Factors contributing to the acceptance of extraoral prostheses by the patient. A
case report
Department of Prosthodontics (Movable Prosthodontics), Dental School of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2011) 3, 179-187
SUMMARY: Maxillofacial defects can be caused by trauma, congenital disorders or ablative tumour surgery. Reconstruction of such defects can be achieved either surgically or prosthetically, depending on their site, size, aetiology and severity, as well as the patient’s age and desire. When aesthetic and functional demands cannot be surgically met, prosthetic reconstruction can prove to be an efficient alternative to surgery. In ear defects, the use of osseointegrated implants can solve the problem of limited retention provided by adhesives and mechanical means. In this case, retention is achieved by means of magnets, bar-clip constructions, or ball attachments. The success of extraoral prosthetic rehabilitation depends on the sound knowledge of the principles governing facial harmony, colour selection and mixture, retention, adaptation, prosthesis weight, durability and biocompatibility. The aim of this article is to present the modifications made to an ear prosthesis replacement in order to increase retention and stability, improve the aesthetic outcome and promote the patient’s quality of life.
KEY WORDS: ear prosthesis, implants, retention, magnets, bar, patient’s acceptance.
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