The efficacy of an Osteopathic treatment protocol on pain and function in patients with TMJ disorders
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Head: Professor K. Antoniadis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2018) 2, 125-138
SUMMARY: Purpose: To evaluate the effect of an Osteo- pathic treatment protocol on the quality and intensity of pain, mouth opening and general joint function in patients with persistent TMD.
Methodology: 24 patients (17 women - 7 men) aged 18- 62 y.o.a. participated in the study. The patients treated with the osteopathic protocol (8 sessions - 2 times / week), suffered from the disorder for a period of 2-24 months. Data was collected at baseline of the procedure, after the 4th session and after the 8th session.
Results: The treatment protocol showed positive results for pain reduction in NPRS (Numeric Pain Rating Score) (F=213.9, p<0.001) and GROC (Global Rating of Change Score), as well as joint function using the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale (JFLS-20) (F=211.2, p<0.001). Also, for maximum mouth opening (MMO) there was a statistically significant difference between initial and final measurement in both active (F=110.01, p<0.001) and passive (F=129.05, p<0.001) MMO.
KEY WORDS: Osteopathic treatment, temporomandibular disorder, myofascial dysfunction, TMJ pain
Almasan C, Hedesiu M, Baciut G, Leucuta C, Baciut M: Disk and joint morphology variations on coronal and sagittal MRI in temporo- mandibular joint disorders. Clinical Oral Investigations 17: 1243- 1250, 2013
Al-Moraissi E: Open versus arthroscopic surgery for the management of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: a meta- analysis of the literature. International Journal of Oral and Max- illofacial Surgery 44(6):763-770, 2015
Bartley J: Breathing and temporomandibular joint disease. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 15(3): 291-298, 2011
Carlsson E, Egermark I, Magnusson T: Predictors of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders: a 20-year follow-up study from childhood to adulthood. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 60(3): 180-185, 2002
Chase C: Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles, American As- sociation of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. Glossary of Os- teopathic Terminology, 2011
Ciancaglini R, Gherlone EF, Radaelli G: The relationship of bruxism with craniofacial pain and symptoms from the masticatory system in the adult population. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28(9): 842- 848, 2001
Cuccia M, Caradonna C, Annunziata V, Caradonna D: Osteopathic manual therapy versus conventional conservative therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders: a randomized con- trolled trial. Journal of Bodywork Movement Therapy 14(2); 179- 184, 2010
Deodato F, Trusendi R, Giorgetti R, Scalese M: Predisposition for Tem- poromandibular Joint Disorders: Loose Ligaments. CRANIO 24(3): 179-183, 2006
Dodd G, Good M, Nguyen L, Grigg I, Batia M, Standley R: In vitro bio- physical strain model for understanding mechanisms of osteo- pathic manipulative treatment. Journal of American Osteopathic Association 106(3):157-166, 2006
Dommerholt J, Huijbregts P: Myofascial trigger points: pathophysiology and evidence-informed diagnosis and management: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010
Gonzalez-Iglesias J, Cleland A, Neto F, Hall T, Fernandez-de-las-Penas C: Mobilization with movement, thoracic spine manipulation, and dry needling for the management of temporomandibular disorder: a prospective case series. Physiotherapy Theory Practice 29(8): 586-595, 2013
Hartman L. Indirect Technique. Handbook of Osteopathic Technique: Springer; 1997. p. 31-38
Hirata FH, Guimaraes AS, Oliveira JX, Moreira CR, Ferreira ET, Caval- canti MG: Evaluation of TMJ articular eminence morphology and disc patterns in patients with disc displacement in MRI. Brazilian Oral Research 21: 265-271, 2007
Hopkins, L. (2010). Osteopathic Muscle Energy Technique to the tem- poromandibular Joint. (MOst), Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand, 2010
Jayaseelan J, Tow S: Cervicothoracic junction thrust manipulation in the multimodal management of a patient with temporomandibu- lar disorder. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 24: 90- 97, 2016
John T, Miglioretti L, LeResche L, Von Korff M, Critchlow W: Wide- spread pain as a risk factor for dysfunctional temporomandibular disorder pain. Pain 102(3): 257-263, 2003
Juca K, Galdames I,Guimarães A: Mandibular Condyle Position in Max- imum Mouth Opening. A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation. International Journal Morphology 27(3): 867-871, 2009
Kalamir A, Bonello R, Graham P, Vitiello AL, Pollard H: Intraoral My- ofascial Therapy for Chronic Myogenous Temporomandibular Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 35(1): 26- 37, 2012
Kim YK, Yun PY, Ahn MS, Kim JS: The relationship between trauma and temporomandibular joint disorder. Journal of Korean Associ- ation of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 31(5): 375-380, 2009
Kumar R, Pallagatti S, Sheikh S, Mittal A, Gupta D, Gupta S: Correlation between clinical findings of temporomandibular disorders and MRI characteristics of disc displacement. Open Dentistry Journal 9: 273-281, 2015
Lavelle E, Lavelle W, Smith H: Myofascial Trigger Points. Anesthesiology Clinics, 25(4): 841-851, 2007
Liu X, Liang J, Xiao P, Jiao X, Gao Y, Ahmetjiang A: The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural therapy for temporomandibular disor- ders: a systematic review. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 39(1): 55- 62, 2012
Mapelli A, Zanandrea Machado BC, Giglio LD, Sforza C, De Felicio CM: Reorganization of muscle activity in patients with chronic temporomandibular disorders. Archives of Oral Biology 72, 164- 171, 2016
Manfredini D, Guarda-Nardini L, Winocur E, Piccotti F, Ahlberg J, Lobbezoo F: Research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review of axis I epidemiologic findings. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and En- dodontology 112(4): 453-462, 2011
Meltzer KR, Standley PR: Modeled repetitive motion strain and indirect osteopathic manipulative techniques in regulation of human fi- broblast proliferation and interleukin secretion. Journal of Amer- ican Osteopathic Association 107(12):527-536, 2007
Minasny B: Understanding the process of fascial unwinding. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork 2(3):10-17, 2009
Mujakperuo HR, Watson M, Morrison R, Macfarlane TV: Pharmaco- logical interventions for pain in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews 10, 2010
Murray GM, Phanachet I, Uchida S, Whittle T: The human lateral ptery- goid muscle: a review of some experimental aspects and possible clinical relevance. Australian Dentistry Journal 49: 2-8, 2004
Nicolakis P, Erdogmus B, Kopf A, Nicolakis M, Piehslinger E, Fialka- Moser V: Effectiveness of exercise therapy in patients with my- ofascial pain dysfunction syndrome. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 29(4): 362-368, 2002
Okeson, J. (2007). Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Ohrbach R, Larsson P, List T: The Jaw Functional Limitation Scale: De- velopment, reliability, and validity of 8-item and 20-item versions. Journal of Orofacial Pain 22(3): 219–230, 2008
Ohrbach R, Granger C, List T, Dworkin S: Preliminary development and validation of the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale. Community Dentist Oral Epidemiology 36(3): 228–236, 2008
Pihut M, Ferendiuk E, Szewczyk M, Kasprzyk K, Wieckiewicz M: The efficiency of botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of masseter muscle pain in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and tension-type headache. Journal Headache Pain 17: 29, 2016
Plesh O, Wolfe F, Lane N: The relationship between fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorders: prevalence and symptom severity. The Journal of Rheumatology 23(11): 1948-1952, 1996
Rajadurai V: The Effcet of Muscle Energy Technique on Tempor- mandibular Joint Dysfunction: A Randomized Clinical Trail. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 4(1), 2011
Ritchlin C: Fibroblast biology. Effector signals released by the synovial fibroblast in arthritis. Arthritis Research 2(5): 356-360, 2000 Robinson de Senna B, Marques L, França JP, Ramos-Jorge ML, Pereira
LJ: Condyle-disk-fossa position and relationship to clinical signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in women. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and En- dodontology 108(3): 117-124, 2009
Saito ET, Akashi PMH, de Camargo Neves Sacco I: Global Body Pos- ture Evaluation in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disor- der. Clinics 64(1): 35-39,2009
Schleip R: Fascial plasticity: a new neurobiological explanation. Part 1.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy 7:11–19, 2003 Schleip R: Fascial plasticity: a new neurobiological explanation. Part 2.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy 7:104–116, 2003 Schiffman E, Ohrbach R: Executive Summary of the Diagnostic Criteria
for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) for Clinical and Research Applications. Journal of American Dental Association 147(6): 438–445, 2016
Smith B, Maixner W, Greenspan D, Dubner R, Fillingim B, Ohrbach R, Knott C, Slade D, Bair E, Gibson G, Zaykin V, Weir S, Maixner W, Diatchenko L: Potential genetic risk factors for chronic TMD: genetic associations from the OPPERA case control study. The Journal of Pain 12(11): 92-101, 2011
Smith SB, Mir E, Bair E, Slade GD, Dubner R, Fillingim RB, Greenspan D, Ohrbach R, Knott C, Weir B, Maixner W, Diatchenko L: Ge- netic Variants Associated With Development of TMD and Its In- termediate Phenotypes: The Genetic Architecture of TMD in the OPPERA Prospective Cohort Study. The Journal of Pain 14(12): 91-101, 2013
Song F, Li Q, Wan Z, Zhao Y, Huang F, Yang Q, Zhao WF, Zhang M, Chen, Y: Lamotrigine reverses masseter overactivity caused by stress maybe via Glu suppression. Physiology & Behavior, 137(0), 25-32, 2015
Tozzi P: Selected fascial aspects of osteopathic practice. Journal of Bodywork Movement Therapy 16(4):503-519, 2012
Turner J, Mancl L, Huggins K, Sherman J, Lentz G, LeResche L: Tar- geting temporomandibular disorder pain treatment to hor- monal fluctuations: A randomized clinical trial. Pain, 152(9): 2074-2084, 2011
Walker N, Bohannon RW, Cameron D: Discriminant validity of tem- poromandibular joint range of motion measurements obtained with a ruler. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 30(8): 484-492, 2000
Zein-Hammoud M, Standley P: Modeled Osteopathic Manipulative Treatments: A Review of Their in Vitro Effects on Fibroblast Tis- sue Preparations. Journal of American Osteopathic Association 115(8): 490-502, 2015
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Head: Professor K. Antoniadis)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2018) 2, 125-138
SUMMARY: Purpose: To evaluate the effect of an Osteo- pathic treatment protocol on the quality and intensity of pain, mouth opening and general joint function in patients with persistent TMD.
Methodology: 24 patients (17 women - 7 men) aged 18- 62 y.o.a. participated in the study. The patients treated with the osteopathic protocol (8 sessions - 2 times / week), suffered from the disorder for a period of 2-24 months. Data was collected at baseline of the procedure, after the 4th session and after the 8th session.
Results: The treatment protocol showed positive results for pain reduction in NPRS (Numeric Pain Rating Score) (F=213.9, p<0.001) and GROC (Global Rating of Change Score), as well as joint function using the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale (JFLS-20) (F=211.2, p<0.001). Also, for maximum mouth opening (MMO) there was a statistically significant difference between initial and final measurement in both active (F=110.01, p<0.001) and passive (F=129.05, p<0.001) MMO.
KEY WORDS: Osteopathic treatment, temporomandibular disorder, myofascial dysfunction, TMJ pain
Almasan C, Hedesiu M, Baciut G, Leucuta C, Baciut M: Disk and joint morphology variations on coronal and sagittal MRI in temporo- mandibular joint disorders. Clinical Oral Investigations 17: 1243- 1250, 2013
Al-Moraissi E: Open versus arthroscopic surgery for the management of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: a meta- analysis of the literature. International Journal of Oral and Max- illofacial Surgery 44(6):763-770, 2015
Bartley J: Breathing and temporomandibular joint disease. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 15(3): 291-298, 2011
Carlsson E, Egermark I, Magnusson T: Predictors of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders: a 20-year follow-up study from childhood to adulthood. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 60(3): 180-185, 2002
Chase C: Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles, American As- sociation of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. Glossary of Os- teopathic Terminology, 2011
Ciancaglini R, Gherlone EF, Radaelli G: The relationship of bruxism with craniofacial pain and symptoms from the masticatory system in the adult population. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28(9): 842- 848, 2001
Cuccia M, Caradonna C, Annunziata V, Caradonna D: Osteopathic manual therapy versus conventional conservative therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders: a randomized con- trolled trial. Journal of Bodywork Movement Therapy 14(2); 179- 184, 2010
Deodato F, Trusendi R, Giorgetti R, Scalese M: Predisposition for Tem- poromandibular Joint Disorders: Loose Ligaments. CRANIO 24(3): 179-183, 2006
Dodd G, Good M, Nguyen L, Grigg I, Batia M, Standley R: In vitro bio- physical strain model for understanding mechanisms of osteo- pathic manipulative treatment. Journal of American Osteopathic Association 106(3):157-166, 2006
Dommerholt J, Huijbregts P: Myofascial trigger points: pathophysiology and evidence-informed diagnosis and management: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010
Gonzalez-Iglesias J, Cleland A, Neto F, Hall T, Fernandez-de-las-Penas C: Mobilization with movement, thoracic spine manipulation, and dry needling for the management of temporomandibular disorder: a prospective case series. Physiotherapy Theory Practice 29(8): 586-595, 2013
Hartman L. Indirect Technique. Handbook of Osteopathic Technique: Springer; 1997. p. 31-38
Hirata FH, Guimaraes AS, Oliveira JX, Moreira CR, Ferreira ET, Caval- canti MG: Evaluation of TMJ articular eminence morphology and disc patterns in patients with disc displacement in MRI. Brazilian Oral Research 21: 265-271, 2007
Hopkins, L. (2010). Osteopathic Muscle Energy Technique to the tem- poromandibular Joint. (MOst), Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand, 2010
Jayaseelan J, Tow S: Cervicothoracic junction thrust manipulation in the multimodal management of a patient with temporomandibu- lar disorder. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 24: 90- 97, 2016
John T, Miglioretti L, LeResche L, Von Korff M, Critchlow W: Wide- spread pain as a risk factor for dysfunctional temporomandibular disorder pain. Pain 102(3): 257-263, 2003
Juca K, Galdames I,Guimarães A: Mandibular Condyle Position in Max- imum Mouth Opening. A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation. International Journal Morphology 27(3): 867-871, 2009
Kalamir A, Bonello R, Graham P, Vitiello AL, Pollard H: Intraoral My- ofascial Therapy for Chronic Myogenous Temporomandibular Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 35(1): 26- 37, 2012
Kim YK, Yun PY, Ahn MS, Kim JS: The relationship between trauma and temporomandibular joint disorder. Journal of Korean Associ- ation of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 31(5): 375-380, 2009
Kumar R, Pallagatti S, Sheikh S, Mittal A, Gupta D, Gupta S: Correlation between clinical findings of temporomandibular disorders and MRI characteristics of disc displacement. Open Dentistry Journal 9: 273-281, 2015
Lavelle E, Lavelle W, Smith H: Myofascial Trigger Points. Anesthesiology Clinics, 25(4): 841-851, 2007
Liu X, Liang J, Xiao P, Jiao X, Gao Y, Ahmetjiang A: The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural therapy for temporomandibular disor- ders: a systematic review. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 39(1): 55- 62, 2012
Mapelli A, Zanandrea Machado BC, Giglio LD, Sforza C, De Felicio CM: Reorganization of muscle activity in patients with chronic temporomandibular disorders. Archives of Oral Biology 72, 164- 171, 2016
Manfredini D, Guarda-Nardini L, Winocur E, Piccotti F, Ahlberg J, Lobbezoo F: Research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review of axis I epidemiologic findings. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and En- dodontology 112(4): 453-462, 2011
Meltzer KR, Standley PR: Modeled repetitive motion strain and indirect osteopathic manipulative techniques in regulation of human fi- broblast proliferation and interleukin secretion. Journal of Amer- ican Osteopathic Association 107(12):527-536, 2007
Minasny B: Understanding the process of fascial unwinding. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork 2(3):10-17, 2009
Mujakperuo HR, Watson M, Morrison R, Macfarlane TV: Pharmaco- logical interventions for pain in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews 10, 2010
Murray GM, Phanachet I, Uchida S, Whittle T: The human lateral ptery- goid muscle: a review of some experimental aspects and possible clinical relevance. Australian Dentistry Journal 49: 2-8, 2004
Nicolakis P, Erdogmus B, Kopf A, Nicolakis M, Piehslinger E, Fialka- Moser V: Effectiveness of exercise therapy in patients with my- ofascial pain dysfunction syndrome. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 29(4): 362-368, 2002
Okeson, J. (2007). Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Ohrbach R, Larsson P, List T: The Jaw Functional Limitation Scale: De- velopment, reliability, and validity of 8-item and 20-item versions. Journal of Orofacial Pain 22(3): 219–230, 2008
Ohrbach R, Granger C, List T, Dworkin S: Preliminary development and validation of the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale. Community Dentist Oral Epidemiology 36(3): 228–236, 2008
Pihut M, Ferendiuk E, Szewczyk M, Kasprzyk K, Wieckiewicz M: The efficiency of botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of masseter muscle pain in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and tension-type headache. Journal Headache Pain 17: 29, 2016
Plesh O, Wolfe F, Lane N: The relationship between fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorders: prevalence and symptom severity. The Journal of Rheumatology 23(11): 1948-1952, 1996
Rajadurai V: The Effcet of Muscle Energy Technique on Tempor- mandibular Joint Dysfunction: A Randomized Clinical Trail. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 4(1), 2011
Ritchlin C: Fibroblast biology. Effector signals released by the synovial fibroblast in arthritis. Arthritis Research 2(5): 356-360, 2000 Robinson de Senna B, Marques L, França JP, Ramos-Jorge ML, Pereira
LJ: Condyle-disk-fossa position and relationship to clinical signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in women. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and En- dodontology 108(3): 117-124, 2009
Saito ET, Akashi PMH, de Camargo Neves Sacco I: Global Body Pos- ture Evaluation in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disor- der. Clinics 64(1): 35-39,2009
Schleip R: Fascial plasticity: a new neurobiological explanation. Part 1.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy 7:11–19, 2003 Schleip R: Fascial plasticity: a new neurobiological explanation. Part 2.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy 7:104–116, 2003 Schiffman E, Ohrbach R: Executive Summary of the Diagnostic Criteria
for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) for Clinical and Research Applications. Journal of American Dental Association 147(6): 438–445, 2016
Smith B, Maixner W, Greenspan D, Dubner R, Fillingim B, Ohrbach R, Knott C, Slade D, Bair E, Gibson G, Zaykin V, Weir S, Maixner W, Diatchenko L: Potential genetic risk factors for chronic TMD: genetic associations from the OPPERA case control study. The Journal of Pain 12(11): 92-101, 2011
Smith SB, Mir E, Bair E, Slade GD, Dubner R, Fillingim RB, Greenspan D, Ohrbach R, Knott C, Weir B, Maixner W, Diatchenko L: Ge- netic Variants Associated With Development of TMD and Its In- termediate Phenotypes: The Genetic Architecture of TMD in the OPPERA Prospective Cohort Study. The Journal of Pain 14(12): 91-101, 2013
Song F, Li Q, Wan Z, Zhao Y, Huang F, Yang Q, Zhao WF, Zhang M, Chen, Y: Lamotrigine reverses masseter overactivity caused by stress maybe via Glu suppression. Physiology & Behavior, 137(0), 25-32, 2015
Tozzi P: Selected fascial aspects of osteopathic practice. Journal of Bodywork Movement Therapy 16(4):503-519, 2012
Turner J, Mancl L, Huggins K, Sherman J, Lentz G, LeResche L: Tar- geting temporomandibular disorder pain treatment to hor- monal fluctuations: A randomized clinical trial. Pain, 152(9): 2074-2084, 2011
Walker N, Bohannon RW, Cameron D: Discriminant validity of tem- poromandibular joint range of motion measurements obtained with a ruler. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 30(8): 484-492, 2000
Zein-Hammoud M, Standley P: Modeled Osteopathic Manipulative Treatments: A Review of Their in Vitro Effects on Fibroblast Tis- sue Preparations. Journal of American Osteopathic Association 115(8): 490-502, 2015
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