Implant placement in the aesthetic zone:
Long-term results.
Despoina Gkouzoula1,5, Spyridon Avgoustis1, Emmanouil Vlachos2,5, Aggeliki Lamprinoudi3,5, Ioannis Fourmousis4,5
SUMMARY: Implant placement is considered to be a routine procedure for oral rehabilitation, in cases of tooth agenesia or tooth loss (due to factors such as periodontitis, trauma,caries). Dental implants’ position does not change over time due to the process of “os-seointegration”. On the contrary, teeth follow cranio-facial growth (in particular, orofacial and dentoalveolar growth) and move. The stomatognathic system undergoes changes in its
vertical and horizontal dimensions after adulthood. Im-plant placement on the anterior maxilla is challenging for clinicians, because of continuous eruption of adjacent teeth, as well as, due to occurrence of occlusal changes. Long-term aesthetic complications, such as differences in incisal edges’ length, position of gingival margins and open contact points between implant restorations and adjacent teeth, should be taken into consideration.
The aim of this study is to review literature concerning long-term complications after implant placement in the anterior maxilla. Furthermore, 2 case reports concerning aesthetic problems of implant restorations in the esthetic zone will be presented, together with their treatment procedure.
Consequently, with time, implant restorations in the anterior maxilla present aesthetic complications of various degrees, which are in need of personalized treatment plan. In order to avoid such complications, implant placement is recommended to be performed after completion of skeletal growth and maturation.
KEY WORDS: dental implants, long-term complications, anterior maxilla, aesthetic zone
1. Creugers NH. Oorzaken van het ontbreken van gebitselementen [Etiology of missing teeth]. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd. 1999 May;106(5):162-4.
2. Gerritsen AE, Allen PF, Witter DJ, Bronkhorst EM, Creugers NH. Tooth loss and oral health-related quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2010 Nov 5;8:126. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-8-126.
3. Ali Z, Baker SR, Shahrbaf S, Martin N, Vettore MV. Oral health-related quality of life after prosthodontic treatment for patients with partial edentulism: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 Jan;121(1):59-68.
4. Al-Sabbagh, M. (2006). Implants in the Esthetic Zone. Dental Clinics of North America, 50(3), 391–407.
5. Salinas, T. J., Block, M. S., & Sadan, A. (2004). Fixed partial denture or single-tooth implant restoration? Statistical consid-
erations for sequencing and treatment. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 62, 2–16.
6. Krassnig M, Fickl S. Congenitally missing lateral incisors--a comparison between restorative, implant, and orthodontic approaches. Dent Clin North Am. 2011 Apr;55(2):283-99.
7. Zachrisson BU, Rosa M, Toreskog S. Congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors: canine substitution. Point. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011 Apr;139(4):434, 436, 438.
8. Zachrisson BU, Stenvik A, Haanaes HR. Management of missing maxillary anterior teeth with emphasis on autotransplantation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004 Sep;126(3):2848.
9. Belser U, Buser D, Higginbottom F. Consensus statements and recommended clinical procedures regarding esthetics in implant dentistry. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004;19 Suppl:73-4.
10. Budtz-Jörgensen, E. (1996). Restoration of the partially edentulous mouth — a comparison of overdentures, removable partial dentures, fixed partial dentures and implant treatment. Journal of Dentistry, 24(4), 237–244.
11. Forsberg CM. Facial morphology and ageing: a longitudinal cephalometric investigation of young adults. Eur J Orthod 1979; 1: 15–23.
12. Cocchetto R. Essay IV: Ongoing alveolar growth, continuous tooth eruption, and implants. Int J Esthet Dent. 2020;15 Suppl1:S88-S97.
13. Thilander B, Odman J, Jemt T. Single implants in the upperincisor region and their relationship to the adjacent teeth. An 8-year follow-up study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 1999Oct;10(5):346-55.
14. Thilander B, Odman J, Lekholm U. Orthodontic aspects of the use of oral implants in adolescents: a 10-year follow-up study. Eur J Orthod. 2001 Dec;23(6):715-31.
15. Cocchetto R, Pradies G, Celletti R, Canullo L. Continuous craniofacial growth in adult patients treated with dental implants in the anterior maxilla. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2019 Aug;21(4):627-634.
16. Αndersson B, Bergenblock S, Fürst B, Jemt T. Long-term function of single-implant restorations: a 17- to 19-year follow-up study on implant infraposition related to the shape of the face and patients’ satisfaction. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2013 Aug;15(4):471-80.
17. Jemt T, Ahlberg G, Henriksson K, Bondevik O. Tooth movements adjacent to single-implant restorations after more than 15 years of follow-up. The International Journal of Prosthodontics. 2007 Nov-Dec;20(6):626-632.
18. Schwartz-Arad D, Bichacho N. Effect of age on single implantsubmersion rate in the central maxillary incisor region: a longterm retrospective study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015Jun;17(3):509-14.
19. Winitsky N, Olgart K, Jemt T, Smedberg JI. A retro-prospective long-term follow-up of Brånemark single implants in the anterior maxilla in young adults. Part 1: Clinical and radiographic parameters. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2018 Dec;20(6):937-944.
20. Polymeri A, Li Q, Laine ML, Loos BG, Wang HL. Occlusal Migration of Teeth Adjacent to Implant Prostheses in Adults: Long-Term Study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2020 Mar/Apr;35(2):342-349.
21. Nilsson, A., Johansson, L. Å., Stenport, V. F., Wennerberg, A., & Ekfeldt, A. (2019). Infraposition of anterior maxillary implant–supported single–tooth restorations in adolescent and adult patients—A prospective follow–up study up to 6 years. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 21(5),
22. Bergenblock S, Andersson B, Fürst B, Jemt T. Long-term follow-up of CeraOneTM single-implant restorations: an 18-year follow-up study based on a prospective patient cohort. ClinImplant Dent Relat Res. 2012 Aug;14(4):471-9.
23. Brahem, E. B., Holm, B., Sonnesen, L., Worsaae, N., & Gotfredsen, K. (2017). Positional changes of maxillary central incisors following orthodontic treatment using single–crown implants as fixed reference markers. Clinical Oral Implants Research,28, 1560– 1566.
24. Byun SJ, Heo SM, Ahn SG, Chang M. Analysis of proximal contact loss between implant-supported fixed dental prostheses and adjacent teeth in relation to influential factors and effects. A cross-sectional study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2015Jun;26(6):709-14.
25. Jamilian A, Perillo L, Rosa M. Missing upper incisors: a retrospective study of orthodontic space closure versus implant.Prog Orthod. 2015 Feb 25;16:2.
26. Chang M, Wennstrom JL, Odman P, Andersson B. Implant supported single-tooth replacements compared to contralateral natural teeth. Crown and soft tissue dimensions. Clin Oral Implants Res. 1999;10(3):185–94.
27. Daftary F, Mahallati R, Bahat O, Sullivan RM. Lifelong craniofacial growth and the implications for osseointegrated implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013 Jan-Feb;28(1):163-9.
28. Fudalej P, Kokich VG, Leroux B. Determining the cessation of vertical growth of the craniofacial structures to facilitate placement of single-tooth implants. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2007 Apr;131(4 Suppl):S59-67.
29. Mijiritsky E., Badran M., Kleinman S., Yifat Manor, Oren Peleg. Continuous tooth eruption adjacent to single-implant res-
torations in the anterior maxilla: aetiology, mechanism and outcomes – A review of the literature. International Dental Journal 2020; 70: 155–160.
30. Larry J. Oesterle, Robert J. Cronin, M. Ranl. Maxillary Implants and the Growing Patient. JOMI. 1993;377-386.
31. Robert P. Carmichael, George K.B. Dental Implants, Growth of the Jaws and Determination of Skeletal Maturity. Atlas Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2008) 1–9.
32. Solow B. The dentoalveolar compensatory mechanism: Background and clinical implications. Br J Orthod 1980; 7: 145–61.
33. Carmichael RP, Sándor GK. Dental implants, growth of the jaws, and determination of skeletal maturity. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2008 Mar;16(1):1-9.
34. Berkovitz, B. K. B., & Moxham, B. J. (1989). Tissue changes during tooth eruption. Teeth, 21-71.
35. Cocchetto R. Essay IV: Ongoing alveolar growth, continuous tooth eruption, and implants. Int J Esthet Dent. 2020;15 Suppl1:S88-S97.
36. Op Heij DG, Opdebeeck H, van Steenberghe D, Quirynen M. Age as compromising factor for implant insertion. Periodontol 2000. 2003;33:172-84.
37. Kamatham R, Avisa P, Vinnakota DN, Nuvvula S. Adverse Effects of Implants in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2019;43(2):69-77.
38. Aarts BE, Convens J, Bronkhorst EM, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM,Fudalej PS. Cessation of facial growth in subjects with short, average, and long facial types - Implications for the timing of implant placement. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Dec;43(10):2106-11
39. Huanca Ghislanzoni L, Jonasson G, Kiliaridis S. Continuous eruption of maxillary teeth and changes in clinical crown length: A 10-year longitudinal study in adult women. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2017 Dec;19(6):1082-1089.
40. Bernard JP, Schatz JP, Christou P, Belser U, Kiliaridis S. Longterm vertical changes of the anterior maxillary teeth adjacent to single implants in young and mature adults. A retrospective study. J Clin Periodontol. 2004 Nov;31(11):1024-8.
41. Vilhjalmur H. Vilhjalmsson , Kristin S. Klock, Kjell Størksen,Asgeir Bardsen. Radiological evaluation of single implants in maxillary anterior sites with special emphasis on their relation to adjacent teeth – a 3-year follow-up study. Dental Traumatology 2013; 29: 66–72
42. L. Bohner, M. Hanisch, J. Kleinheinz, S. Jung. Dental implants in growing patients: a systematic review. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 57 (2019) 397–406.
43. Papageorgiou SN, Eliades T, Hämmerle CHF. Frequency of infraposition and missing contact points in implant-supported restorations within natural dentitions over time: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 18:309-325.
44. Manzon L, Fratto G, Poli O, Infusino E. Patient and Clinical Evaluation of Traditional Metal and Polyamide Removable Partial Dentures in an Elderly Cohort. J Prosthodont. 2019 Oct;28(8):868-875.
45. Klinge, Anna & Tranaeus, Sofia & Becktor, Jonas & Winitsky, Nicole & Naimi-Akbar, Aron. (2020). The risk for infraposition of dental implants and ankylosed teeth in the anterior maxilla related to craniofacial growth, a systematic review. ActaOdontologica Scandinavica. 79. 1-10.
46. Krieger E, Wegener J, Wagner W, Hornikel S, Wehrbein H. A combined prosthodontic and orthodontic treatment approach in a case of growth inhibition induced by dental implants: a case report. Quintessence Int. 2012 Jan;43(1):9-14.
47. Zitzmann NU, Arnold D, Ball J, Brusco D, Triaca A, Verna C. Treatment strategies for infraoccluded dental implants. JProsthet Dent. 2015 Mar;113(3):169-174.
48. Jensen OT, Cockrell R, Kuhike L, Reed C. Anterior maxillary alveolar distraction osteogenesis: a prospective 5-year clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2002 Jan-Feb;17(1):52-68.
49. Khojasteh A, Kheiri L, Motamedian SR, Khoshkam V. Guided Bone Regeneration for the Reconstruction of Alveolar Bone Defects. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jul-Dec;7(2):263-277.
SUMMARY: Implant placement is considered to be a routine procedure for oral rehabilitation, in cases of tooth agenesia or tooth loss (due to factors such as periodontitis, trauma,caries). Dental implants’ position does not change over time due to the process of “os-seointegration”. On the contrary, teeth follow cranio-facial growth (in particular, orofacial and dentoalveolar growth) and move. The stomatognathic system undergoes changes in its
vertical and horizontal dimensions after adulthood. Im-plant placement on the anterior maxilla is challenging for clinicians, because of continuous eruption of adjacent teeth, as well as, due to occurrence of occlusal changes. Long-term aesthetic complications, such as differences in incisal edges’ length, position of gingival margins and open contact points between implant restorations and adjacent teeth, should be taken into consideration.
The aim of this study is to review literature concerning long-term complications after implant placement in the anterior maxilla. Furthermore, 2 case reports concerning aesthetic problems of implant restorations in the esthetic zone will be presented, together with their treatment procedure.
Consequently, with time, implant restorations in the anterior maxilla present aesthetic complications of various degrees, which are in need of personalized treatment plan. In order to avoid such complications, implant placement is recommended to be performed after completion of skeletal growth and maturation.
KEY WORDS: dental implants, long-term complications, anterior maxilla, aesthetic zone
1. Creugers NH. Oorzaken van het ontbreken van gebitselementen [Etiology of missing teeth]. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd. 1999 May;106(5):162-4.
2. Gerritsen AE, Allen PF, Witter DJ, Bronkhorst EM, Creugers NH. Tooth loss and oral health-related quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2010 Nov 5;8:126. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-8-126.
3. Ali Z, Baker SR, Shahrbaf S, Martin N, Vettore MV. Oral health-related quality of life after prosthodontic treatment for patients with partial edentulism: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 Jan;121(1):59-68.
4. Al-Sabbagh, M. (2006). Implants in the Esthetic Zone. Dental Clinics of North America, 50(3), 391–407.
5. Salinas, T. J., Block, M. S., & Sadan, A. (2004). Fixed partial denture or single-tooth implant restoration? Statistical consid-
erations for sequencing and treatment. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 62, 2–16.
6. Krassnig M, Fickl S. Congenitally missing lateral incisors--a comparison between restorative, implant, and orthodontic approaches. Dent Clin North Am. 2011 Apr;55(2):283-99.
7. Zachrisson BU, Rosa M, Toreskog S. Congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors: canine substitution. Point. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011 Apr;139(4):434, 436, 438.
8. Zachrisson BU, Stenvik A, Haanaes HR. Management of missing maxillary anterior teeth with emphasis on autotransplantation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004 Sep;126(3):2848.
9. Belser U, Buser D, Higginbottom F. Consensus statements and recommended clinical procedures regarding esthetics in implant dentistry. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004;19 Suppl:73-4.
10. Budtz-Jörgensen, E. (1996). Restoration of the partially edentulous mouth — a comparison of overdentures, removable partial dentures, fixed partial dentures and implant treatment. Journal of Dentistry, 24(4), 237–244.
11. Forsberg CM. Facial morphology and ageing: a longitudinal cephalometric investigation of young adults. Eur J Orthod 1979; 1: 15–23.
12. Cocchetto R. Essay IV: Ongoing alveolar growth, continuous tooth eruption, and implants. Int J Esthet Dent. 2020;15 Suppl1:S88-S97.
13. Thilander B, Odman J, Jemt T. Single implants in the upperincisor region and their relationship to the adjacent teeth. An 8-year follow-up study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 1999Oct;10(5):346-55.
14. Thilander B, Odman J, Lekholm U. Orthodontic aspects of the use of oral implants in adolescents: a 10-year follow-up study. Eur J Orthod. 2001 Dec;23(6):715-31.
15. Cocchetto R, Pradies G, Celletti R, Canullo L. Continuous craniofacial growth in adult patients treated with dental implants in the anterior maxilla. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2019 Aug;21(4):627-634.
16. Αndersson B, Bergenblock S, Fürst B, Jemt T. Long-term function of single-implant restorations: a 17- to 19-year follow-up study on implant infraposition related to the shape of the face and patients’ satisfaction. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2013 Aug;15(4):471-80.
17. Jemt T, Ahlberg G, Henriksson K, Bondevik O. Tooth movements adjacent to single-implant restorations after more than 15 years of follow-up. The International Journal of Prosthodontics. 2007 Nov-Dec;20(6):626-632.
18. Schwartz-Arad D, Bichacho N. Effect of age on single implantsubmersion rate in the central maxillary incisor region: a longterm retrospective study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015Jun;17(3):509-14.
19. Winitsky N, Olgart K, Jemt T, Smedberg JI. A retro-prospective long-term follow-up of Brånemark single implants in the anterior maxilla in young adults. Part 1: Clinical and radiographic parameters. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2018 Dec;20(6):937-944.
20. Polymeri A, Li Q, Laine ML, Loos BG, Wang HL. Occlusal Migration of Teeth Adjacent to Implant Prostheses in Adults: Long-Term Study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2020 Mar/Apr;35(2):342-349.
21. Nilsson, A., Johansson, L. Å., Stenport, V. F., Wennerberg, A., & Ekfeldt, A. (2019). Infraposition of anterior maxillary implant–supported single–tooth restorations in adolescent and adult patients—A prospective follow–up study up to 6 years. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 21(5),
22. Bergenblock S, Andersson B, Fürst B, Jemt T. Long-term follow-up of CeraOneTM single-implant restorations: an 18-year follow-up study based on a prospective patient cohort. ClinImplant Dent Relat Res. 2012 Aug;14(4):471-9.
23. Brahem, E. B., Holm, B., Sonnesen, L., Worsaae, N., & Gotfredsen, K. (2017). Positional changes of maxillary central incisors following orthodontic treatment using single–crown implants as fixed reference markers. Clinical Oral Implants Research,28, 1560– 1566.
24. Byun SJ, Heo SM, Ahn SG, Chang M. Analysis of proximal contact loss between implant-supported fixed dental prostheses and adjacent teeth in relation to influential factors and effects. A cross-sectional study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2015Jun;26(6):709-14.
25. Jamilian A, Perillo L, Rosa M. Missing upper incisors: a retrospective study of orthodontic space closure versus implant.Prog Orthod. 2015 Feb 25;16:2.
26. Chang M, Wennstrom JL, Odman P, Andersson B. Implant supported single-tooth replacements compared to contralateral natural teeth. Crown and soft tissue dimensions. Clin Oral Implants Res. 1999;10(3):185–94.
27. Daftary F, Mahallati R, Bahat O, Sullivan RM. Lifelong craniofacial growth and the implications for osseointegrated implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013 Jan-Feb;28(1):163-9.
28. Fudalej P, Kokich VG, Leroux B. Determining the cessation of vertical growth of the craniofacial structures to facilitate placement of single-tooth implants. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2007 Apr;131(4 Suppl):S59-67.
29. Mijiritsky E., Badran M., Kleinman S., Yifat Manor, Oren Peleg. Continuous tooth eruption adjacent to single-implant res-
torations in the anterior maxilla: aetiology, mechanism and outcomes – A review of the literature. International Dental Journal 2020; 70: 155–160.
30. Larry J. Oesterle, Robert J. Cronin, M. Ranl. Maxillary Implants and the Growing Patient. JOMI. 1993;377-386.
31. Robert P. Carmichael, George K.B. Dental Implants, Growth of the Jaws and Determination of Skeletal Maturity. Atlas Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2008) 1–9.
32. Solow B. The dentoalveolar compensatory mechanism: Background and clinical implications. Br J Orthod 1980; 7: 145–61.
33. Carmichael RP, Sándor GK. Dental implants, growth of the jaws, and determination of skeletal maturity. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2008 Mar;16(1):1-9.
34. Berkovitz, B. K. B., & Moxham, B. J. (1989). Tissue changes during tooth eruption. Teeth, 21-71.
35. Cocchetto R. Essay IV: Ongoing alveolar growth, continuous tooth eruption, and implants. Int J Esthet Dent. 2020;15 Suppl1:S88-S97.
36. Op Heij DG, Opdebeeck H, van Steenberghe D, Quirynen M. Age as compromising factor for implant insertion. Periodontol 2000. 2003;33:172-84.
37. Kamatham R, Avisa P, Vinnakota DN, Nuvvula S. Adverse Effects of Implants in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2019;43(2):69-77.
38. Aarts BE, Convens J, Bronkhorst EM, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM,Fudalej PS. Cessation of facial growth in subjects with short, average, and long facial types - Implications for the timing of implant placement. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Dec;43(10):2106-11
39. Huanca Ghislanzoni L, Jonasson G, Kiliaridis S. Continuous eruption of maxillary teeth and changes in clinical crown length: A 10-year longitudinal study in adult women. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2017 Dec;19(6):1082-1089.
40. Bernard JP, Schatz JP, Christou P, Belser U, Kiliaridis S. Longterm vertical changes of the anterior maxillary teeth adjacent to single implants in young and mature adults. A retrospective study. J Clin Periodontol. 2004 Nov;31(11):1024-8.
41. Vilhjalmur H. Vilhjalmsson , Kristin S. Klock, Kjell Størksen,Asgeir Bardsen. Radiological evaluation of single implants in maxillary anterior sites with special emphasis on their relation to adjacent teeth – a 3-year follow-up study. Dental Traumatology 2013; 29: 66–72
42. L. Bohner, M. Hanisch, J. Kleinheinz, S. Jung. Dental implants in growing patients: a systematic review. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 57 (2019) 397–406.
43. Papageorgiou SN, Eliades T, Hämmerle CHF. Frequency of infraposition and missing contact points in implant-supported restorations within natural dentitions over time: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 18:309-325.
44. Manzon L, Fratto G, Poli O, Infusino E. Patient and Clinical Evaluation of Traditional Metal and Polyamide Removable Partial Dentures in an Elderly Cohort. J Prosthodont. 2019 Oct;28(8):868-875.
45. Klinge, Anna & Tranaeus, Sofia & Becktor, Jonas & Winitsky, Nicole & Naimi-Akbar, Aron. (2020). The risk for infraposition of dental implants and ankylosed teeth in the anterior maxilla related to craniofacial growth, a systematic review. ActaOdontologica Scandinavica. 79. 1-10.
46. Krieger E, Wegener J, Wagner W, Hornikel S, Wehrbein H. A combined prosthodontic and orthodontic treatment approach in a case of growth inhibition induced by dental implants: a case report. Quintessence Int. 2012 Jan;43(1):9-14.
47. Zitzmann NU, Arnold D, Ball J, Brusco D, Triaca A, Verna C. Treatment strategies for infraoccluded dental implants. JProsthet Dent. 2015 Mar;113(3):169-174.
48. Jensen OT, Cockrell R, Kuhike L, Reed C. Anterior maxillary alveolar distraction osteogenesis: a prospective 5-year clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2002 Jan-Feb;17(1):52-68.
49. Khojasteh A, Kheiri L, Motamedian SR, Khoshkam V. Guided Bone Regeneration for the Reconstruction of Alveolar Bone Defects. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jul-Dec;7(2):263-277.
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