Nasal reconstruction after skin cancer surgery; presentation of treatment modalities for medically compromised patients.
Asterios Antoniou, Alexandros Louizakis, Dimitris Tatsis, Anestis Chrysostomidis, Athanassios Kyrgidis, Konstantinos Vahtsevanos
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital G. Papanikolaou, Thessaloniki, Greece (Director: Prof. K. Antoniades)
Doi: 10.54936/haoms231o16
Nasal reconstruction after surgical excision of non-melanoma skin cancer defects can be a challenging condition for every head and neck surgeon. There are certain technical difficulties that arise from the tissue deficit and the area that a locoregional flap can cover. What is more, patients with a compromised medical history cannot always receive a surgical management under general anaesthesia, limitating even more the defect reconstruction. The aim of the present study is to present two patients that were treated under local anaesthesia for advanced basal cell carcinomas of the nose, with modifications of paramedian and hemi-nasal flaps that provided excellent surgical and aesthetic outcomes, despite the limits of the surgical modality.
Keywords: nasal reconstruction, basal cell carcinoma, compromised patients.
Asterios Antoniou, Alexandros Louizakis, Dimitris Tatsis, Anestis Chrysostomidis, Athanassios Kyrgidis, Konstantinos Vahtsevanos
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital G. Papanikolaou, Thessaloniki, Greece (Director: Prof. K. Antoniades)
Doi: 10.54936/haoms231o16
Nasal reconstruction after surgical excision of non-melanoma skin cancer defects can be a challenging condition for every head and neck surgeon. There are certain technical difficulties that arise from the tissue deficit and the area that a locoregional flap can cover. What is more, patients with a compromised medical history cannot always receive a surgical management under general anaesthesia, limitating even more the defect reconstruction. The aim of the present study is to present two patients that were treated under local anaesthesia for advanced basal cell carcinomas of the nose, with modifications of paramedian and hemi-nasal flaps that provided excellent surgical and aesthetic outcomes, despite the limits of the surgical modality.
Keywords: nasal reconstruction, basal cell carcinoma, compromised patients.