Bagán JV: Hard palate perforation in cocaine abusers: a systematic review. Clinical Oral Investigations 14:621–628, 2010
Smith JC, Kacker A, & Anand VK: Midline Nasal and Hard Palate Destruction in Cocaine Abusers and Cocaine’s Role in Rhinologic Practice. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 81:172–177, 2002
Yewell J, Haydon R, Archer S, Manaligod JM, Complications of intranasal prescription narcotic abuse. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 111:174-177, 2002
Zhang D, Patel, K. B., Cass, LM, Foster, AE, Guntupalli L, Brunworth JD: Heroin-induced nasal necrosis and septal perforation. Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports 2:145-149, 2017
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 1, 27-36
SUMMARY: Palatal perforation is a lesion of various etiologies, including chronic intranasal abuse of cocaine. Only a few data, however, correlate this damage with heroin. The growing intranasal abuse of heroin and the fact that it is one of the five most popular drugs in most European countries, especially in the lower social classes, increase the need for further investigation of its effects on the oral cavity and nasopharynx. This report presents a case of chronic snorting of heroin, which caused perforation of the hard palate, the diagnostic approach, the selected surgical technique, the final outcome, as well as a review of literature.
KEY WORDS: Heroin, palatal perforation, nasal use of drugs.
Bakhshaee M, Khadivi E, Sadr MN, Esmatinia F: Nasal septum perfora- tion due to methamphetamine abuse. Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology 25:53-56, 2013
Birchenough SA, Borowitz K, Lin KY: Complete soft palate necrosis and velopharyngeal insufficiency resulting from intranasal inhalation of prescription narcotics and cocaine. J Craniofac Surg 18:1482- 1485, 2007
Chhabra L, Abraham GM: An unusual oro-naso-sinus communication resulting from heroin and cocaine snorting, BMJ Case Rep doi:10.1136, 2013
Colletti G, Autelitano L, Chiapasco M, Biglioli F, Giovanditto F, Mandalà M, Allevi F: Comprehensive surgical management of CIMDL. Jour- nal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 72:e1-10, 2014
Di Cosola M, Turco M, Acero J, Navarro-Vila C, Cotelazzi R: Cocaine- related syndrome and palatal reconstruction: report of a series of cases. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 36:721-727, 2007
El Charkawi H, Nasar H: Prosthetic management of palatal perforation in heroin abuse patient. Dent Oral Craniofac Res doi:10.15761, 2015
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, EU Drug Markets: Impact of Covid-19, May 2020
Goodger NM, Wang J, Pogrel MA: Palatal and nasal necrosis resulting from cocaine misuse. Br Dent J 198:333-334, 2005
Hines LA, Lynskey M, Morley KI, Griffiths P, Gossop M, Powis B, Strang J: The relationship between initial route of heroin administration and speed of transition to daily heroin us. Drug Alcohol Rev 36:633-638, 2017
Iqbal I, Alam Khan MA, Ullah W: Can inhaled heroin be a cause of bilateral globus pallidus ischemic injury? Turk J Emerg Med 19:39- 41, 2018
Myon L, Delforge A, Raoul G, Ferri JQ: Palatal necrosis due to cocaine abuse. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 111:32-35, 2010
Padilla Rosas M., Jiménez Santos CI, García González CL: Palatine per- foration induced by cocaine. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 11:e239-342, 2006
Peyrière H, Léglise Y, Rousseau A, Cartier C, Gibaja V, Galland P: Necrosis of the Intranasal Structures and Soft Palate as a Result of Heroin Snorting: A Case Series. Substance Abuse 34:409-414, 2013
Pushappreet K, Jaspinder K: Oronasal Fistula and Complete Edentulism: What to Do? Dent J 2:142-154, 2014
Scheutz F: Dental Habits, Knowledge, and Attitudes of Young Drug Addicts. Scand J Soc Med 13:35-40, 1985
Shekarchizadeh H, Khami MR, Mohebbi SZ, Ekhtiari H, Virtanen JI: Oral Health of Drug Abusers: A Review of Health Effects and Care. Iran J Public Health 42:929-940, 2013
Silvestre FJ, Perez-Herbera A, Puente-Sandoval A, Bagán JV: Hard palate perforation in cocaine abusers: a systematic review. Clinical Oral Investigations 14:621–628, 2010
Smith JC, Kacker A, & Anand VK: Midline Nasal and Hard Palate Destruction in Cocaine Abusers and Cocaine’s Role in Rhinologic Practice. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 81:172–177, 2002
Yewell J, Haydon R, Archer S, Manaligod JM, Complications of intranasal prescription narcotic abuse. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 111:174-177, 2002
Zhang D, Patel, K. B., Cass, LM, Foster, AE, Guntupalli L, Brunworth JD: Heroin-induced nasal necrosis and septal perforation. Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports 2:145-149, 2017
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