Auguste Nélaton: The well-known for his homonymous urinary catheter eminent surgeon, but almost unknown for his contribution to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Anastassios I. Mylonas
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 3, 207-212
Béclard J: Elegy on Nelaton [Translated from “Le Progres Medical”, November 1878, by Pollak S, MD, of St. Louis], The Saint Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 35(6): 369-372, 1878
Kachru SK: Reminiscences of a Surgeon. RoseDog Books, Pittsburgh, PA 2011, p. 126
Laskaratos IG: History of Medicine (in Greek). P. Ch. Paschalidis Medical Publications, Athens 2012, p. 643
Martis CS, Marti KC, Ragos VN: From Oral to Maxillofacial Surgery (An Historical Epopee) (in Greek). Odontiatriko Vima Publications, Athens 2012, pp. 74, 97, 140, 261
Pagel JL: Biographisches Lexikon Hervorragender Ärzte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Biographical Dictionary of Prominent Physicians of the Nineteenth Century) (in German). Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin-Wien 1901, pp. 1197-1198
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 3, 207-212
Béclard J: Elegy on Nelaton [Translated from “Le Progres Medical”, November 1878, by Pollak S, MD, of St. Louis], The Saint Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 35(6): 369-372, 1878
Kachru SK: Reminiscences of a Surgeon. RoseDog Books, Pittsburgh, PA 2011, p. 126
Laskaratos IG: History of Medicine (in Greek). P. Ch. Paschalidis Medical Publications, Athens 2012, p. 643
Martis CS, Marti KC, Ragos VN: From Oral to Maxillofacial Surgery (An Historical Epopee) (in Greek). Odontiatriko Vima Publications, Athens 2012, pp. 74, 97, 140, 261
Pagel JL: Biographisches Lexikon Hervorragender Ärzte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Biographical Dictionary of Prominent Physicians of the Nineteenth Century) (in German). Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin-Wien 1901, pp. 1197-1198
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