Implant periapical lesion. Case report
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Thessaloniki (Head: Professor N. Lazaridis) Department of Pathology, “G. Papanikolaou” General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2011) 1, 37-43
SUMMARY: Ιmplant periapical lesion (IPL) is probably not a uniform entity in all cases presented in the literature. Asseptic bone necrosis may be a cause for some of the IPLs, whilst the presence of microorganisms is not always detectable with conventional methods. A case of IPL in a male patient who underwent an extraction of 12 tooth and an immediate implantation at this site is presented. Eight months postoperatively, an IPL was revealed on radiologic examination. After surgical exploration, the IPL was removed and examined histologically and microbiologically. The implant was repla ced with a longer one and a bone regeneration procedure was simultaneously carried out. From the study of the lesion and the patient’s followup, infection cannot be considered as primary cause in formation of presented IPL, but literature data suggests that classic histology and microbiology cannot exclude infection from IPL causatives.
KEY WORDS: Implant periapical lesion, Histology
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