Alveolar distraction osteogenesis – Crestal Widening by Distraction osteogenesis
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Poriya Governmental Hospital Tiberias. Israel (Head: Zvi Laster D.M.D)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2010) 1, 3-14
SUMMARY: Following tooth extraction, resorption of the residual ridges occurs in both the vertical and the horizontal directions. Most of this resorption occurs within the first 6 months after tooth extraction. To correct this vertical/ horizontal/ dual situation, several surgical approaches have been proposed: autogenous bone grafts, guided bone regeneration, and alveolar distraction osteogenesis (ADO). In recent years, ADO has gained an ongoing popularity, especially in view of its numerous advantages, most important among them being the shortening of treatment periods and earlier dental implant placement. In cases in which there is sufficient vertical height but not enough bucco-ligual width to accommodate an implant, crestal width has to be built. Crestal widening by distraction osteogenesis is the preferred technique in such cases. In this study a new type of crest widener, the "Laster" Crest Widening Distractor, is presented, reporting two cases where crest widening by distraction was chosen as the preferred treatment plan. Finally the main advantages and disadvantages of the new crest widening distractor are discussed, helping thus the clinician to make up his mind about this new promising device and surgical technique.
KEY WORDS: Resorption, guided bone regeneration, alveolar distraction osteogenesis, crest widening, implants
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