Oral lipoma: A clinicopathological study of 37 cases and a brief review of the literature
Apostolos MATIAKIS, Panagiotis KARAKOSTAS, Anastassios I. MYLONAS, Eleftherios ANAGNOSTOU, Athanasios POULOPOULOS
Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Head: Professor Athanasios Poulopoulos), Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, “METROPOLITAN” Hospital (Head: Assoc. Professor
F. Ch. Tzerbos)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2020) 1, 25-32
SUMMARY: A series of 37 oral lipoma cases (17 men and 20 women), during a time period of 18 years (2000- 2017), who were referred to the Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is being presented. The total mean age of the patients was 59 years. Most patients (17 patients) referred presence of the lesion for a time period of more than 5 years, preceding their referral to the Department. All lesions were treated by surgical excision, and were histologically diagnosed. We discuss the histologic origin of the tumor, along with a brief review of the literature.
KEY WORDS: oral lipoma, oral benign tumors.
Adebiyi KE, Ugboko VI, Maaji SM, Ndubuizu G: Osteolipoma of the palate: report of a case and review of the literature. Niger J Clin Pract. 14(2):242-4, 2011
Agha-Hosseini F, Moslemi E: Angiofibrolipoma of the retromolar pad region: case report. N Y State Dent J. 80(4):33-7, 2014
Cakarer S, Selvi F, Isler SC, Soluk M, Olgac V, Keskin C: Intraosseous lipoma of the mandible: a case report and review of the literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 38(8):900-2, 2009
Dalampiras S, Tilaveridis I, Iordanidis S, Zaraboukas T, Epivatianos A: Infiltrating angiolipoma of the oral cavity: report of a case and lit- erature review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 68:681-683, 2010
Egido-Moreno S, Lozano-Porras AB, Mishra S, Allegue-Allegue M, Marí- Roig A, López-López J: Intraoral lipomas: Review of literature and report of two clinical cases. J Clin Exp Dent. 8(5):e597-e603, 2016 Epivatianos A, Kolokotronis A, Matiakis A, Poulopoulos A: Angiofi- brolipoma of the oral cavity. J Investig Clin Dent.1(1):47-9, 2010 Furlong MA, Fanburg-Smith JC, Childers EL: Lipoma of the oral and maxillofacial region: site and subclassification of 125 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 98(4):441-50, 2004 Iwase M, Saida N, Tanaka Y: Fibrolipoma of the Buccal Mucosa: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Case Rep Pathol.
2016:5060964, 2016 doi: 10.1155/2016/5060964.
Karakostas P, Matiakis A, Anagnostou E, Kolokotronis A: Oral Lipoma Located at the Left Lower Vestibule-Report of a Case and a Brief Review of the Literature Balkan J Dent Med, (22): 49-52, 2018 DOI: 10.2478/bjdm-2018-0009.
Karakostas P, Matiakis A, Mylonas AI, Anagnostou E, Poulopoulos A: Oral myolipoma: A case report and a brief review of the literature. Hellenic Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 20(1): 1-6, 2019
Karakostas P, Matiakis A, Mylonas AI, Anagnostou E, Poulopoulos A: Oral sialolipoma: A report of a case and a brief review of the lit- erature. Hellenic Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 20(1): 7-11, 2019
Lau SK, Bishop JA, Thompson LD: Spindle cell lipoma of the tongue: a clinicopathologic study of 8 cases and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 9(2):253-9, 2015
Manjunatha BS, Pateel GS, Shah V: Oral fibrolipoma-a rare histological entity: report of 3 cases and review of literature. J Dent (Tehran). 7(4):226-31, 2010
Manor E, Sion-Vardy N, Joshua BZ, Bodner L: Oral lipoma: analysis of 58 new cases and review of the literature. Ann Diagn Pathol. 15(4):257-61, 2011
Mehendirratta M, Jain K, Kumra M, Manjunatha BS: Lipoma of mandibu- lar buccal vestibule: a case with histopathological lliterature review. BMJ Case Rep. 2016; 2016 doi: 10.1136/bcr-2016-215586
Naruse T, Yanamoto S, Yamada S, Rokutanda S, Kawakita A, Takahashi H, Matsushita Y, Hayashida S, Imayama N, Morishita K, Yamashita K, Kawasaki G, Umeda M : Lipomas of the oral cavity: clinicopatho- logical and immunohistochemical study of 24 cases and review of the literature. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 67(Suppl 1): 67-73, 2015
Ono S, Rana M, Takechi M, Ogawa I, Okui G, Mitani Y, Gellrich NC, Kamata N: Myxolipoma in the tongue - a clinical case report and review of the literature. Head Neck Oncol. 3:50, 2011
Raghunath V, Manjunatha BS: Osteolipoma of floor of the mouth. BMJ Case Rep. 2015; 2015 doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-209883.
Raviraj J, Kumar-Bokkasam V, Suresh D, Venkata S: Osteolipoma of buccal mucosa: Case report and literature review. J Clin Exp Dent. 8(2):e214-8, 2016
Studart-Soares EC, Costa FW, Sousa FB, Alves AP, Osterne RL: Oral lipomas in a Brazilian population: a 10-year study and analysis of 450 cases reported in the literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 15(5):e691-6, 2010
Taira Y, Yasukawa K, Yamamori I, Iino M: Oral lipoma extending su- periorly from mandibular gingivobuccal fold to gingiva: a case re- port and analysis of 207 patients with oral lipoma in Japan. Odon- tology. 100(1):104-8, 2012
Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Head: Professor Athanasios Poulopoulos), Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, “METROPOLITAN” Hospital (Head: Assoc. Professor
F. Ch. Tzerbos)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2020) 1, 25-32
SUMMARY: A series of 37 oral lipoma cases (17 men and 20 women), during a time period of 18 years (2000- 2017), who were referred to the Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is being presented. The total mean age of the patients was 59 years. Most patients (17 patients) referred presence of the lesion for a time period of more than 5 years, preceding their referral to the Department. All lesions were treated by surgical excision, and were histologically diagnosed. We discuss the histologic origin of the tumor, along with a brief review of the literature.
KEY WORDS: oral lipoma, oral benign tumors.
Adebiyi KE, Ugboko VI, Maaji SM, Ndubuizu G: Osteolipoma of the palate: report of a case and review of the literature. Niger J Clin Pract. 14(2):242-4, 2011
Agha-Hosseini F, Moslemi E: Angiofibrolipoma of the retromolar pad region: case report. N Y State Dent J. 80(4):33-7, 2014
Cakarer S, Selvi F, Isler SC, Soluk M, Olgac V, Keskin C: Intraosseous lipoma of the mandible: a case report and review of the literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 38(8):900-2, 2009
Dalampiras S, Tilaveridis I, Iordanidis S, Zaraboukas T, Epivatianos A: Infiltrating angiolipoma of the oral cavity: report of a case and lit- erature review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 68:681-683, 2010
Egido-Moreno S, Lozano-Porras AB, Mishra S, Allegue-Allegue M, Marí- Roig A, López-López J: Intraoral lipomas: Review of literature and report of two clinical cases. J Clin Exp Dent. 8(5):e597-e603, 2016 Epivatianos A, Kolokotronis A, Matiakis A, Poulopoulos A: Angiofi- brolipoma of the oral cavity. J Investig Clin Dent.1(1):47-9, 2010 Furlong MA, Fanburg-Smith JC, Childers EL: Lipoma of the oral and maxillofacial region: site and subclassification of 125 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 98(4):441-50, 2004 Iwase M, Saida N, Tanaka Y: Fibrolipoma of the Buccal Mucosa: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Case Rep Pathol.
2016:5060964, 2016 doi: 10.1155/2016/5060964.
Karakostas P, Matiakis A, Anagnostou E, Kolokotronis A: Oral Lipoma Located at the Left Lower Vestibule-Report of a Case and a Brief Review of the Literature Balkan J Dent Med, (22): 49-52, 2018 DOI: 10.2478/bjdm-2018-0009.
Karakostas P, Matiakis A, Mylonas AI, Anagnostou E, Poulopoulos A: Oral myolipoma: A case report and a brief review of the literature. Hellenic Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 20(1): 1-6, 2019
Karakostas P, Matiakis A, Mylonas AI, Anagnostou E, Poulopoulos A: Oral sialolipoma: A report of a case and a brief review of the lit- erature. Hellenic Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 20(1): 7-11, 2019
Lau SK, Bishop JA, Thompson LD: Spindle cell lipoma of the tongue: a clinicopathologic study of 8 cases and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 9(2):253-9, 2015
Manjunatha BS, Pateel GS, Shah V: Oral fibrolipoma-a rare histological entity: report of 3 cases and review of literature. J Dent (Tehran). 7(4):226-31, 2010
Manor E, Sion-Vardy N, Joshua BZ, Bodner L: Oral lipoma: analysis of 58 new cases and review of the literature. Ann Diagn Pathol. 15(4):257-61, 2011
Mehendirratta M, Jain K, Kumra M, Manjunatha BS: Lipoma of mandibu- lar buccal vestibule: a case with histopathological lliterature review. BMJ Case Rep. 2016; 2016 doi: 10.1136/bcr-2016-215586
Naruse T, Yanamoto S, Yamada S, Rokutanda S, Kawakita A, Takahashi H, Matsushita Y, Hayashida S, Imayama N, Morishita K, Yamashita K, Kawasaki G, Umeda M : Lipomas of the oral cavity: clinicopatho- logical and immunohistochemical study of 24 cases and review of the literature. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 67(Suppl 1): 67-73, 2015
Ono S, Rana M, Takechi M, Ogawa I, Okui G, Mitani Y, Gellrich NC, Kamata N: Myxolipoma in the tongue - a clinical case report and review of the literature. Head Neck Oncol. 3:50, 2011
Raghunath V, Manjunatha BS: Osteolipoma of floor of the mouth. BMJ Case Rep. 2015; 2015 doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-209883.
Raviraj J, Kumar-Bokkasam V, Suresh D, Venkata S: Osteolipoma of buccal mucosa: Case report and literature review. J Clin Exp Dent. 8(2):e214-8, 2016
Studart-Soares EC, Costa FW, Sousa FB, Alves AP, Osterne RL: Oral lipomas in a Brazilian population: a 10-year study and analysis of 450 cases reported in the literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 15(5):e691-6, 2010
Taira Y, Yasukawa K, Yamamori I, Iino M: Oral lipoma extending su- periorly from mandibular gingivobuccal fold to gingiva: a case re- port and analysis of 207 patients with oral lipoma in Japan. Odon- tology. 100(1):104-8, 2012
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