Surgical therapy of oronasal fistula: A case report and review of the literature
Chrysoula XINTARA, Konstantinos TZANAVARIS, Veta CHATZIANGELAKI, Effrosyni KARLOU, Orestis ZAVRAS, Vassilis PETSINIS
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 3, 183-192
SUMMARY: An oronasal fistula is a rare pathologic entity in everyday clinical practice. It is defined as an abnormal epithelialized communication between nasal and oral cavity and its etiology may be congenital or acquired. Oronasal fistula results in clinical features from the upper respiratory tract and a generalized degrada- tion of the patient’s quality of life. Although a variety of surgical treatment methods has been documented, there are often postsurgical complications with the re- currence of the fistula being the most common. In this case report, the case of a patient with an oronasal fistula located at the labial area of the maxillary who was surgi- cally treated is described and literature review follows.
KEY WORDS: oronasal fistula, surgical treatment
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2021) 3, 183-192
SUMMARY: An oronasal fistula is a rare pathologic entity in everyday clinical practice. It is defined as an abnormal epithelialized communication between nasal and oral cavity and its etiology may be congenital or acquired. Oronasal fistula results in clinical features from the upper respiratory tract and a generalized degrada- tion of the patient’s quality of life. Although a variety of surgical treatment methods has been documented, there are often postsurgical complications with the re- currence of the fistula being the most common. In this case report, the case of a patient with an oronasal fistula located at the labial area of the maxillary who was surgi- cally treated is described and literature review follows.
KEY WORDS: oronasal fistula, surgical treatment
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