Oral mucoceles in infants younger than 3 years old A 15 years clinical retrospective study
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at “P. and A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital
(Head: Professor I. Iatrou), Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2015) 2, 65-70
SUMMARY: Mucocele is a common cystic lesion of the minor salivary glands with or without epithelium lining. It derives following trauma of the gland itself or its excretory duct resulting to saliva accumulation within the soft tissues. The most common site of occurrence is the lower lip.
Aim: In this retrospective study, mucoceles in infants (0- 3 years old) were evaluated.
Material and methods: Data were retrieved from the medical records of patients up to 3 years old, treated under general anesthesia the period 2000-2014 at the pediatric Hospital «P. and A. Kyriakou». Parameters eval- uated included gender, age, site of occurrence, clinical appearance of the lesion, etiology for the development, type of treatment, histological findings and recurrences. Results: 17 patients were included in the study, 8 boys (47%) and 9 girls (53%). Age ranged from 5 months to 3 years (mean: 20 months). All lesions were in the lower lip and most common aetiology was trauma. They pre- sented as small sized asymptomatic swellings, soft in palpation, elastic or flaccid, covered with normal or irritated oral mucosa. Treatment was surgical in all cases under general anesthesia, with removal of both the cystic lesion and the minor salivary gland. No recurrence occurred. Conclusion: Mucoceles can be found in very young ages even before the eruption of deciduous teeth. These le- sions are treated surgically and because of the very young age general anesthesia is preferable.
KEY WORDS: Children, Mucoceles, Oral cavity, Cysts of soft tissues.
Aldrigui JM, Silva PE, Xavier FCA, Nunes FD, Bussadori SK, Wanderley MT: Mucocele of the lower lip in a 1 year old child. Pediatric Den- tistry 20: 95–98, 2010
Bagán SJV, Silvestre Donat FJ, Peñarrocha Diago M, et al: Clinico-patho- logical study of oral mucoceles. Av Odontoestomatol 6:389, 1990 Baurmash HD: Mucoceles and ranulas. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:369-
378, 2003
Bhargava N, Agarwal P, Sharma N, Agrawal M, Sidiq M, and Narain P: An Unusual Presentation of Oral Mucocele in Infant and Its Re- view. Case Reports in Dentistry: Article ID 723130, 6 pages, 2014 Bhaskar SN, Bolden TE, Weinmann JP: Pathogenesis of mucoceles. J
Dent Res 35:863-874, 1956
Cataldo E, Mosadomi A: Mucoceles of the oral mucous membrane.
Arch. Otolaryngol. 91:360, 1970
Chung WW, Yu-Hsun K, Chao-Ming C, Han JH, Chun-Ming C, I-Yueh H: Mucoceles of the oral cavity in pediatric patients. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 27:276-279, 2011
DiMaggio C, Sun LS, Li G: Early Childhood Exposure to Anesthesia and Risk of Developmental and Behavioral Disorders in a Sibling Birth Cohort. Anesth Analg. Nov; 113(5):1143-51, 2011
Garcıa JY,Tost AJE, Aytes LB, Escoda CG: Treatment of oral mucocele- scalpel versus CO2 laser. Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal 14: 469–474, 2009
Gatti, AF, Moreti MM, Cardoso SV, Loyola, AM.: Mucus extravasation phenomenon in newborn babies: report of two cases. Int J Pae- diatr Dent 11: 74–77, 2001
Guimaraes MS, Hebling J, Filho VAP, Santos LL, Vita TM, Costa CAS: Extravasation mucocele involving the ventral surface of the tongue (glands of Blandin-Nuhn). International Journal of Paediatric Den- tistry 16:435–439, 2006
Jones AV, Franklin CD: An analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology found in children over a 30-year period. Int J Paediatr Dent 16: 19-30, 2006
Katayama I, Yamazaki S, Nishioka: Giant mucocele of oral cavity as a mucocutaneous manifestation of Sjοgren Syndrome. J Dermatol 20:238–241, 1993
Khanna S, Singh NN, Sreedhar G, Purwar A, Gupta S: Oral mucous extravasation cyst: case series with comprehensive and systematic review on differential diagnosis. International Journal of Dental Case Reports, vol. 3, no. 1:17–27, 2013
Lima GS, Fontes ST, de Araújo LM, et al: A survey of oral and maxillo- facial biopsies in children: A single-center retrospective study of 20 years in Pelotas-Brazil. J Appl Oral Sci 16:397, 2008
Luiz AC, Hiraki KR, Lemos CA Jr, et al: Treatment of painful and re- current oral mucoceles with a high-potency topical corticosteroid: A case report. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 66:1737, 2008
Mínguez-Martinez I, Bonet-Coloma C, Ata-Ali-Mahmud J, Carrillo-Gar- cía C et al: Evolution of 89 Mucoceles in Children. J Oral Maxillo- fac Surg 68:2468-2471, 2010
Nico MM, Park JH, Lourenço SV: Mucocele in pediatric patients: Analy- sis of 36 children. Pediatr Dermatol 25:308, 2008
Skaleric U, Kovac-Kavcic M: The prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in a population in Ljubljana, Slovenia. J Oral PatholMed 29:331-5, 2000
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at “P. and A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital
(Head: Professor I. Iatrou), Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2015) 2, 65-70
SUMMARY: Mucocele is a common cystic lesion of the minor salivary glands with or without epithelium lining. It derives following trauma of the gland itself or its excretory duct resulting to saliva accumulation within the soft tissues. The most common site of occurrence is the lower lip.
Aim: In this retrospective study, mucoceles in infants (0- 3 years old) were evaluated.
Material and methods: Data were retrieved from the medical records of patients up to 3 years old, treated under general anesthesia the period 2000-2014 at the pediatric Hospital «P. and A. Kyriakou». Parameters eval- uated included gender, age, site of occurrence, clinical appearance of the lesion, etiology for the development, type of treatment, histological findings and recurrences. Results: 17 patients were included in the study, 8 boys (47%) and 9 girls (53%). Age ranged from 5 months to 3 years (mean: 20 months). All lesions were in the lower lip and most common aetiology was trauma. They pre- sented as small sized asymptomatic swellings, soft in palpation, elastic or flaccid, covered with normal or irritated oral mucosa. Treatment was surgical in all cases under general anesthesia, with removal of both the cystic lesion and the minor salivary gland. No recurrence occurred. Conclusion: Mucoceles can be found in very young ages even before the eruption of deciduous teeth. These le- sions are treated surgically and because of the very young age general anesthesia is preferable.
KEY WORDS: Children, Mucoceles, Oral cavity, Cysts of soft tissues.
Aldrigui JM, Silva PE, Xavier FCA, Nunes FD, Bussadori SK, Wanderley MT: Mucocele of the lower lip in a 1 year old child. Pediatric Den- tistry 20: 95–98, 2010
Bagán SJV, Silvestre Donat FJ, Peñarrocha Diago M, et al: Clinico-patho- logical study of oral mucoceles. Av Odontoestomatol 6:389, 1990 Baurmash HD: Mucoceles and ranulas. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:369-
378, 2003
Bhargava N, Agarwal P, Sharma N, Agrawal M, Sidiq M, and Narain P: An Unusual Presentation of Oral Mucocele in Infant and Its Re- view. Case Reports in Dentistry: Article ID 723130, 6 pages, 2014 Bhaskar SN, Bolden TE, Weinmann JP: Pathogenesis of mucoceles. J
Dent Res 35:863-874, 1956
Cataldo E, Mosadomi A: Mucoceles of the oral mucous membrane.
Arch. Otolaryngol. 91:360, 1970
Chung WW, Yu-Hsun K, Chao-Ming C, Han JH, Chun-Ming C, I-Yueh H: Mucoceles of the oral cavity in pediatric patients. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 27:276-279, 2011
DiMaggio C, Sun LS, Li G: Early Childhood Exposure to Anesthesia and Risk of Developmental and Behavioral Disorders in a Sibling Birth Cohort. Anesth Analg. Nov; 113(5):1143-51, 2011
Garcıa JY,Tost AJE, Aytes LB, Escoda CG: Treatment of oral mucocele- scalpel versus CO2 laser. Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal 14: 469–474, 2009
Gatti, AF, Moreti MM, Cardoso SV, Loyola, AM.: Mucus extravasation phenomenon in newborn babies: report of two cases. Int J Pae- diatr Dent 11: 74–77, 2001
Guimaraes MS, Hebling J, Filho VAP, Santos LL, Vita TM, Costa CAS: Extravasation mucocele involving the ventral surface of the tongue (glands of Blandin-Nuhn). International Journal of Paediatric Den- tistry 16:435–439, 2006
Jones AV, Franklin CD: An analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology found in children over a 30-year period. Int J Paediatr Dent 16: 19-30, 2006
Katayama I, Yamazaki S, Nishioka: Giant mucocele of oral cavity as a mucocutaneous manifestation of Sjοgren Syndrome. J Dermatol 20:238–241, 1993
Khanna S, Singh NN, Sreedhar G, Purwar A, Gupta S: Oral mucous extravasation cyst: case series with comprehensive and systematic review on differential diagnosis. International Journal of Dental Case Reports, vol. 3, no. 1:17–27, 2013
Lima GS, Fontes ST, de Araújo LM, et al: A survey of oral and maxillo- facial biopsies in children: A single-center retrospective study of 20 years in Pelotas-Brazil. J Appl Oral Sci 16:397, 2008
Luiz AC, Hiraki KR, Lemos CA Jr, et al: Treatment of painful and re- current oral mucoceles with a high-potency topical corticosteroid: A case report. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 66:1737, 2008
Mínguez-Martinez I, Bonet-Coloma C, Ata-Ali-Mahmud J, Carrillo-Gar- cía C et al: Evolution of 89 Mucoceles in Children. J Oral Maxillo- fac Surg 68:2468-2471, 2010
Nico MM, Park JH, Lourenço SV: Mucocele in pediatric patients: Analy- sis of 36 children. Pediatr Dermatol 25:308, 2008
Skaleric U, Kovac-Kavcic M: The prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in a population in Ljubljana, Slovenia. J Oral PatholMed 29:331-5, 2000
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