Monomorphic lymphoproliferative disorder following renal transplantation
manifested as a gingival ulcer of the mandible. A case report and review of the
Department of Basic Sciences, Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2012) 3, 167-173
SUMMARY: Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs) represent a heterogenous group of abnormal lymphoid proliferations and lymphomas developing within the context of chronic immunosuppression in recipients of solid organ, bone marrow or stem cell allografts. In most cases, PTLDs are associated with primary or reactivated Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in a host whose cellular immunity is impaired. In the present study we describe the clinicopathological features of a rare case of monomorphic EBV-PTLD manifesting as an ulcer in the mandibular gingiva of a 72-year-old man with renal trasplantation. Collectively, findings were suggestive of a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Thus, it can be concluded that pre-transplant determination of EBV serology, which appears to be associated with the development of PTLDs, can contribute to the early diagnosis and the most suitable treatment of these disorders, extending the lifespan of the recipients.
KEY WORDS: lymphoproliferative disorder, immunosuppression, ulcer, oral cavity
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