Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A clinicopathological study of 29 cases and a brief review of the literature
Panagiotis KARAKOSTAS, Apostolos MATIAKIS, Eleftherios ANAGNOSTOU, Athanasios POULOPOULOS
Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Head: Assoc. Professor Athanasios Poulopoulos)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2018) 1, 43-50
SUMMARY: A case series of peripheral ossifying fibromas is being described, as well as the treatment of choice. The histologic origin of the tumor along with a brief review of the literature is referred.
KEY WORDS: Peripheral ossifying fibroma, reactive gingival overgrowth, oral benign neoplasms
Bharathi Dradha, S Sangamithra, KV Arun, and T.S.S. Kumar: Isolated Lesions of Gingiva: A Case Series and Review. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 7 (2):246, 2016, 237X.183053
Chaturvedy Vivek, AmitKumar Gupta, HotiLal Gupta, and Shefali Chaturvedy: Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma, Some Rare Findings. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 18 (1):88, 2014,
daSilva Fabiana Caroline, Cleto Mariosvaldo Piazzetta, Cassius Carvalho Torres-Pereira, Juliana Lucena Schussel, and José Miguel Amenábar: Gingival Proliferative Lesions in Children and Adoles- cents in Brazil: A 15-Year-Period Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 20 (1):63, 2016,
Eversole LR and Rovin S: Reactive Lesions of the Gingiva Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 1 (1):30–38, 1972,
Khambete Neha, Sonia Sodhi, Sushma Sonawane, and Lata Kale: Pe- ripheral Ossifying Fibroma: Series of Five Cases. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 18 (4):527, 2014,
Lima Marina Deus Moura, Rubens G. Teixeira, Marcelo Bonecker, Paulo De Camargo Moraes, and Andrea Mantesso: Recurrent Multicentric Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma-like Lesion in a Child: A Case Report. BMC Research Notes 7 (1):1–6, 2014,
Maturana-Ramírez Andrea, Daniela Adorno-Farías, Marcela Farías-Ver- gara, and Juan Aitken-Saavedra: A Retrospective Analysis of Re- active Hyperplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity: Study of 1149 Cases Diagnosed Between 2000 and 2011 , Chile. Acta Odontol Latinoam. 28(2):103–7, 2015,
Mergoni Giovanni, Marco Meleti, Simone Magnolo, Ilaria Giovannacci, Luigi Corcione, and Paolo Vescovi: Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Clinicopathologic Study of 27 Cases and Review of the Litera- ture with Emphasis on Histomorphologic Features. Journal of In- dian Society of Periodontology 19 (1):83, 2015,
Parmar Yuvaraj Suryakant, Vivek Muljibhai Tarsariya, Cheranjeevi Jayam, and Anila Bandlapalli: An Unusual Presentation of Peripheral Os- sifying Fibroma in an Elderly Man. BMJ Case Reports, 12:1–4, 2014,
Penumarty Swati, ChallaRam Charan, Mutyala Swati, and BeelaRam Anuradha: Application of 810-Nm Diode Laser in the Manage- ment of Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 19 (2):224, 2015, 124X.145831
Pereira Treville, Subraj Shetty, Arvind Shetty, and Svylvy Pereira: Re- current Peripheral Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 19 (3):333–35, 2015,
Raizada Shruti, Jothi M Varghese, KM Bhat, and Kanishk Gupta: Isolated Gingival Overgrowths: A Review of Case Series. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 7 (2):265, 2016, 237X.183057
Vidyanath S, PM Shameena, Dexton Antony Johns, Vasundara Yayathi Shivashankar, S Sudha, and Sujatha Varma: Reactive Hyperplasic Lesions of the Oral Cavity: A Survey of 295 Cases at a Tertiary Health Institution in Kerala. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathol- ogy 19 (3):330, 2015,
Ζουλούμης Λ, Θωμαΐδης Β, Λαζαρίδης Ν, Καρύκη E, Καρακάσης Δ: Οστεϊνο-οστεοποιούμενο ίνωμα της κάτω γνάθου. ΣΤΟΜΑ 26, 91-96, 1998
Zouloumis L, Thomaides B, Lazaridis N, Kariki E, Karakasis D: Mandibular cementifying ossifying fibroma. (In Greek) Stoma 26, 91-96, 1998
Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Head: Assoc. Professor Athanasios Poulopoulos)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2018) 1, 43-50
SUMMARY: A case series of peripheral ossifying fibromas is being described, as well as the treatment of choice. The histologic origin of the tumor along with a brief review of the literature is referred.
KEY WORDS: Peripheral ossifying fibroma, reactive gingival overgrowth, oral benign neoplasms
Bharathi Dradha, S Sangamithra, KV Arun, and T.S.S. Kumar: Isolated Lesions of Gingiva: A Case Series and Review. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 7 (2):246, 2016, 237X.183053
Chaturvedy Vivek, AmitKumar Gupta, HotiLal Gupta, and Shefali Chaturvedy: Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma, Some Rare Findings. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 18 (1):88, 2014,
daSilva Fabiana Caroline, Cleto Mariosvaldo Piazzetta, Cassius Carvalho Torres-Pereira, Juliana Lucena Schussel, and José Miguel Amenábar: Gingival Proliferative Lesions in Children and Adoles- cents in Brazil: A 15-Year-Period Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 20 (1):63, 2016,
Eversole LR and Rovin S: Reactive Lesions of the Gingiva Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 1 (1):30–38, 1972,
Khambete Neha, Sonia Sodhi, Sushma Sonawane, and Lata Kale: Pe- ripheral Ossifying Fibroma: Series of Five Cases. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 18 (4):527, 2014,
Lima Marina Deus Moura, Rubens G. Teixeira, Marcelo Bonecker, Paulo De Camargo Moraes, and Andrea Mantesso: Recurrent Multicentric Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma-like Lesion in a Child: A Case Report. BMC Research Notes 7 (1):1–6, 2014,
Maturana-Ramírez Andrea, Daniela Adorno-Farías, Marcela Farías-Ver- gara, and Juan Aitken-Saavedra: A Retrospective Analysis of Re- active Hyperplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity: Study of 1149 Cases Diagnosed Between 2000 and 2011 , Chile. Acta Odontol Latinoam. 28(2):103–7, 2015,
Mergoni Giovanni, Marco Meleti, Simone Magnolo, Ilaria Giovannacci, Luigi Corcione, and Paolo Vescovi: Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Clinicopathologic Study of 27 Cases and Review of the Litera- ture with Emphasis on Histomorphologic Features. Journal of In- dian Society of Periodontology 19 (1):83, 2015,
Parmar Yuvaraj Suryakant, Vivek Muljibhai Tarsariya, Cheranjeevi Jayam, and Anila Bandlapalli: An Unusual Presentation of Peripheral Os- sifying Fibroma in an Elderly Man. BMJ Case Reports, 12:1–4, 2014,
Penumarty Swati, ChallaRam Charan, Mutyala Swati, and BeelaRam Anuradha: Application of 810-Nm Diode Laser in the Manage- ment of Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 19 (2):224, 2015, 124X.145831
Pereira Treville, Subraj Shetty, Arvind Shetty, and Svylvy Pereira: Re- current Peripheral Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 19 (3):333–35, 2015,
Raizada Shruti, Jothi M Varghese, KM Bhat, and Kanishk Gupta: Isolated Gingival Overgrowths: A Review of Case Series. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 7 (2):265, 2016, 237X.183057
Vidyanath S, PM Shameena, Dexton Antony Johns, Vasundara Yayathi Shivashankar, S Sudha, and Sujatha Varma: Reactive Hyperplasic Lesions of the Oral Cavity: A Survey of 295 Cases at a Tertiary Health Institution in Kerala. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathol- ogy 19 (3):330, 2015,
Ζουλούμης Λ, Θωμαΐδης Β, Λαζαρίδης Ν, Καρύκη E, Καρακάσης Δ: Οστεϊνο-οστεοποιούμενο ίνωμα της κάτω γνάθου. ΣΤΟΜΑ 26, 91-96, 1998
Zouloumis L, Thomaides B, Lazaridis N, Kariki E, Karakasis D: Mandibular cementifying ossifying fibroma. (In Greek) Stoma 26, 91-96, 1998
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