Neurological evaluation of the anterior iliac crest donor site in children. A 12-year-
study (2001-2012)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the “A.& P. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece (Head: Prof C. Alexandridis. Director: Prof I. Iatrou)
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2013) 1, 1-14
SUMMARY: Bone harvesting from the anterior iliac crest has been associated with considerable morbidity at the donor site (pain, gait and sensory disturbances). Aim: To evaluate the motility and sensory function, served by nerves passing through the anterior iliac crest, as an expression of the overall morbidity of the procedure, when performed in children and adolescents for grafting of maxillofacial defects. Patients and methods: 63 consecutive patients, submitted to bone harvesting from the anterior iliac crest from 2001 to 2012, were evaluated and motility and sensory function at the donor site were assessed, based on a specific protocol of clinical re-examination. Results: All respondent patients tolerated the procedure, without major or permanent complications regarding motility and sensory function at the donor site, whereas minor complications were of short duration. No permanent gait irregularities were detected; Neurosensory dysfunction was registered in 2 patients. Conclusions: Bone harvesting from the anterior iliac crest represents a safe and reliable procedure for grafting of maxillofacial defects in pediatric patients.
KEY WORDS: Anterior iliac crest, motility, sensory function, maxillofacial defects, children and adolescents.
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