The evolution of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in relation to General Surgery in the 19th and 20th century. A Historical Review
Christos MARTIS, Kyriaki C. MARTI, Eleni ZOGRAFOS
School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2019) 2, 69-89
SUMMARY: The specialty of maxillofacial surgery has been developed and established in Greece in a relatively recent period of time, mainly during the second half of the 20th century. In this paper, we aimed to review his- torically the evolution of oral and maxillofacial surgery in relation to the history of surgery. Besides the literature sources, the first of the authors provided further information regarding his own professional experiences on the topic. We limited ourselves to the history of surgery in Europe and North America in the 19th and 20th cen- turies, and we put emphasis on the historical develop- ment of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Greece. We specifically chose to discuss all the important subjects included in the scope of practice of the contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgeon, such as oncologic surgery, TMJ ankylosis, orthognathic surgery, preprosthetic surgery, peripheral neuralgias of the trigeminal nerve and orofacial infections. In conclusion, we determined the important milestones of the development of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Greece, that followed the evolution of surgery worldwide as well as nationally. The establishment of this newer specialty resulted from the efforts of the large family of general surgeons and in particular the innovative and talented surgeons of the 19th and 20th century.
KEY WORDS: history of oral and maxillofacial surgery, history of surgery, history of oral surgery.
Albert DE: Chirurgie Clinique et la Médecine Opératoire (Trad. A. Broca). Paris 1893
Axhausen G: Zu Behandlung Veralterter Geheiler Oberkieferbruchen Dtsh. Z. Med. Kief. 1: 114, 1934
Bernard C: Cancer de la lèvre inférieure operée par une procedé nou- veau. Bull. Med. Soc. Chir. Paris 3: 354, 1853
Billroth Th: Beobachtungen über Geschwülste der spreicheldrüsen. Vir- chow Arch. 17:375, 1859
Blair VP: Operations on the Jaw Bones of the Face. Surg Gynecol and Obstet 4: 67–78, 1907
Blair VP: Operative treatment of ankylosis of the mandible. Surg Gy- necol and Obstet 19: 436-451, 1914
Bourgery JM, Jacob NH: Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery (orig- inally “Atlas D’Anatomie Humaine et de Chirurgie” 1866) (in Skandalakis JE: Anatomy, Surgery, History. JAMA 295(16):1947- 1952, 2006)
Bruhns P: Die Laryngotomie zur Entfernung intralaryngealer Neubil- dungen. Berlin 1878
Brüns V: Handbuch tier praktischen Chirurgie, 2. Abteilung, S. 146 (Tubingen) 1859
Calne R, editor: The illustrated history of Surgery. Routledge 2018 Corlieu A: L’ancienne faculté de médecine de Paris, 1877
Crile G: Excision of cancer of head and neck with special reference to plan of dissection based on one hundred and thirty two opera- tions. JAMA 47(22):1780-1786, 1906
Darcissac M: Un nouveau type d’ appui craniofacial Rev. Maxil 477: 1919 (A. Chervin, Marcel Darcissac, Léon Frey: La Revue Max- illo-Faciale - Médecine, Chirurgie, Prothèse, Orthopédie Bucco- Dentaires - Troisième année - N° 8 - Août 1919)
Dieffenbach JF: Die operative Chirurgie. Erster Band. Leipzig, 1845 Dingman RO, Natvig P: Surgery of facial fractures. London, W. B. Saun-
ders Ltd. 1964
Dufourmentel L: Chirurgie de l’articulation temporomandibulaire. Mas- son, Paris 1929
Dupuytren G: Lecons orales de clinique chirurgicale, faites à l’Hôtel- Dieu de Paris, Vol 1, Paris, 1836
Esmarch F: Traitement du resserrement cicatriciel des mâchoires par la formation d’une fausse articulation dans la continuité de l’os maxillaire inférieur. Arch Gen Med V: 44, 1860
Farabeuf LH: Précis de manuel opératoire, Paris, 1893
Gilmer TL: A case of fracture of the lower jaw with remarks on treat- ment. Arch Dent 4: 388, 1887
Gurlt EJ: Gesichte der Chirurgie und ihren Ausübung. Berlin, 1898 Hinds E, Kent S: Surgical treatment of developmental jaw deformities
The C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1972
Ivy RH: Applied Anatomy and Oral Surgery. WB Saunders, 1917 Kazanjian V, Converse JM: Surgical Treatment of Facial Injuries. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1974
Kingsley NW: A Treatise on Oral Deformities as a Branch of Mechan- ical Surgery. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1888
Lambotte A: Chirurgie opératoire des fractures. Masson et C°, Paris, 1913
Langenbeck KJM: Nosologie und Therapie der chirurgischen Krankhei- ten. Göttingen, 1830
Λαζαρίδης Ν: Η ιστορική εξέλιξη της ορθογναθικής χειρουργικής. Στόμα 34:153, 2006
Λαζαρίδης Ν: Η πρώτη ολική χειλεοπλαστική στην Ελλάδα (12/6/1855). Αρχ Ελλ Στομ Γναθ Πρ Χειρ 17(3):125-141, 2016
Le Fort R: Étude expérimentale sur les fractures de la machoire supérieure. Revue Chir de Paris 23: 208-27, 1901
Maglaigne J: Traite d’anatomie chirurgicale et de chirurgie expérimen- tale. Paris, 1838
Μάρτης Χρ: Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική.Τόμος Α’ , Β’ , Θεσσαλο- νίκη 1974
Μάρτης Χρ: Η οστεκτομή του σώματος της κάτω γνάθου στη διόρ- θωση του κάτω προγναθισμού. Οδοντιατρική 10: 17, 1977
Μάρτης Χρ, Μάρτη Κ: Η αληθής αγκύλωση της ΚΓΑ. Ελλ Περ Γναθ Προσ Χειρ 5:135, 1990
Μάρτης Χρ: Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική. Τόμος Β΄, Αθήνα 1992 Μάρτης Χρ: Η επανάσταση του αντίχειρα. Αθήνα 2003
Μάρτης Χρ, Μάρτη Κ: Στοματογναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική, Τόμος Α΄, Αθήνα 2003
Μάρτης Χρ: Οι ιστορικές ρίζες της ογκοχειρουργικής στην τραχηλο- προσωπική χώρα. Αρχ Ελλ Στομ Γναθ Πρ Χειρ 14:7, 2012
Μάρτης Χρ, Μάρτη ΚΧ, Ράγκος ΒΝ: Από τη Χειρουργική του Στόμα- τος στη Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική, Μια ιστορική εποποιία. Εκδόσεις ΟΒ, Αθήνα 2012
Martis Ch, Karabouta I, Lazaridis N: Severe unilateral mandibular hy- perplasia corrected by modified sagittal split osteotomy. J Oral Surg 37:835,1979
Martis Ch: The role of the rest position of the mandible in orthognathic surgery. 5th Congress of the EAMFS, Warsow, Sept. 1980 Μαυρογορδάτος Θ: Κατάγματα της κάτω γνάθου. Στοματολογία 11: 381, 1939
Mοrestin H: Les transplantations cartilagineuses dans la chirurgie ré- paratrice. Bul Ac Med Paris 75: 640, 1916
Mylonas ΑΙ (The filistor): Bernhard von Langenbeck: The great skillful surgeon of craniofacial clefts. Hellenic Archives of Oral and Max- illofacial Surgery 19(3): 190-192, 2018
Mylonas AI, Poulakou–Rebelakou E, Tzerbos FC, Papadopoulou EC: The management of cranio-maxillofacial trauma during the Greco- Italian war 1940-1941. Hellenic Archives of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 17(2): 49-62, 2016
Nélaton A: Eléments de la Pathologie Chirurgicale, Paris 1859 Obwegeser HL: The indications for surgical correction of mandibular
deformity by the sagittal splitting technique. Br J Oral Surg Vol. 1: 157-171, 1963
Obwegeser HL: Surgical correction of small or retrodisplaced max- illae. The “dish-face” deformity. Plast Reconstr Surg. 43(4):351- 65, 1969
Ollier L: Traité expérimentale et clinique de la régénération des os et de la production artificielle du tissu osseux. Victor Masson et Fils, Paris 1867
Pichler H: Uber Progenieoperation. Wien Kl Wschr 41:1332, 1929
Ράγκος Β: Συμβολή στη μελέτη της αγκύλωσης της ΚΓΑ. Διδακτορική Διατριβή, Αθήνα 2000
Roux P: Chirurgie operatrice. 1:91, 1854.
Rutkow IM: Surgery. An Illustrated History. Mosby Co., St. Louis 1993 Spiessl B: New concepts in maxillo-facial bone surgery. Berlin, Heidel-
berg and New York: Springer-Verlag, 1976
Terrier F, Guillemain A, Malherbe A: Chirurgie de la face. Paris 1897 Trendelenburg F: Beiträge zu den Operationen an den Luftwegen.
Arch klin Chir Berlin 12:121, 1871
Trousseau A: Clinique Médicale de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. Baillière et Fils, Paris 1868
Τσουκανέλης Α: Η Στοματολογία ανά τον Κόσμον. Τόμος Β΄, Αθήνα 1994
Velpeau A: Nouveaux élements de medicine operatoire. Paris 1839
School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2019) 2, 69-89
SUMMARY: The specialty of maxillofacial surgery has been developed and established in Greece in a relatively recent period of time, mainly during the second half of the 20th century. In this paper, we aimed to review his- torically the evolution of oral and maxillofacial surgery in relation to the history of surgery. Besides the literature sources, the first of the authors provided further information regarding his own professional experiences on the topic. We limited ourselves to the history of surgery in Europe and North America in the 19th and 20th cen- turies, and we put emphasis on the historical develop- ment of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Greece. We specifically chose to discuss all the important subjects included in the scope of practice of the contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgeon, such as oncologic surgery, TMJ ankylosis, orthognathic surgery, preprosthetic surgery, peripheral neuralgias of the trigeminal nerve and orofacial infections. In conclusion, we determined the important milestones of the development of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Greece, that followed the evolution of surgery worldwide as well as nationally. The establishment of this newer specialty resulted from the efforts of the large family of general surgeons and in particular the innovative and talented surgeons of the 19th and 20th century.
KEY WORDS: history of oral and maxillofacial surgery, history of surgery, history of oral surgery.
Albert DE: Chirurgie Clinique et la Médecine Opératoire (Trad. A. Broca). Paris 1893
Axhausen G: Zu Behandlung Veralterter Geheiler Oberkieferbruchen Dtsh. Z. Med. Kief. 1: 114, 1934
Bernard C: Cancer de la lèvre inférieure operée par une procedé nou- veau. Bull. Med. Soc. Chir. Paris 3: 354, 1853
Billroth Th: Beobachtungen über Geschwülste der spreicheldrüsen. Vir- chow Arch. 17:375, 1859
Blair VP: Operations on the Jaw Bones of the Face. Surg Gynecol and Obstet 4: 67–78, 1907
Blair VP: Operative treatment of ankylosis of the mandible. Surg Gy- necol and Obstet 19: 436-451, 1914
Bourgery JM, Jacob NH: Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery (orig- inally “Atlas D’Anatomie Humaine et de Chirurgie” 1866) (in Skandalakis JE: Anatomy, Surgery, History. JAMA 295(16):1947- 1952, 2006)
Bruhns P: Die Laryngotomie zur Entfernung intralaryngealer Neubil- dungen. Berlin 1878
Brüns V: Handbuch tier praktischen Chirurgie, 2. Abteilung, S. 146 (Tubingen) 1859
Calne R, editor: The illustrated history of Surgery. Routledge 2018 Corlieu A: L’ancienne faculté de médecine de Paris, 1877
Crile G: Excision of cancer of head and neck with special reference to plan of dissection based on one hundred and thirty two opera- tions. JAMA 47(22):1780-1786, 1906
Darcissac M: Un nouveau type d’ appui craniofacial Rev. Maxil 477: 1919 (A. Chervin, Marcel Darcissac, Léon Frey: La Revue Max- illo-Faciale - Médecine, Chirurgie, Prothèse, Orthopédie Bucco- Dentaires - Troisième année - N° 8 - Août 1919)
Dieffenbach JF: Die operative Chirurgie. Erster Band. Leipzig, 1845 Dingman RO, Natvig P: Surgery of facial fractures. London, W. B. Saun-
ders Ltd. 1964
Dufourmentel L: Chirurgie de l’articulation temporomandibulaire. Mas- son, Paris 1929
Dupuytren G: Lecons orales de clinique chirurgicale, faites à l’Hôtel- Dieu de Paris, Vol 1, Paris, 1836
Esmarch F: Traitement du resserrement cicatriciel des mâchoires par la formation d’une fausse articulation dans la continuité de l’os maxillaire inférieur. Arch Gen Med V: 44, 1860
Farabeuf LH: Précis de manuel opératoire, Paris, 1893
Gilmer TL: A case of fracture of the lower jaw with remarks on treat- ment. Arch Dent 4: 388, 1887
Gurlt EJ: Gesichte der Chirurgie und ihren Ausübung. Berlin, 1898 Hinds E, Kent S: Surgical treatment of developmental jaw deformities
The C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1972
Ivy RH: Applied Anatomy and Oral Surgery. WB Saunders, 1917 Kazanjian V, Converse JM: Surgical Treatment of Facial Injuries. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1974
Kingsley NW: A Treatise on Oral Deformities as a Branch of Mechan- ical Surgery. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1888
Lambotte A: Chirurgie opératoire des fractures. Masson et C°, Paris, 1913
Langenbeck KJM: Nosologie und Therapie der chirurgischen Krankhei- ten. Göttingen, 1830
Λαζαρίδης Ν: Η ιστορική εξέλιξη της ορθογναθικής χειρουργικής. Στόμα 34:153, 2006
Λαζαρίδης Ν: Η πρώτη ολική χειλεοπλαστική στην Ελλάδα (12/6/1855). Αρχ Ελλ Στομ Γναθ Πρ Χειρ 17(3):125-141, 2016
Le Fort R: Étude expérimentale sur les fractures de la machoire supérieure. Revue Chir de Paris 23: 208-27, 1901
Maglaigne J: Traite d’anatomie chirurgicale et de chirurgie expérimen- tale. Paris, 1838
Μάρτης Χρ: Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική.Τόμος Α’ , Β’ , Θεσσαλο- νίκη 1974
Μάρτης Χρ: Η οστεκτομή του σώματος της κάτω γνάθου στη διόρ- θωση του κάτω προγναθισμού. Οδοντιατρική 10: 17, 1977
Μάρτης Χρ, Μάρτη Κ: Η αληθής αγκύλωση της ΚΓΑ. Ελλ Περ Γναθ Προσ Χειρ 5:135, 1990
Μάρτης Χρ: Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική. Τόμος Β΄, Αθήνα 1992 Μάρτης Χρ: Η επανάσταση του αντίχειρα. Αθήνα 2003
Μάρτης Χρ, Μάρτη Κ: Στοματογναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική, Τόμος Α΄, Αθήνα 2003
Μάρτης Χρ: Οι ιστορικές ρίζες της ογκοχειρουργικής στην τραχηλο- προσωπική χώρα. Αρχ Ελλ Στομ Γναθ Πρ Χειρ 14:7, 2012
Μάρτης Χρ, Μάρτη ΚΧ, Ράγκος ΒΝ: Από τη Χειρουργική του Στόμα- τος στη Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική, Μια ιστορική εποποιία. Εκδόσεις ΟΒ, Αθήνα 2012
Martis Ch, Karabouta I, Lazaridis N: Severe unilateral mandibular hy- perplasia corrected by modified sagittal split osteotomy. J Oral Surg 37:835,1979
Martis Ch: The role of the rest position of the mandible in orthognathic surgery. 5th Congress of the EAMFS, Warsow, Sept. 1980 Μαυρογορδάτος Θ: Κατάγματα της κάτω γνάθου. Στοματολογία 11: 381, 1939
Mοrestin H: Les transplantations cartilagineuses dans la chirurgie ré- paratrice. Bul Ac Med Paris 75: 640, 1916
Mylonas ΑΙ (The filistor): Bernhard von Langenbeck: The great skillful surgeon of craniofacial clefts. Hellenic Archives of Oral and Max- illofacial Surgery 19(3): 190-192, 2018
Mylonas AI, Poulakou–Rebelakou E, Tzerbos FC, Papadopoulou EC: The management of cranio-maxillofacial trauma during the Greco- Italian war 1940-1941. Hellenic Archives of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 17(2): 49-62, 2016
Nélaton A: Eléments de la Pathologie Chirurgicale, Paris 1859 Obwegeser HL: The indications for surgical correction of mandibular
deformity by the sagittal splitting technique. Br J Oral Surg Vol. 1: 157-171, 1963
Obwegeser HL: Surgical correction of small or retrodisplaced max- illae. The “dish-face” deformity. Plast Reconstr Surg. 43(4):351- 65, 1969
Ollier L: Traité expérimentale et clinique de la régénération des os et de la production artificielle du tissu osseux. Victor Masson et Fils, Paris 1867
Pichler H: Uber Progenieoperation. Wien Kl Wschr 41:1332, 1929
Ράγκος Β: Συμβολή στη μελέτη της αγκύλωσης της ΚΓΑ. Διδακτορική Διατριβή, Αθήνα 2000
Roux P: Chirurgie operatrice. 1:91, 1854.
Rutkow IM: Surgery. An Illustrated History. Mosby Co., St. Louis 1993 Spiessl B: New concepts in maxillo-facial bone surgery. Berlin, Heidel-
berg and New York: Springer-Verlag, 1976
Terrier F, Guillemain A, Malherbe A: Chirurgie de la face. Paris 1897 Trendelenburg F: Beiträge zu den Operationen an den Luftwegen.
Arch klin Chir Berlin 12:121, 1871
Trousseau A: Clinique Médicale de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. Baillière et Fils, Paris 1868
Τσουκανέλης Α: Η Στοματολογία ανά τον Κόσμον. Τόμος Β΄, Αθήνα 1994
Velpeau A: Nouveaux élements de medicine operatoire. Paris 1839
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